Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Mansur Brown - "Heiwa"
May 1, 2012
“fukk beating around the bush, if sex is all you want MAKE THAT CLEAR, if you want a relationship MAKE THAT shyt CLEAR, if you want somebody to talk to while ya significant other is acting up MAKE IT CLEAR. don’t take it upon yourself to use anybody. MAKE IT CLEAR in the beginning then you won’t have a problem in the end.”

I swear if I see this quote one more time, someone getting cussed out

how many females actually believe this shyt anyway :childplease:

Have to say that this actually works. Being honest and upfront about your intentions saves everybody time and energy. Aslong as you understand that everychick isn't for you you begin to approach women with clear intent and none of this passive approach that can be misleading to some women.


Apr 30, 2012
Atlanta, Georgia
im not a sexist btw, but these articles are bringing back memories. i remember being 25, owning a home, and waiting for my gf of years to figure out what she wanted to do. we'd talk about plans for the future and she wanted a graduate degree and wanted me to FOLLOW her when she graduated.

i loved her but I used to struggle with this concept. here I was, clearly the breadwinner, clearly a catch, and i was fighting with the girl I loved over our future. I was completely self-sufficient with 3 years work experience. She was still dependent on her parents and had never worked a full time job. I looked around my house, saw my nice leather couches, saw my other furniture and all I could think was "I did all this shyt BY MYSELF. She's just going to walk in and inherit all this."

and for what? for being a soft body? for being able to have my kids? ionno brehs, the tradeoff never seemed fair. I don't need a woman to do what I do, I need a woman to be a woman and do the shyt I'm naturally not good at like being a catering, supportive, compliment to my life. I need a woman who's first thought is "what can I do for my family?" not "how can I improve my career?"

the funny shyt is now that I'm a little older, I deal with the women who chose career and a lot of them have regrets. ALL of them hate their jobs. I know doctors and dentists who will say "Sometimes I just wanna be a housewife." and I'm like "At least you have the option!"

anybody that knows women knows that they're never happy and never sure of what they want to do. my ex is STILL in school and STILL unsure about wtf she wants to do til this day. blows my mind. meanwhile im in mid management. all she had to do was trust in my plan. smh.

[/end rant]​

:wow: man that shiit just hit my soul. I'm dealing with something similar in regards to the woman I'm dealing with. She wants so much from me, but she's not offering me much in return.


All Money In
May 8, 2012
South Memphis
im not a sexist btw, but these articles are bringing back memories. i remember being 25, owning a home, and waiting for my gf of years to figure out what she wanted to do. we'd talk about plans for the future and she wanted a graduate degree and wanted me to FOLLOW her when she graduated.

i loved her but I used to struggle with this concept. here I was, clearly the breadwinner, clearly a catch, and i was fighting with the girl I loved over our future. I was completely self-sufficient with 3 years work experience. She was still dependent on her parents and had never worked a full time job. I looked around my house, saw my nice leather couches, saw my other furniture and all I could think was "I did all this shyt BY MYSELF. She's just going to walk in and inherit all this."

and for what? for being a soft body? for being able to have my kids? ionno brehs, the tradeoff never seemed fair. I don't need a woman to do what I do, I need a woman to be a woman and do the shyt I'm naturally not good at like being a catering, supportive, compliment to my life. I need a woman who's first thought is "what can I do for my family?" not "how can I improve my career?"

the funny shyt is now that I'm a little older, I deal with the women who chose career and a lot of them have regrets. ALL of them hate their jobs. I know doctors and dentists who will say "Sometimes I just wanna be a housewife." and I'm like "At least you have the option!"

anybody that knows women knows that they're never happy and never sure of what they want to do. my ex is STILL in school and STILL unsure about wtf she wants to do til this day. blows my mind. meanwhile im in mid management. all she had to do was trust in my plan. smh.

[/end rant]​

gotdamn dummy

props to you for keeping it moving.

she was still a child.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
The older generation just doesn't understand it for the most part. They grew up in a generation without MTV, BET and a host of destructive media pumping utter nonsense into the minds of their women. They grew up in a generation where men and women were raised differently. Men were raised to be the providers and it was ok to 'be a man', and women were raised as 'homemakers' and it was ok for them to 'be a woman.'

Now, we have some societal agenda to mish-mash roles and women are shamed out of taking on their traditional roles and men are still expected to uphold theirs as well as take on some of the tasks that females once did.

Old Model
- brought home the paycheck
- took care of the bills
- protected the family
- disciplined the kids
- took care of the lawn, repaired the car, did house repairs, etc.
- was the leader of the house

- cooked
- cleaned
- sewed
- took care of the kids
- often was a virgin
- no kids out of wedlock

There was actually a point in time when promiscuity was highly looked down upon, especially among women, and having kids out of wedlock was a no-no. You could get disowned by your family from that. The women also had a distinctly DIFFERENT role than the men. Divorce was also something that was looked down upon and it was nowhere near as easy to just get a divorce as it is now. You also had values being taught and the importance of commitment. Women were not shamed back then out of embracing their femininity.

Now, you have a generation of women that don't want to cook, don't want to clean, are nonstop party animals, have tattoos everywhere, only want to be a homemaker at their leisure, which means they take care of the kids, but you still have to work, you still have to do all the other manly tasks, but you will also have to do some cooking and cleaning to 'share the duties'. To top it off, these women don't even want to take your last name and divorce is easy and nobody says anything about it. The stock of women you have to choose among likely have numbers in the 20s, may have had stds, might have a kid or numerous kids, will be talking to you and several other guys, etc.

This is something the older generation just doesn't understand. It's also why I'm putting women on the backburner. I have to take MORE risk for much less reward than the older generation did. What do I look like tying the knot to some 30 year old party girl who gave me the 'I need me a greatt man' story, but come to find out she has slept with 50 guys (hey dudes, remember, that's only 5 different guys over a 10 year period so it's not THAT much!), doesn't cook, doesn't clean, her looks are falling off, she might have a ton of debt that I will now be responsible for, and after that, she's STILL cheating?

*thuggish ruggish bone intro pastor voice
"We're not against marriage, but we are against these modern women

Don Dada F Poppa

May 1, 2012
I've said on here before I dated a broad previous relationship was cheated on repeatedly and abused so much she had to live in a women's shelter for months, and dude threatened her family, was a drug dealer, treated he like garbage, who was the decent guy with a career moi, but I didn't provide the drama, the asswhoopings nor the unfaithfulness so I was 'borjn'

Chick cheated on me with her ex, of course he hit her nd used her again and months later he tries hitting me up :heh:

Don't even waste your time on Womn like these no matter how hot they are.

If she only dated a$$holes don't be the first decent guy

The thing I never get about these broads their whole lives they died a$$holes and losers they finally get a decent guy, and screw it up what makes you think you'll get another decent guy?

Decent ppl both male and females are rare, women treat em like their common

sent from royalty via tapatalk

Breh I wish a nikka had told me this a year ago, wouldn't be dealing with the shyt I'm dealing with now if I heard those words :wow:

International Playa

Playa with a Passport
Nov 26, 2012
Tell us about this movie.:dwillhuh:

yall need to watch it, its basically what we been talking about in the last few pages, basically a woman is married to a nice guy, she cheats on the nice guy because she seeks excitement and her husband is boring, I will leave the ending for yall to watch, dont wanna ruin the storyline


American Weirdo
May 23, 2012
It's this girl I'm really feeling's birthday...she's a huge patriots fan :scusthov:

I text her happy birthday and she says "thanks what u gettin me for my birthday?"


I said "a better football team to cheer for" :pachaha:

George Gooney

May 6, 2012
It's this girl I'm really feeling's birthday...she's a huge patriots fan :scusthov:

I text her happy birthday and she says "thanks what u gettin me for my birthday?"


I said "a better football team to cheer for" :pachaha:


George Gooney

May 6, 2012
:childplease: i'm bout to text these 2 bytches birthdays coming up soon, it ain't nothin but a happy birthday text, nothin more

The fact that you're waiting for it to be their birthday and its actively on your mind is proof that its not just a text but go ahead and do you akhi you think you on they mind like that?


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Some traits that make a woman stand out to me
Classiness: She knows how to speak without cursing and avoids engaging in a host of other foul behaviors. She may drink a bit, but never to the point where she loses control of her behavior and becomes obnoxious. She maintains her feminine vibe and isn't afraid to wear a skirt and to speak in a sweet voice.

Morals: She knows how to keep her legs closed and does not engage in one night stands and is not easily talked into the sack. She loves Jesus and follows by Biblical principles, but never feels the need to slam them in anyone's face. She is trustworthy and acts the same when I'm not around as when I AM around. If she is with me, she is solely with me and is not focused on anyone else.

Submissiveness: This does not mean subservient, as if she is my slave, but rather, she is confident enough in her womanhood and has taken the time to know me to the extent that she is confident in my outlook on life that she is willing to let me lead. She supports me in my endeavors and knows that since she is mine, where I go, she will go and where I gain, she will gain.

Watching: She does not look for me to falter, but when she notices I am slacking in an area, she can bring it to my attention with grace and cheer and not in a nagging, combative fashion. She is constantly watching how she can improve our relationship and not constantly searching for greener pastures elsewhere, since she recognizes that much of what she puts in, she will get out and that with out commitment, there will never be true contentment.

Commitment: This woman will also cause other guys to say, "Man he is lucky" when they see her instead of smirking due to knowledge of her devious acts. Instead, they will have the utmost respect for her because how she carries herself in public, she carries herself in private, and she never gives me anything to worry about. She knows that a relationship is a commitment, and this commitment must be built on trustworthiness and respect. She realizes that a relationship is like a garden, and it starts with the seeds that are planted initially and how those seeds are then watered and nourished. When done effectively, the relationship will be far more fruitful than the carousel of quick sex and relationship hopping that the average woman engages in.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
The older generation just doesn't understand it for the most part. They grew up in a generation without MTV, BET and a host of destructive media pumping utter nonsense into the minds of their women. They grew up in a generation where men and women were raised differently. Men were raised to be the providers and it was ok to 'be a man', and women were raised as 'homemakers' and it was ok for them to 'be a woman.'

Now, we have some societal agenda to mish-mash roles and women are shamed out of taking on their traditional roles and men are still expected to uphold theirs as well as take on some of the tasks that females once did.

Old Model
- brought home the paycheck
- took care of the bills
- protected the family
- disciplined the kids
- took care of the lawn, repaired the car, did house repairs, etc.
- was the leader of the house

- cooked
- cleaned
- sewed
- took care of the kids
- often was a virgin
- no kids out of wedlock

There was actually a point in time when promiscuity was highly looked down upon, especially among women, and having kids out of wedlock was a no-no. You could get disowned by your family from that. The women also had a distinctly DIFFERENT role than the men. Divorce was also something that was looked down upon and it was nowhere near as easy to just get a divorce as it is now. You also had values being taught and the importance of commitment. Women were not shamed back then out of embracing their femininity.

Now, you have a generation of women that don't want to cook, don't want to clean, are nonstop party animals, have tattoos everywhere, only want to be a homemaker at their leisure, which means they take care of the kids, but you still have to work, you still have to do all the other manly tasks, but you will also have to do some cooking and cleaning to 'share the duties'. To top it off, these women don't even want to take your last name and divorce is easy and nobody says anything about it. The stock of women you have to choose among likely have numbers in the 20s, may have had stds, might have a kid or numerous kids, will be talking to you and several other guys, etc.

This is something the older generation just doesn't understand. It's also why I'm putting women on the backburner. I have to take MORE risk for much less reward than the older generation did. What do I look like tying the knot to some 30 year old party girl who gave me the 'I need me a greatt man' story, but come to find out she has slept with 50 guys (hey dudes, remember, that's only 5 different guys over a 10 year period so it's not THAT much!), doesn't cook, doesn't clean, her looks are falling off, she might have a ton of debt that I will now be responsible for, and after that, she's STILL cheating?

*thuggish ruggish bone intro pastor voice
"We're not against marriage, but we are against these modern women


If there is one thing I agree with in the middle east is a non virgin women the odds of getting married is slim.


sent from royalty via tapatalk

Huellz Santana

May 3, 2012
Da city where the skinny nikkas die
Oh Larissa, I saw the title of your article from the Forbes homepage and just knew this article, and my ability to comment on it, was going to make my day.
You did a good job trying to take a balanced approach with your article, you really did, but I also suspect consciously or subconsciously you also wanted to know what people like me thought, or else why post this on Forbes?

One word: emotional porn.

I am a man and I freely admit that the growing availability of pornographic images on the internet has really screwed up a lot of men on and their ability to have relationships. Most men (and I include myself in this category) did not learn about sex through experimentation with our first girlfriend, instead we saw it done 100 times every which way on the internet before we even had a crack at it. That affects you, but at some level, we also know it’s not right. We know that the women are acting, that they are fake (in both body and their temperament), and that in the end porn is nothing more than fantasy, pure and simple. We don’t expect women in reality to be like that. But it’s not like this for emotional porn.

Emotional porn can be summed up as every BS romantic comedy/Twilight/English Patient type story ever made. Like the porn aimed at men, they are fantasy steeped in sexuality. Women grow up bombarded from this at an early age and the fiction of the men portrayed in those is just as unrealistic as the bleach blond porn star with fake boobs. The difference is women are never ever told that this type of porn is wrong. In fact to them it’s what reality should be – and no man in the world can ever hope to meet these expectations. This why a lot of women are single, and why the ones in relationships all seem unhappy. Imagine if men thought that imagery porn was how reality should be, and that we should only be with a girl if she looked like Jenna Jameson, and put out like she does also. We would all be single and miserable and complaining that no girl was, “meeting our expectations.”

A few lines in your article Larissa show how institutionalized this acceptance of a beyond-realistic standard is. The classist part which another commenter already pointed out is part of it, but so is the way you summarily dismiss “most men” as not being suitable partners. Wait a second why aren’t they suitable? Can I ask you a question, do you like the movie “Sleepless in Seattle”? Because that is one of the most damaging movies for an entire generation of more women. Look at the premise of that movie: Meg Ryan dumps “Walter” for Tom Hanks because Walter doesn’t “do it for her.” If you recall in this movie Walter was good looking, nice, successful, smart, kind, considerate, and genuinely cared for Meg, BUT THAT WASN’T GOOD ENOUGH. This movie basically says that if your guy has every one of those qualities, DO NOT SETTLE for him!!! Dump him for some stranger you don’t even know……… Seriously????!!!! Multiply this by 100 and then we wonder why women in their 20’s and 30’s are in the situation they are in. They have been damaged to an extreme degree by decades of emotional porn, the same as if some man would be damaged if they had watched imagery porn for the first 20 years of their life and throughout it all thought it was ok and acceptable and that it was how life should be… Pretentiousness towards men and degradation of men is now the new norm among women.” And like that man, they will not really get better until they accept this and seek help or self-healing. If think I’m overblowing this and that my opinions are simply sexist then I highly encourage you to read “Self-made Man.” It’s by a lesbian author who pretended to be a man for a year. She was blown away by the pretentiousness of heterosexual women when on the dating scene. It’s quite interesting.

So what are the answers to this? I do know that as a man I have no desire to date most women who grew up under the culture of emotional porn. They are not worth the effort, sorry but true. Even a drop dead attractive girl, after speaking with them a few minutes and sensing the wannabe Sex-in-the-City/”Rules” affinity in them, I quickly try to exit the scene. I recently took stock of my 9 best friends + me (so 10 total) and our relationships. We are all doing well, have decent jobs in law, graphic design, government, etc, many make around six figures, we exercise and none of us is obese, we have hobbies and interests outside of work, and none of my us accepts or condones cheating. I think we are all around decent guys and here is how we have handled this situation: half of us have married foreign women. Some the guys met while at university, others while working overseas, and even on the internet.

Here is my answer —- Men: The world is wide open to you. There are at least 1 billion women in your age bracket all over the globe who are awesome, lack the layer of damage 20 years of emotional porn has caused, and who will love you for you are. You can find many of them right here in the US too because of our natural melting-pot immigration culture. Don’t limit yourself just to domestic women.

Women: All the best… Seriously. I wish you well and hope you get better soon.
