Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
Lately I been keepin a low profile and not saying much to most women. Last 2 days women been callin asking "Hey C Holla where you been" "Did you fall off face of the earth". Its sad that you are only appreciated when you dont contact women for months or straight disappear.Now they wanna be friendly :manny:

[ame=]ABN- Still Gets No Love - YouTube[/ame]
Kisssss my black assss


May 2, 2012
Does N Count Matter? | The Karamazov Idea

"It’s been my personal experience asking a women’s partner number has always been the quickest easiest way to instantly turn her off while simultaneously watching a 20 inch thick grey wall emerge around her aura. Just watch how quickly her arms fold. I’ve had women stop talking to me after I’ve asked this question. ALL OF THEM LIED. Not half. Not most. EVERY SINGLE ONE. I was raised in a small town (one of the few things I credit it for) surrounded by 3 other small towns plus the college environment (one of the few things I credit it for) for my first dreadful experiences in this:

Girl #1: Claimed 7 partners. Actual number: 100 partners plus (confirmed by age 21)(worst one).
Girl #2: Claimed 5 partners. Actual number: 20 partners (confirmed by age 20) (college)
Girl #3: Claimed 3 partners. Actual number: 13 partners (confirmed by age 21)
Girl #4: Claimed 2 partners. Actual number: 5 partners (confirmed by age 18)
Girl #5: Claimed 4 partners. Actual number: 8 partners (confirmed by age 19)
Girl #6: Claimed 3 partners: Actual number: 7 partners (confirmed by age 22)
Girl #7 Claimed 5 partners: Actual number: 24 partners (confirmed by age 22) (college)
Girl #8 Claimed 10 partners: Actual number: 40 partners (confirmed by age 24)(college)

The have the audacity to claim the past doesn’t matter and it’s none of anyone’s business. I use the job interview metaphor as an example. Imagine a job interview. The interviewer asks the following questions:

Interviewer: “I see you’ve had 35 jobs in ten years” “Why so many positions?”
Applicant: “It’s none of your business. That’s all in the past. II don’t want to talk about it. I’m ready to move on. Let’s move on now”

They will all clam up when asked their number. “why does that matter” “why do you want to know” “it’s none of your business”

Young women sleep with dozens of guys in their prime claiming they are “in relationships” “having fun” “sexually liberated” etc. Then why is asking their number considered the ultimate taboo? Worse than anything. The women in this article even lied to her own doctor! And this a modern “sexually liberated” women. What does that tell you? It tells me they know it’s wrong. They must feel an extreme sense of shame and worthlessness inside. Look at how they go to appalling lengths to lie. Boyfriends. Husbands. Themselves. And when they are caught?

“It didn’t count it was one night”
“It didn’t count I was on spring break”
“It didn’t count I was drunk”
“It didn’t count I was young”
“It didn’t count I was drunk”
“It didn’t count I didn’t know what I was doing”

All lies. 99.9999999999999999999999999%. Lies.

If I’m getting involved with you I have every right to know what I’m really getting myself into. Yes. The past accumulates to become the present. Yes. History repeats itself. Yes. Peoples habits haunt them.

I’m not putting it all on the line to marry a worthless, useless, been there done that, had my fun, pounded out, banged out, used up whore.

Sorry ladies."

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
:scusthov: you need a hobby breh

time flies when you focused on some shyt for fun :wow:

Oh I know. I just got on spring break yesterday so this whole day been lounging. Gonna start catching up on some reading, filling out passport papers so I can travel, practice playing an instrument, exercise, etc. I just ain't had down time in a minute so I got confused on what to do with it.

George Gooney

May 6, 2012
Here's one you all should know but in case you don't i'll reiterate it for you...

Don't be calling these chicks all types of pet names... I'm talking bout shyt like "sweetie" "honey" "mami" "baby" "boo" "sexy" "shawty" none of that... Simp negros making these chicks feel all sorts of extra special by addressing them with such high praise and emotion. You don't wanna be caught up in no shyt like that. Let that girl know she's just another brawd and will be treated as such until she earns some praise...


All Star
Oct 15, 2012
New York
i met this girl and we hit it off pretty well, i asked her out after a few days and she agreed to go out next weekend. (we are on spring break) , she said she can't wait and isso excited we've been texting and stuff sometimes and chiled once in school for a little (i did this so i could ask her out in person)

anyways i didn't text her for 2 days after break started then she texted me one day in the afternoon , so i respnded back and she didn't respond back til the next morning.. so i was being dumb here i responded back like nothing happened and she asked me something an hour later, so i responded back and she didnt' respond back til like 12 hours later and semi left the message on a cliff hanger. i just ignored this for now cause i feel like if i text her back she gonna take mad long again, and to kind of give her a taste of her own medecine type shyt, idk if she's just playing games or is legit doing other shyt during the day. was this the right move? if she double text me u think she's interested. i understand she has a life beyond me so i dont want to catch feelings yet, even when we haven't gone out yet, which is why i'll probably hit her up tomorrow , and latest monday so she knows. by ignoring her you seem like a bytch and you also seem like you don't take shyt at the same time, it's weird.

and btw i think in the future i'm resort to just calling girls from now on, i aint got time for this texting ish


May 6, 2012
Yeah I know what you mean. Loved that co pilot analogy as well. shyt was beautiful gawd. Funny thing was I seen this cute girl at the gym she works there, but would workout and we'd have convos. One time I swear I seen her and another worker girl checking me out, but anyway she was working today in the gyms daycare, I saw her through the window, we caught each others eye then she waved and smiled, so I did likewise. Weird thing was I didn't even think twice about going in the daycare to say hi and check up on her, instead I waved and kept it pushing, thinking why sweat over 1 when I can replace her with a billion others, and why go out of my way to talk to her instead ill let things happen and if she's working out then I'll spark up a convo but fukk the trying to hard shyt. But the thing that I thought was "what was she thinking" I'm interested in that. What's on their mind.

That's good man. Sounds like you grew up and realized that peace and loneliness (not being lonely in a sad way but being alone) is better than having all the women and the drama and shyt.

Ohhhhh, this sounds like an Alicia keys song. What is she? White, black? What you gonna do when yaw get together if you do since she doesn't have a car tho?
you did good man. as long as you don't do it like a manipulation or a game it's good. honestly, there's no way to know what she was thinking. you can only have possibilities, never certitudes. maybe she was trying to give you a sign she's feeling you, maybe she's attention-whoring, maybe she's just being friendly, or maybe a mixture of all of the above. either way, if you don't feel like talking to her, you don't. you were cool with her and gave her back some energy after she gave you some (replied to her waving). if one day she wants to take it further, she will. if you want to make a gesture first one day you will. but if that happens, don't do it feeling like you have to. do it cause you genuinely feel like it regardless of what you could get back from it.

trying to know for sure what they are thinking will fukk up your mindset and will make your conscious try to calculate moves, and play games. best game is no game. do you, watch who gives you the type of energy you want and reciprocate to whoever you're feeling without expecting more in the future. she will either turn it up or cool it down in the future and it could be for a million reasons that you'll never know and that may or may not have anything to do with you. take what she gives and don't give energy you can't spare. don't chase them, replace them.


May 12, 2012
i met this girl and we hit it off pretty well, i asked her out after a few days and she agreed to go out next weekend. (we are on spring break) , she said she can't wait and isso excited we've been texting and stuff sometimes and chiled once in school for a little (i did this so i could ask her out in person)

anyways i didn't text her for 2 days after break started then she texted me one day in the afternoon , so i respnded back and she didn't respond back til the next morning.. so i was being dumb here i responded back like nothing happened and she asked me something an hour later, so i responded back and she didnt' respond back til like 12 hours later and semi left the message on a cliff hanger. i just ignored this for now cause i feel like if i text her back she gonna take mad long again, and to kind of give her a taste of her own medecine type shyt, idk if she's just playing games or is legit doing other shyt during the day. was this the right move? if she double text me u think she's interested

and btw i think in the future i'm resort to just calling girls from now on, i aint got time for this texting ish

she's talking to other nikkas bruh, no big deal :manny: just dont be thirsty over her

this is a prime example of why i dont text bytches, they either call me or they see me when they see me.

since they have no idea when they'll be able to talk to me again they dont do that cliff hanger shyt cuz they know im not pressed over communicating with them like that

i suggest you try it


All Star
Oct 15, 2012
New York
she's talking to other nikkas bruh, no big deal :manny: just dont be thirsty over her

this is a prime example of why i dont text bytches, they either call me or they see me when they see me.

since they have no idea when they'll be able to talk to me again they dont do that cliff hanger shyt cuz they know im not pressed over communicating with them like that

i suggest you try it

oh yea i'm most positive she's taking to other nikkas, she's really friendly and when i first approached her she said hi to 3 nikkas, so i was like damn i got a challenge here, which im up for the challenge. i'll outdo anyone, idgaf. she has been texting me first mostly though so far.

suggest i try what, calling? .. next tiem i talk to her ima call her instead


May 12, 2012
oh yea i'm most positive she's taking to other nikkas, she's really friendly and when i first approached her she said hi to 3 nikkas, so i was like damn i got a challenge here, which im up for the challenge. i'll outdo anyone, idgaf

suggest i try what, calling? .. next tiem i talk to her ima call her instead

:snoop: dont set yourself up to take the L bruh....

and to keep it all the way real.... if she was really interested she woulda been hittin you up more often :manny:

you already showing her that she can text you whenever she wants and you'll be right there regardless of how long she takes, no female gonna respect that breh

i'd just start flirting with other women in the gym, you should have options anyway and if you're really stuck on this one chick, if she sees you getting attention from other bytches she'll come


All Star
Oct 15, 2012
New York
:snoop: dont set yourself up to take the L bruh....

and to keep it all the way real.... if she was really interested she woulda been hittin you up more often :manny:

you already showing her that she can text you whenever she wants and you'll be right there regardless of how long she takes, no female gonna respect that breh

i'd just start flirting with other women in the gym, you should have options anyway and if you're really stuck on this one chick, if she sees you getting attention from other bytches she'll come

that's why im not hitting her up right now

how is not hitting me up everyday not being interested? since we first met up after our first meetup after i asked her out she has texted me first everyday .. so far

i aint stuck on her cuz i just met her, i've been just starting to get my confidence up with girls lately and learning the ins and outs


All Star
Oct 15, 2012
New York
:snoop: dont set yourself up to take the L bruh....

and to keep it all the way real.... if she was really interested she woulda been hittin you up more often :manny:

you already showing her that she can text you whenever she wants and you'll be right there regardless of how long she takes, no female gonna respect that breh

i'd just start flirting with other women in the gym, you should have options anyway and if you're really stuck on this one chick, if she sees you getting attention from other bytches she'll come

that's why im not hitting her up right now

how is not hitting me up everyday not being interested? since the first meet up after i initially approached her, after i asked her out she has texted me first everyday .. so far

i aint stuck on her cuz i just met her, i've been just starting to get my confidence up with girls lately and learning the ins and outs


May 1, 2012
oh yea i'm most positive she's taking to other nikkas, she's really friendly and when i first approached her she said hi to 3 nikkas, so i was like damn i got a challenge here, which im up for the challenge. i'll outdo anyone, idgaf. she has been texting me first mostly though so far.

suggest i try what, calling? .. next tiem i talk to her ima call her instead

I must really be jaded or somethin because fukk THAT whole situation :scusthov: