Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


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Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Oh yeah I know what you mean. I'm cool now though, still think about her but I'm not on the social network bullshyt, I basically live in my own world and the only people that are in it are the people that I allow to be in it.

you will always think of her but it will be more of a :ehh: instead of a :sadbron:

Mickey Kane

All Star
May 31, 2012
London, England
Lol well what did she do? I'd just tell her tbh but do it in a suttle way like you just wasted too much of my time tbh.

Basically, she came back into my life this year after we had been dating last summer. The way we had left things off, I told her I was feeling her but she hit me with the 'She isn't in that space' speech so I took the L & kept it moving.

So she comes back, says she wants to pick up from where we left off. I expressed my cynicism & told her if she's got an agenda, this is her opportunity for an out now. I asked her where her position was exactly & she was still being 50/50, saying, "It isn't straightforward with you Kane, etc"

Anyway, this is where I messed up. I wasn't strict with my standards & let that slide. We went out on a date last week, everything was cool. Ol' girl could barely look me in the eye, I can spot that nervousness around me. Things were still physical though throughout the night (but I didn't hit).

Ever since, she just been acting mad distant though.


Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
Basically, she came back into my life this year after we had been dating last summer. The way we had left things off, I told her I was feeling her but she hit me with the 'She isn't in that space' speech so I took the L & kept it moving.

So she comes back, says she wants to pick up from where we left off. I expressed my cynicism & told her if she's got an agenda, this is her opportunity for an out now. I asked her where her position was exactly & she was still being 50/50, saying, "It isn't straightforward with you Kane, etc"

Anyway, this is where I messed up. I wasn't strict with my standards & let that slide. We went out on a date last week, everything was cool. Ol' girl could barely look me in the eye, I can spot that nervousness around me. Things were still physical though throughout the night (but I didn't hit).

Ever since, she just been acting mad distant though.

Lol yeah she probably just wanted to see if she could have you. fukk that bytch don't even tell her she messed up, just disappear


May 6, 2012
That's messed up g. Remember the chick I went on a coffee date and I was feeling her? We were supposed to kick it and she said maybe shed hit me up on the weekend and never did. It's always fukked up when you hangout with a chick snd really dig her and want something to get out of it and they seem to be feeling u but got other motives and switch shyt up on u? They make it too difficult.
yeah, i remember. it's fukked up but that's just how it the end of the day you just gotta let it be and let her figure out if their are better options for her out there. if she never comes back, you wish her well genuinely in your heart. if she does come back, you're ahead but don't act like she's doing you a favor by coming back to you (cause that's how she'll try to frame it). either way focus on your shyt and talk to different women.

the tricky part is when they'll say stuff where she purposely leaves the door semi-open and leaves things ambiguous. it's easy to fall into the trap of neediness cause you're trying to make sure that it either is or isn't. she can feel that and she'll keep you in her back pocket by always leaving things fuzzy. the trick is to focus on yourself and pay her games no mind. follow your principles and never chase after her.

also, in my opinion, the easiest way to get a chick to subscribe to your program is to fukk her. pick the fruit while it's ripe. if you like the chick and feeling the connection, get her alone and see if she's sexually attracted to you. if she is, fukk her good and keep your mindset cool afterwards (no neediness). she might still try to play games afterwards but the beauty of it is that it'll be way more transparent.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
LOL yeah. Are you still getting coffee with that 1 girl? How many wen do you meet a week btw? Like on an average

yep I am, hopefully next week. She works two jobs :fight:

a week? I would say 0 on average, i don't put myself out there, nor do i pick up women not because I';m shy or anything, I just don't care. THe last few girls i've been on dates with they made the first moves, they initiated contact.

I don't club, go to bars, no twitter, fb, instagram, dating profiles (that i dont troll on), Just work and straight home or if i need groceries or something.

in my hey day, id have like 50 broad numbers in my phone, 400 female fb friends, sleeping with 15 different women in a 4 month span. Girls writing me long ass emails proclaiming thier love, girls calling me all the time, showing up at my house being in my living room talking to my mom and ish, now im just this quiet ol life of peace and righteousness.

I only met this broad cuz i totaled my car a month and a half ago and i had to take the bus/subway to work, and last week picking up my car i had to take the bus, didn't have enough bus fare but she gave it to me, so we just started talking on the bus and she gave me her digits.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
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yeah, i remember. it's fukked up but that's just how it the end of the day you just gotta let it be and let her figure out if their are better options for her out there. if she never comes back, you wish her well genuinely in your heart. if she does come back, you're ahead but don't act like she's doing you a favor by coming back to you (cause that's how she'll try to frame it). either way focus on your shyt and talk to different women.

the tricky part is when they'll say stuff where she purposely leaves the door semi-open and leaves things ambiguous. it's easy to fall into the trap of neediness cause you're trying to make sure that it either is or isn't. she can feel that and she'll keep you in her back pocket by always leaving things fuzzy. the trick is to focus on yourself and pay her games no mind. follow your principles and never chase after her.

also, in my opinion, the easiest way to get a chick to subscribe to your program is to fukk her. pick the fruit while it's ripe. if you like the chick and feeling the connection, get her alone and see if she's sexually attracted to you. if she is, fukk her good and keep your mindset cool afterwards (no neediness). she might still try to play games afterwards but the beauty of it is that it'll be way more transparent.

the thing i learned years ago, if she someone is really feeling you no matter the lack of free time they have or how far you live they will maek a effort to see you or plan something.

Why you should not put all your eggs in one basket, she flakes :ehh: delete the number and move on.

and i hope you didnt reply @Monsieur. Fox, i used to be that dude had plans with a chick on the weekend she didnt hit me up then like sunday night id be like hey we still hanging out like a simp and get the oh my gosh ive been so busy sorry:comeon:

one thing men have to realize is women for the most parts ARE COWARDS. Instead of saying after the date, i don't really think we are compatible they will act like everything is cool then slowly drift away.
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May 6, 2012
even if you genuinely like the chick, your mindset should always be:

"I know my destination. I know where i'm going. I'm the pilot of my plane. Either you want to be my co-pilot for this trip or you don't. You're always free to quit or leave. If you do, i won't even front, it's sad cause i like you and you've been a good co-pilot so i will miss you. but at the end of the day, i'm still going where i'm going with or without you. right now i'd rather it be you sitting in the seat next to me but whatever you choose, there will eventually be someone who fits my standards sitting in that co-pilot seat. it's either you or someone else :manny: "

you don't even need to say it verbally to her. but she HAS to know that's how you feel. she has to know through your actions. She has to know you're getting where ever you need to go no matter what she decides. a co-pilot who figures out the pilot needs her suddenly stops respecting his authority. they ask for pay-raises, become insubordinate, show up late to work, and even resents the pilot for all the authority he had over her while he didn't "need" her. eventually the co-pilot gets bored and wants to fly with a different pilot who does more exciting flights.

don't chase them, replace them.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
even if you genuinely like the chick, your mindset should always be:

"I know my destination. I know where i'm going. I'm the pilot of my plane. Either you want to be my co-pilot for this trip or you don't. You're always free to quit or leave. If you do, i won't even front, it's sad cause i like you and you've been a good co-pilot so i will miss you. but at the end of the day, i'm still going where i'm going with or without you. right now i'd rather it be you sitting in the seat next to me but whatever you choose, there will eventually be someone who fits my standards sitting in that co-pilot seat. it's either you or someone else :manny: "

you don't even need to say it verbally to her. but she HAS to know that's how you feel. she has to know through your actions. She has to know you're getting where ever you need to go no matter what she decides. a co-pilot who figures out the pilot needs her suddenly stops respecting his authority. they ask for pay-raises, become insubordinate, show up late to work, and even resents the pilot for all the authority he had over her while he didn't "need" her. eventually the co-pilot gets bored and wants to fly with a different pilot who does more exciting flights.

don't chase them, replace them.



May 2, 2012


Aug 18, 2012
I kind of slept on Facebook. I've had it since the summer but only recently started friending people I know from HS and now I have a bunch of females that are mutual friends hitting me up in messages. I'll screengrab the funniest one since it ended with her saying me not knowing her doesn't mean we can't be friends so I told her I sent a friend message and she said "That's not what I meant" :russ:

She's 10+ years older than me and is separated. I think her daughter is only a few years younger than me. Part of me feels bad for the ex-husband the other part of me is like :manny: and says I should see where this goes.



She's been messaging me pretty much daily since Monday. I'll be traveling soon so :yeshrug: