Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Huellz Santana

May 3, 2012
Da city where the skinny nikkas die


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
It's funny how it's just like clockwork. At age 30, all of these so called 'career-women', start coming with the woe is me, I'm a great girl that can't find a decent guy to settle with act... but it's funny how when you look into their history, it was non-stop parties and overlooking these so-called great guys.

18-28: Girl sleeps with as many men as she can in her prime
28 on: Sees that her looks are starting to fall off. Isn't getting as much attention as she used to. Sees her friends that actually had more sense getting married and raising kids. Sees that her looks, the one thing that gave her attention, is starting to go downhill. Complains about the lack of great guys. Still goes to the club and bar the next day and gets knocked down by some guy she just met.

The only time these women are settling down is when they see their attention start tumbling down the mountain hill. They allowed themselves to be used up and ignored their potential suitors when they had their most values, but now want to charge a new price to something they gave away for free.

Huellz Santana

May 3, 2012
Da city where the skinny nikkas die
Patriarchy, which is a questionable theory anyway, will never be “dismantled.”

Look around you. Everything you see was conceived, built, and delivered by a man. The very technology you’re using to make your point was created by men. This isn’t likely to change anytime soon and even if it did, you still have the entire world that was built by men to deal with, so the influence of “patriarchy” will always be the norm and the building blocks of the world.

Men granted women the right to vote in a country they fought to build and drew up rules for. Men allowed women entry into the workplaces they themselves built. If women could have built the world, they would have.

But when the inevitable war or natural disaster comes to our shores, it will be the men, as always, cleaning up the mess and defending the masses and no one will be talking about specious ideas like “patriarchy.” There are no feminists when the life boats come out. Or when the dinner check arrives, for that matter.

i say got DAAAYUM!!


Most wanted baby father
May 1, 2012
where they cross-over and clap boards
“fukk beating around the bush, if sex is all you want MAKE THAT CLEAR, if you want a relationship MAKE THAT shyt CLEAR, if you want somebody to talk to while ya significant other is acting up MAKE IT CLEAR. don’t take it upon yourself to use anybody. MAKE IT CLEAR in the beginning then you won’t have a problem in the end.”

I swear if I see this quote one more time, someone getting cussed out

how many females actually believe this shyt anyway :childplease:


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
These two posts are so real, and they hit so close to home :wow:

It's really tough. I'm a naturally open person and typically, I'm brutally honest. It's not just a cliche though, keeping it real can go wrong.

The female that I was seeing for a couple months was not always a physical encounter that I was pursuing. We started off as friends, we caused us to sync as friends was honesty, and openness, a really emotional, honest conversation one night is what drew us close. We started getting sexual the very next night after announcing that we were digging each other.

I kept verbalizing things though, and it made a very sensitive girl uncomfortable. Never any bad intent behind it, I would sometimes acknowledge the difference in our sex drives, and how her desire for it was much higher than mine. I would acknowledge her sexual history sometimes, I'd comment on her breath sometimes. I once pointed out some of the hair on top of her lip and it fukking crushed her. Young college feminists are battling for equality, using the concept of freedom for empowerment, and are generally trying to say "screw you for policing my body", but since they're wrapped up in trying to complete schoolwork, fighting the preconceived notions of a patriarchal system, and discovering if the wavering emotions/feelings/desires they have are apt, their sentimental vulnerability really gets exposed.

I figured that since this girl knew a lot about me already, and that I'd never see her again after the semester, that I'd share more stuff, share some of the darkest stuff that only I'm aware of. Massive mistake. In the back of my mind, a little voice was informing me that I'd be regretful after sharing certain things. It's like I unconsciously perpetuated our downfall. It's like I wanted it. I started filling this young, innocent girl's mind with some trill, dark shyt, and it started getting overwhelming for her. A lot of this may depend on the person, but I think in general, it's true, HOLD SOME THINGS BACK.

It's never a good idea to tell people stuff you don't have to, that's a lesson I've had to learn the hard way. Keep your business to yourself because people won't respect you if you keep telling them everything. Usually, they'll throw it all back in your face of you ever have a falling out because you've given them plenty of ammunition. Also, if they don't tell you half the things about themselves, then you have no reason to tell them anything. A sympathetic ear will only last so long.

When I have shytty day, 9 times out of 10 I won't say a word about it even if the other person knows something's up.

Huellz Santana

May 3, 2012
Da city where the skinny nikkas die
Yes, and what they “feel” is that life and work is kicking their ass and they want out. They don’t wan’t to work anymore – it’s hard.

That is where the “equal, white collar” man comes in. She needs an equal or better in generating the same level of income she is used to so that when she “checks out” of the rat race via having kids and deciding to be a stay at home mom – her “man” has the goods and the opportunity to “man up”, work harder, and make up for her half of the lost income, so she can keep spending the same amount of money on her established standards, while contributing nothing.

I call it the age 30 retirement program. And the 35+ year olds are mad because they can’t “cash out.” Where is there retirement benefits when she needs them? Dammit!


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
Don't fall for any hard luck stories and be a Captain Save-A-Hoe, especially for a chick who's been dumped by a 'bad boy' because this is the kind of gratitude you can expect in the end:

Daily Star: Simply The Best 7 Days A Week :: Just Jane :: Mr Dull makes me lust for ex

I'VE been looking up my old boyfriend on a social networking site and he seems to be having such an exciting time.

This guy is living the life on a yacht in Greece.

Meanwhile I'm doing nothing more exciting than my weekly shop.

I have to admit I've been flirting outrageously with my ex. And he's not the only one.

I'm in touch with another former boyfriend, who has a fantastic job that takes him all over the world and a house with a swimming pool.

And there's a third ex who goes to all the top gigs and does some DJ-ing most weekends.

All three guys have been flirting with me as much as I've been flirting with them.

Now I'm beginning to feel very restless and fed up with my boring life.

I just imagine what an exciting time I'd have with any one of them and regret that I split up from all of them.

I met my current boyfriend when I'd just been dumped by the guy with the boat. I was in pieces but he was fantastic and made me feel wonderful.

But after living with him for two years, I now realise that I'm bored out of my skull.

He works hard and that means he's usually too tired to go out most nights. I'm lucky if we go to the pub on a Saturday.

Sex is the same old boring stuff three times a week and now I can't help remembering that my three exes were exciting and passionate in bed.

It seems to me that I've drawn the short straw and I think I'm worth more than this.

The guy with the boat has invited me out to Greece to stay with him and the guy with the pool keeps asking me to pop round - he doesn't live far away. The DJ says if I ever want to get into a gig he'll sort it for me and take me out afterwards.

It all sounds fantastic and the sort of life I want.

So should I leave my boring fella for a better life?


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Feeling sorry for women is how you get got. They got the victim game down to a tee.
"Ughhh I want a nice guy soooo bad. My partier boyfriend, he just doesn't pay me any attention!"

*gets cheated on by party arty and enters into the company of superman steve

"Steve you are soooo sweet. You pay me all the attention in the world. You are perfect hubby material."

She gives Steve the whole miss sweet schtick about how he is the exact guy she needs at this point in her life and how she was so excited and lucky to have found him.

*4 months later

"Mmmm.. Arty was hooottt. I wish I could get wild again!"

Man, when you save these women and provide them that easy release valve, they almost always look at you as the rest haven until they can get used and abused by the other guy. Don't save em. They don't want to be saved.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Don't fall for any hard luck stories and be a Captain Save-A-Hoe, especially for a chick who's been dumped by a 'bad boy' because this is the kind of gratitude you can expect in the end:

Daily Star: Simply The Best 7 Days A Week :: Just Jane :: Mr Dull makes me lust for ex

I'VE been looking up my old boyfriend on a social networking site and he seems to be having such an exciting time.

This guy is living the life on a yacht in Greece.

Meanwhile I'm doing nothing more exciting than my weekly shop.

I have to admit I've been flirting outrageously with my ex. And he's not the only one.

I'm in touch with another former boyfriend, who has a fantastic job that takes him all over the world and a house with a swimming pool.

And there's a third ex who goes to all the top gigs and does some DJ-ing most weekends.

All three guys have been flirting with me as much as I've been flirting with them.

Now I'm beginning to feel very restless and fed up with my boring life.

I just imagine what an exciting time I'd have with any one of them and regret that I split up from all of them.

I met my current boyfriend when I'd just been dumped by the guy with the boat. I was in pieces but he was fantastic and made me feel wonderful.

But after living with him for two years, I now realise that I'm bored out of my skull.

He works hard and that means he's usually too tired to go out most nights. I'm lucky if we go to the pub on a Saturday.

Sex is the same old boring stuff three times a week and now I can't help remembering that my three exes were exciting and passionate in bed.

It seems to me that I've drawn the short straw and I think I'm worth more than this.

The guy with the boat has invited me out to Greece to stay with him and the guy with the pool keeps asking me to pop round - he doesn't live far away. The DJ says if I ever want to get into a gig he'll sort it for me and take me out afterwards.

It all sounds fantastic and the sort of life I want.

So should I leave my boring fella for a better life?

I've said on here before I dated a broad previous relationship was cheated on repeatedly and abused so much she had to live in a women's shelter for months, and dude threatened her family, was a drug dealer, treated he like garbage, who was the decent guy with a career moi, but I didn't provide the drama, the asswhoopings nor the unfaithfulness so I was 'borjn'

Chick cheated on me with her ex, of course he hit her nd used her again and months later he tries hitting me up :heh:

Don't even waste your time on Womn like these no matter how hot they are.

If she only dated a$$holes don't be the first decent guy

The thing I never get about these broads their whole lives they died a$$holes and losers they finally get a decent guy, and screw it up what makes you think you'll get another decent guy?

Decent ppl both male and females are rare, women treat em like their common

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Huellz Santana

May 3, 2012
Da city where the skinny nikkas die
im not a sexist btw, but these articles are bringing back memories. i remember being 25, owning a home, and waiting for my gf of years to figure out what she wanted to do. we'd talk about plans for the future and she wanted a graduate degree and wanted me to FOLLOW her when she graduated.

i loved her but I used to struggle with this concept. here I was, clearly the breadwinner, clearly a catch, and i was fighting with the girl I loved over our future. I was completely self-sufficient with 3 years work experience. She was still dependent on her parents and had never worked a full time job. I looked around my house, saw my nice leather couches, saw my other furniture and all I could think was "I did all this shyt BY MYSELF. She's just going to walk in and inherit all this."

and for what? for being a soft body? for being able to have my kids? ionno brehs, the tradeoff never seemed fair. I don't need a woman to do what I do, I need a woman to be a woman and do the shyt I'm naturally not good at like being a catering, supportive, compliment to my life. I need a woman who's first thought is "what can I do for my family?" not "how can I improve my career?"

the funny shyt is now that I'm a little older, I deal with the women who chose career and a lot of them have regrets. ALL of them hate their jobs. I know doctors and dentists who will say "Sometimes I just wanna be a housewife." and I'm like "At least you have the option!"

anybody that knows women knows that they're never happy and never sure of what they want to do. my ex is STILL in school and STILL unsure about wtf she wants to do til this day. blows my mind. meanwhile im in mid management. all she had to do was trust in my plan. smh.

[/end rant]​


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
im not a sexist btw, but these articles are bringing back memories. i remember being 25, owning a home, and waiting for my gf of years to figure out what she wanted to do. we'd talk about plans for the future and she wanted a graduate degree and wanted me to FOLLOW her when she graduated.

i loved her but I used to struggle with this concept. here I was, clearly the breadwinner, clearly a catch, and i was fighting with the girl I loved over our future. I was completely self-sufficient with 3 years work experience. She was still dependent on her parents and had never worked a full time job. I looked around my house, saw my nice leather couches, saw my other furniture and all I could think was "I did all this shyt BY MYSELF. She's just going to walk in and inherit all this."

and for what? for being a soft body? for being able to have my kids? ionno brehs, the tradeoff never seemed fair. I don't need a woman to do what I do, I need a woman to be a woman and do the shyt I'm naturally not good at like being a catering, supportive, compliment to my life. I need a woman who's first thought is "what can I do for my family?" not "how can I improve my career?"

the funny shyt is now that I'm a little older, I deal with the women who chose career and a lot of them have regrets. ALL of them hate their jobs. I know doctors and dentists who will say "Sometimes I just wanna be a housewife." and I'm like "At least you have the option!"

anybody that knows women knows that they're never happy and never sure of what they want to do. my ex is STILL in school and STILL unsure about wtf she wants to do til this day. blows my mind. meanwhile im in mid management. all she had to do was trust in my plan. smh.

[/end rant]​


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