It's never a good idea to tell people stuff you don't have to, that's a lesson I've had to learn the hard way. Keep your business to yourself because people won't respect you if you keep telling them everything. Usually, they'll throw it all back in your face of you ever have a falling out because you've given them plenty of ammunition. Also, if they don't tell you half the things about themselves, then you have no reason to tell them anything. A sympathetic ear will only last so long.
When I have shytty day, 9 times out of 10 I won't say a word about it even if the other person knows something's up.
Trill shyt, I feel you breh. I built up this intrinsic ability to be explicitly honest in mostly all situations. I think I've grown too comfortable and carefree in certain regards, and as much as I don't like maintaining an "air of mystery" on purpose, it's probably something I should keep doing, even after I've broken through barriers in partnerships/relationships.
I'll share safe, surface level stuff initially, but I'm going to keep the darker, more intricate secrets of mine hidden from now on. There's no true benefit to sharing that stuff. If a woman already trusts me, and still finds me to be mysterious, there's no point in trying to butcher that situation, it just brings me unnecessary stress. I can anticipate the bad vibes, and I can anticipate myself being regretful over sharing certain things, and yet I'll still do it

I think I subconsciously enjoy pain.