Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
that's a good point though. how come she's spending so much time with the father?

Like I said before she sounds like the

'I'm sorry your a great guy sharp but me and tyrell are going to give it another shot, I hope you understand' type broad, chick waiting for her baby dad to come around or said he's changed

sent from royalty via tapatalk


May 6, 2012
Im at the point i expect women to do everything that we do.

these bytches are oh so capable.
careful with that man. you'll meet a chick who will seem sweet and at the same time will actually do the inconvenient things guys are expected to do and it will be a mind fukk...

Two Stacks

New Orleans Shoe Lover
May 1, 2012
New Orleans, Louisiana
careful with that man. you'll meet a chick who will seem sweet and at the same time will actually do the inconvenient things guys are expected to do and it will be a mind fukk...

its like i said earlier im on very high guard and i no longer put anything past a woman just because she's a woman.
Sep 6, 2012
Chatterbox FM
I've got to agree with Two Stacks man. Leaving your guard down is a great way to be heavily damaged by a fall. There's nothing that men are doing that women can't replicate as far as relationships and partnerships are concerned.

In this era, I feel like you constantly have to be prepared for anything.

Doin2Much Williams

Grace Under Fiyah
May 18, 2012
Insignificant posting from an insignificant poster
Breh I wish a nikka had told me this a year ago, wouldn't be dealing with the shyt I'm dealing with now if I heard those words :wow:

What’s wrong with being the first decent guy after she’s only dated a$$holes?

She told me that every guy cheated on her in the past and this previous weekend, she told me that, “Nobody has ever treated me this well before.”

That exact statement was made by my ex a year ago and she was one of the most ratchet women I’ve ever date – so she took full advantage of it.

I know, I know… the predictions of what y’all are about to say, I already heard. But because such words have been expressed to me in the past, its sort of a “wake up call” and it tells me, “Pump up your brakes because this ain’t gonna end well – you’re simpin’!”

By nature, I’m an upstanding guy, treat most people with respect and courtesy, but on the contrary tread very carefully so that I don’t simp too much (a little is okay because you gotta diversify your handling with these breezies). And to be mindful to be chivalrous when its warranted but regress/pull back to not overwhelm her with my gestures.

The difference this time around with this gal is that she’s educated, good head on her shoulders and actually shows appreciation/gratitude.

Not saying that she won’t display any potential ratchet behaviors in the future – but I don’t want to deviate too far from who I really am – if that makes sense.

Yes, she’s had her share of men who have treated her with disdain and neglect, but now that she’s gotten it out of her system – it’s okay to be the good guy she yearns for… right?

She knows that at a drop of a hat, I can go get somebody else (because that’s how I got her, approached the boo at a birthday party and romanced her on the spot – so my game thorough) and only opt to see her on the weekends (as a way to keep her on her toes and not get too comfortable with the boy or over-expose myself to her so she can’t predict my behavior).

The only truly disheartening thing is that I know I can never let my guard down and love her as much as one would prefer cuz that could potentially disrupt/derail the relationship and basically – she’ll get bored as most women do.

I admit; I’m chivalrous, but I’m not a simp – meaning that I do have a backbone and stand my ground. Not a yes man, throw in my 2 cents and give her opinions/contrarian replies to show guile and lead the relationship in every way, shape, form. So no door mat here.

If at any givenmoment, she takes me for granted and I sniff a grain of ratchetness on her epidermis, she can either straighten up immediately (cuz you MUST call them out on it right away) and ackrite or get the boot. Timberlands.

The difference between the a$$holes back then and the guy she’s dealing with now, is that I don’t have to degrade somebody to get their attention or have them submit. A woman will respect/and follow a man with virtue, wisdom, absolute confidence and virility (that charm, wit, humor, aesthetic attributes and such are bonuses – but how you carry yourself, your disposition/demeanor and character will get you much further with a woman and she will reciprocate accordingly).

In gist, continue to be true to yourself and take care of your business. If a woman is by your side, its because she admires you, appreciates you and wants to be a part of your life because of who you are – not what you represent. Once you acknowledge that – there’s no reason why you can’t have a fruitful relationship with somebody.



Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
What’s wrong with being the first decent guy after she’s only dated a$$holes?

She told me that every guy cheated on her in the past and this previous weekend, she told me that, “Nobody has ever treated me this well before.”

That exact statement was made by my ex a year ago and she was one of the most ratchet women I’ve ever date – so she took full advantage of it.

I know, I know… the predictions of what y’all are about to say, I already heard. But because such words have been expressed to me in the past, its sort of a “wake up call” and it tells me, “Pump up your brakes because this ain’t gonna end well – you’re simpin’!”

By nature, I’m an upstanding guy, treat most people with respect and courtesy, but on the contrary tread very carefully so that I don’t simp too much (a little is okay because you gotta diversify your handling with these breezies). And to be mindful to be chivalrous when its warranted but regress/pull back to not overwhelm her with my gestures.

The difference this time around with this gal is that she’s educated, good head on her shoulders and actually shows appreciation/gratitude.

Not saying that she won’t display any potential ratchet behaviors in the future – but I don’t want to deviate too far from who I really am – if that makes sense.

Yes, she’s had her share of men who have treated her with disdain and neglect, but now that she’s gotten it out of her system – it’s okay to be the good guy she yearns for… right?

She knows that at a drop of a hat, I can go get somebody else (because that’s how I got her, approached the boo at a birthday party and romanced her on the spot – so my game thorough) and only opt to see her on the weekends (as a way to keep her on her toes and not get too comfortable with the boy or over-expose myself to her so she can’t predict my behavior).

The only truly disheartening thing is that I know I can never let my guard down and love her as much as one would prefer cuz that could potentially disrupt/derail the relationship and basically – she’ll get bored as most women do.

I admit; I’m chivalrous, but I’m not a simp – meaning that I do have a backbone and stand my ground. Not a yes man, throw in my 2 cents and give her opinions/contrarian replies to show guile and lead the relationship in every way, shape, form. So no door mat here.

If at any givenmoment, she takes me for granted and I sniff a grain of ratchetness on her epidermis, she can either straighten up immediately (cuz you MUST call them out on it right away) and ackrite or get the boot. Timberlands.

The difference between the a$$holes back then and the guy she’s dealing with now, is that I don’t have to degrade somebody to get their attention or have them submit. A woman will respect/and follow a man with virtue, wisdom, absolute confidence and virility (that charm, wit, humor, aesthetic attributes and such are bonuses – but how you carry yourself, your disposition/demeanor and character will get you much further with a woman and she will reciprocate accordingly).

In gist, continue to be true to yourself and take care of your business. If a woman is by your side, its because she admires you, appreciates you and wants to be a part of your life because of who you are – not what you represent. Once you acknowledge that – there’s no reason why you can’t have a fruitful relationship with somebody.



any women who tells me that all my exes were a$$holes, they all cheated on em etc. means to me RUN

this is what happens 95% of the time

your the sweetest guy i ever dated
wow your the first guy who ever bought me flowers,
wow your the first guy who ever took me insert place
wow your the first guy who showed me he really cared about me
wow your the first guy who actually respected me

no drama no fights,

girl hes so sweet and really caresa bout me, he hasn';tc heated or hit on me, but there is just something about him that bugs me.

ex "a$$hole" pokes her on on fb or texts her

a) texts turn to k, or take hours to get a reply, shes to busy to hang out and you get the we need to talk

b) she hooks up with mr unpredictable, mr drama that tingles her spine and your dikk starts to piss razor blades :shaq:

ive dated many chicks whose exes were a$$holes, cheaters, abusers, its what they are accustomed to unless they never got therapy :whoa:


opposite of mediocre
Jun 8, 2012
Lets talk less about how messed up these silly broads and their unrealistic expectations are, and more on how we're getting our game on point (financial wise, mentally, physically etc.)
What are y'all doing to stay on point?

Rocket Scientist

May 5, 2012
High IQ
Brehs dont mean to kick a dead horse but before you start sleeping with women think of it like this: Lets say a woman had 4- sexual partners in her lifetime.Yes you would be her 5th but think of it even deeper.Those 4 men previous to you slept with numerous women themselves.So practically your inheriting spirits and connections to 4 different men plus numerous women you have no clue about.Thats why they say Sex is a connection.Watch who you lay with,if yall out there having 1 night stands because yes you share that girl as they say!


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Brehs dont mean to kick a dead horse but before you start sleeping with women think of it like this: Lets say a woman had 4- sexual partners in her lifetime.Yes you would be her 5th but think of it even deeper.Those 4 men previous to you slept with numerous women themselves.So practically your inheriting spirits and connections to 4 different men plus numerous women you have no clue about.Thats why they say Sex is a connection.Watch who you lay with,if yall out there having 1 night stands because yes you share that girl as they say!


i agree with this, Sleep with someone and you sleep with everyone they've slept with (no homo). Give yourself to someone sexually and you give away part of your soul that you will never get back. What you do and what you learn in sex builds a pattern, burns a memory that will last you for life.

just think of most chicks you slepet with if you really tried you could prob lay with them again, its a reason why i cant be friends with any women ive slept with in the past because of the emotional ties and scars

And I do remember every girl i slept with:snoop:, and every girl i slept with took something from me,

Should yourpsprings be scattered abroad,

streams of water qin the streets?

Let them be for yourself alone,

and not for strangers with you.

Let your fountain be blessed,

and rejoice in tthe wife of your youth,

a lovely deer, a graceful doe.

Let her breasts fill you at all times with delight;

be intoxicated always in her love.

20 Why should you be intoxicated, my son, with wa forbidden woman

and embrace the bosom of wan adulteress


May 2, 2012


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Lets talk less about how messed up these silly broads and their unrealistic expectations are, and more on how we're getting our game on point (financial wise, mentally, physically etc.)
What are y'all doing to stay on point?

Working on finishing this book up. Rearranging my mindset from spending money on clothes and other frivolous items to really shaping things up in my life for the better.