Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


May 6, 2012
She's 10+ years older than me and is separated. I think her daughter is only a few years younger than me. Part of me feels bad for the ex-husband the other part of me is like :manny: and says I should see where this goes.



She's been messaging me pretty much daily since Monday. I'll be traveling soon so :yeshrug:
she's jocking!

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
yeah, i remember. it's fukked up but that's just how it the end of the day you just gotta let it be and let her figure out if their are better options for her out there. if she never comes back, you wish her well genuinely in your heart. if she does come back, you're ahead but don't act like she's doing you a favor by coming back to you (cause that's how she'll try to frame it). either way focus on your shyt and talk to different women.

the tricky part is when they'll say stuff where she purposely leaves the door semi-open and leaves things ambiguous. it's easy to fall into the trap of neediness cause you're trying to make sure that it either is or isn't. she can feel that and she'll keep you in her back pocket by always leaving things fuzzy. the trick is to focus on yourself and pay her games no mind. follow your principles and never chase after her.

also, in my opinion, the easiest way to get a chick to subscribe to your program is to fukk her. pick the fruit while it's ripe. if you like the chick and feeling the connection, get her alone and see if she's sexually attracted to you. if she is, fukk her good and keep your mindset cool afterwards (no neediness). she might still try to play games afterwards but the beauty of it is that it'll be way more transparent.
Yeah I know what you mean. Loved that co pilot analogy as well. shyt was beautiful gawd. Funny thing was I seen this cute girl at the gym she works there, but would workout and we'd have convos. One time I swear I seen her and another worker girl checking me out, but anyway she was working today in the gyms daycare, I saw her through the window, we caught each others eye then she waved and smiled, so I did likewise. Weird thing was I didn't even think twice about going in the daycare to say hi and check up on her, instead I waved and kept it pushing, thinking why sweat over 1 when I can replace her with a billion others, and why go out of my way to talk to her instead ill let things happen and if she's working out then I'll spark up a convo but fukk the trying to hard shyt. But the thing that I thought was "what was she thinking" I'm interested in that. What's on their mind.
yep I am, hopefully next week. She works two jobs :fight:

a week? I would say 0 on average, i don't put myself out there, nor do i pick up women not because I';m shy or anything, I just don't care. THe last few girls i've been on dates with they made the first moves, they initiated contact.

I don't club, go to bars, no twitter, fb, instagram, dating profiles (that i dont troll on), Just work and straight home or if i need groceries or something.

in my hey day, id have like 50 broad numbers in my phone, 400 female fb friends, sleeping with 15 different women in a 4 month span. Girls writing me long ass emails proclaiming thier love, girls calling me all the time, showing up at my house being in my living room talking to my mom and ish, now im just this quiet ol life of peace and righteousness.

I only met this broad cuz i totaled my car a month and a half ago and i had to take the bus/subway to work, and last week picking up my car i had to take the bus, didn't have enough bus fare but she gave it to me, so we just started talking on the bus and she gave me her digits.
That's good man. Sounds like you grew up and realized that peace and loneliness (not being lonely in a sad way but being alone) is better than having all the women and the drama and shyt.

Ohhhhh, this sounds like an Alicia keys song. What is she? White, black? What you gonna do when yaw get together if you do since she doesn't have a car tho?


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Yeah I know what you mean. Loved that co pilot analogy as well. shyt was beautiful gawd. Funny thing was I seen this cute girl at the gym she works there, but would workout and we'd have convos. One time I swear I seen her and another worker girl checking me out, but anyway she was working today in the gyms daycare, I saw her through the window, we caught each others eye then she waved and smiled, so I did likewise. Weird thing was I didn't even think twice about going in the daycare to say hi and check up on her, instead I waved and kept it pushing, thinking why sweat over 1 when I can replace her with a billion others, and why go out of my way to talk to her instead ill let things happen and if she's working out then I'll spark up a convo but fukk the trying to hard shyt. But the thing that I thought was "what was she thinking" I'm interested in that. What's on their mind.

That's good man. Sounds like you grew up and realized that peace and loneliness (not being lonely in a sad way but being alone) is better than having all the women and the drama and shyt.

Ohhhhh, this sounds like an Alicia keys song. What is she? White, black? What you gonna do when yaw get together if you do since she doesn't have a car tho?

im content, i enjoy my low key lifestyle

and shes white, italian/irish to be precise, the bus runs, i ain't picking up anyone.

and what you did at the gym was smart, many men would have gone over there and chatted up, by just smiling and getting on your way you have her intrigued now. She will do more things to catch your attention from now on.

TrapHouse Rock

All Star
Jul 29, 2012
Asked my coworker out last night couldn't resist she bad.. Every since she started she been flirting with me but I played it cool and told her from the jump I'm not the type to be all in your face like that. I told her since we both off on Saturday whats up with a meal? "She was like maybe..... So later on that night she was like am I going to wait around for her and walk her to her car? I was like I don't know depends if I'm asked to stay later or not. Didn't get a chance to walk her to her car because she left before I did :rudy: Don't wanna be to strong but I'm tired of this chick flirting and I'm a straightforward person either you going to fukkk with me or not. You can play those flirt games with those other dudes. I'll keep you updated when I go back in tongiht...

yeah theres someone at work who i flirt and banter with, but i aint pull the trigger on trying to chill outside work for this exact reason

i aint tryna show up to work or work my long ass shift with that extracurricular bullshyt on my mind, and not just doing my job :aicmon:

i feel you though :myman:

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
im content, i enjoy my low key lifestyle

and shes white, italian/irish to be precise, the bus runs, i ain't picking up anyone.

and what you did at the gym was smart, many men would have gone over there and chatted up, by just smiling and getting on your way you have her intrigued now. She will do more things to catch your attention from now on.

Yeah man, that's how I've been my whole life. Instead of John Gotti be more like Carlo Gambino.

Ohh that's nice good mix, she speak any Italian or something?

Yeah I figured that, thanks for the heads up. I probably won't even try to get at her anyway just cause I wouldn't know what to do once she's very intrigued. Maybe let her come to me. She used to come up to me and talk but my convo game weren't good back then. It's gotten better now tho.

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
A thing I learned yesterday. I was at the mall with my friend, who is my exs cousin, he doesn't like her either though, but so we're walking around and we run into his cousin and her friend. They started speaking and her friend tried sparking up a conversation with me, I answered and walked away.

Fellas, if you don't feel like speaking to someone especially a woman, just walk away tbh. They'd do the same thing to you, if you're not interested in their friendship or anything then just be honest with yourself. fukk playing the friendly thing, that's not your job.


May 6, 2012
A thing I learned yesterday. I was at the mall with my friend, who is my exs cousin, he doesn't like her either though, but so we're walking around and we run into his cousin and her friend. They started speaking and her friend tried sparking up a conversation with me, I answered and walked away.

Fellas, if you don't feel like speaking to someone especially a woman, just walk away tbh. They'd do the same thing to you, if you're not interested in their friendship or anything then just be honest with yourself. fukk playing the friendly thing, that's not your job.
being real with yourself first and foremost is the most important thing.


May 2, 2012
"Look being in love with one "special" girl is not a problem. Just remember a couple things, here are a few thoughts off the top of my head:

Have a Generalized View of human nature AND a Specialized View of human nature. Meaning all women (and men) run to the beat of the same exact programming biologically and psychologically (generalized view) and that this is largely unconscious (they are just doing what they are doing without realizing it)...AND that each woman varies by degrees only (specialized view...very specific to individuals). Meaning she can and will sometimes do the most improbable things if you are not prepared for it. She is not a unique and overly special princess. She is capable of what all women are capable of.

Remember: SHE WILL NEVER EVER LOVE YOU LIKE YOU LOVE HER. Men are the idealistic lovers, women are the IDEALIZED lovers. As I stated in a previous post: "A woman's love is like a hand powered grinding wheel. If you pump furiously and wind it up, she will do the job, make noise, even throw off sparks. She will respond, BUT ONLY RESPOND. The minute you release the handle...she begins winding down. She can only respond in a temporary manner. That is why they rarely call or initiate anything. They are constructed to only respond. AND THEY RESPOND TO EVERYTHING YOU DO AND EVERYTHING YOU DON'T DO.

Hence... you can never fall asleep at the wheel."

= she will never be able to give you the love you seek. You always have to be in control...enjoy the love she does give in the form she gives it...but remember it is not in her programming to unselfishly love you in any way. For her it is always the feeling YOU CONSTANTLY provide her that matters to her. She is more like the child and you are more like the adult. (seriously)

There is NO TOGETHERNESS. There is only how I feel about you and how you feel about me right now. (this relates to the above)

Remember if you ever start to take anything for granted, there is always another man who can turn her into his very own bedroom whore. She can and will and is fully capable of being another mans whore and experiencing orgasm after orgasm w him.

Like in the movie HEAT, always be able to walk away in 30 seconds if shyt is going south. Do not allow disrespect of your boundaries. And always be willing to let her go if she wants to go or is causing too much drama. DON'T EVER CHASE OR REINFORCE BAD BEHAVIOR. Any attention in these situations is a reward. IF SHE IS OFF TO YOU, YOU ARE OFF TO HER."

Rocket Scientist

May 5, 2012
High IQ
Lately I been keepin a low profile and not saying much to most women. Last 2 days women been callin asking "Hey C Holla where you been" "Did you fall off face of the earth". Its sad that you are only appreciated when you dont contact women for months or straight disappear.Now they wanna be friendly :manny: