Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
DAPS! Cheap is the way to be!

These simps don't realize that women view men who spend too much money too fast the same way we view women who give up the p*ssy too fast... STOP SPENDING MONEY ON WOMEN!!!

I've mentioned in a previous thread my last 3 dates I spent a total of 15 bucks.

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
lol, don't really like giving too many details on here but overall i just allowed some bad advice to mess with my mindset. thinking back, my mindset was warped. too many steps back now and she basically stole the ball from me and is running with it. i allowed her to see softness a little. only thing left to do is to charge it to the game and move on. she might comeback, she might not (most likely won't). but like i said, it's completely my fault and i take full responsibility for having the mindset of "she's not like other chicks". the truth is, a chick is how you allow her to be with you. the way for her to not be like other chicks is to not allow her to act like typical chicks (which i was doing right at first). live and learn...

naw, i'm from mtl, you?

these days Im feeling like its bad to reason things over, and its better to stick to the script (your principles). when we reason, we rationalize, and end up justifying things from a point of view thats bias. thats why when you have a code in place, it already decides and makes the call for you. when we start to reason things out we tend to bend our principles, and we end up listening more to emotions and taking that L. you keep a set of principes for yourself, and you will be a whole lot more consistent and in line with what you really want.


Let That Hoe Go
May 30, 2012
I wouldn't say be cheap on a date.

I would tell you to custom your dates according to your lifestyle. No reason to be extravagant with a broad.

For example, I would take a chick out on a date to a restaurant where the total is in the range of $40- $70 dollars. That's something I would normally spend.

The thing about dating is that it gives you an opportunity to show the woman who you are. When we attempt to impress women on dates is where the problem starts.

If you regularly eat at Applebees, take her to Applebees. If you normally go to an upscale restaurant, take her to an upscale restaurant.

However, do not excessively spend money to impress a chick. The quality of the date is not determined by the amount of money you spend or how elegant the date is, but how well you both connected and enjoyed yourselves.

If a chick is feeling you, she'd sit on a park bench with you for hours because she enjoys your company.

Impressing chicks with your money will turn you into a trick. Tricks attract a certain type of woman.. if you don't believe me ask some of these rappers and athletes.

Jason B

Dec 4, 2012
Haven't been on here in a minute. Good stuff especially about not taking advice from women. This also includes that "treat a woman with respect/decency" bullshyt (which is not the same as being a pushover/ass-kisser) that is often taught to young boys by women but it is a guarantee that these very same women dated men who treated them with ZERO respect/decency and loved and respected these men very much. The sad reality is, as stated before, you can treat your truest and closest family and homies with an ounce of human respect/decency but you CANNOT do the same with any woman under any circumstance period. Treat women how they REALLY want to be treated.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
I wouldn't say be cheap on a date.

I would tell you to custom your dates according to your lifestyle. No reason to be extravagant with a broad.

For example, I would take a chick out on a date to a restaurant where the total is in the range of $40- $70 dollars. That's something I would normally spend.

The thing about dating is that it gives you an opportunity to show the woman who you are. When we attempt to impress women on dates is where the problem starts.

If you regularly eat at Applebees, take her to Applebees. If you normally go to an upscale restaurant, take her to an upscale restaurant.

However, do not excessively spend money to impress a chick. The quality of the date is not determined by the amount of money you spend or how elegant the date is, but how well you both connected and enjoyed yourselves.

If a chick is feeling you, she'd sit on a park bench with you for hours because she enjoys your company.

Impressing chicks with your money will turn you into a trick. Tricks attract a certain type of woman.. if you don't believe me ask some of these rappers and athletes.

wha ti meant by

my last 3 dates

1. walked by the waterfront sat on a bench for like two hours and we just chatted. Money spent = 0

2. Played Jenga for two hours at a board game cafe money spent = 5 bucks

3. mini putt had a 2 for 1 coupon - money spent 10


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Haven't been on here in a minute. Good stuff especially about not taking advice from women. This also includes that "treat a woman with respect/decency" bullshyt (which is not the same as being a pushover/ass-kisser) that is often taught to young boys by women but it is a guarantee that these very same women dated men who treated them with ZERO respect/decency and loved and respected these men very much. The sad reality is, as stated before, you can treat your truest and closest family and friends with an ounce of human respect/decency but you CANNOT do the same with any woman under any circumstance period. Treat women how they REALLY want to be treated.

sadly its true, and im not even talking about just getting in their pants or anything. just treating them with respect and decency will get you used and abused, put in the friend zone and laughed about amongst her friends

Doin2Much Williams

Grace Under Fiyah
May 18, 2012
Insignificant posting from an insignificant poster
I wouldn't say be cheap on a date.

I would tell you to custom your dates according to your lifestyle. No reason to be extravagant with a broad.

For example, I would take a chick out on a date to a restaurant where the total is in the range of $40- $70 dollars. That's something I would normally spend.

The thing about dating is that it gives you an opportunity to show the woman who you are. When we attempt to impress women on dates is where the problem starts.

If you regularly eat at Applebees, take her to Applebees. If you normally go to an upscale restaurant, take her to an upscale restaurant.

However, do not excessively spend money to impress a chick. The quality of the date is not determined by the amount of money you spend or how elegant the date is, but how well you both connected and enjoyed yourselves.

If a chick is feeling you, she'd sit on a park bench with you for hours because she enjoys your company.

Impressing chicks with your money will turn you into a trick. Tricks attract a certain type of woman.. if you don't believe me ask some of these rappers and athletes.

I like that post.

During our 5th or 6th date, the lady friend told me;

"We don't need to go out, i just like spending time with you."

When i heard that, i was :ohlawd: !!!

Everything is good now. I still have my guard up (because that's the kind of guy i am, it's just to keep her on her toes for insurance purposes, primarily my heart) - but i like her a lot and hope this goes into long distance - AT&T.

You spend early on because its expected, but no reason to exceed your budget because you scored a hot date; it should be a time to interact and build rapport, essentially sell yourself because she wants to know if you're a interesting/exciting person to be around and vice versa.

(Sorry to sound like a broken record, just wanted to further emphasize the rhetoric because its so necessary - and because im an aspiring dj... "ewa ewa!").




Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City

Im wondering if there really is a pattern here between these types of "open book" women who are all out over social media being of a certain quality, or is it just that he knew too much about the person he was dealing with, and THAT was the real turn off.

I tend to be of mind where if I see a woman is very open and on front street with her attitude, interactions, and relationships, the more likely she is to be fast and not a truly high value woman. if she is open and all over the place I get the idea that she doesnt respect discreteness, is insecure, she craves attention and validation from many people, and that she is loose with her activities out there. a real reserved woman who values her privacy as well as herself, would probably not be so out there in your face, and be so brash about her ways.
Mar 16, 2013
'sup guys, new poster here.

Just wanted to give you guys props for all the knowledge dropping in this thread :salute:
Co-sign on striving to improve oneself spiritually, physically, and mentally-- real recognizes real, and good recognizes good.

Dunno if anyone's posted this already, but this reminds me of a passage in ecclesiastes:

"I find more bitter than death the woman who is a snare, whose heart is a trap and whose hands are chains. The man who pleases God will escape her, but the sinner she will ensnare." ~ Ecclesiastes 7:26

Keep the knowledge flowing :myman:


Apr 30, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
When your emotions sync up with your logic, it's such a beautiful thing. Whether that's your actions or thought process in terms of how you should feel, it's pretty great to finally feel settled and "back to normal." My whole thing was being bitter and angry about the way my first relationship ended, but I really don't like to feel anger towards anyone. So even though I kinda knew we weren't all that compatible, she was disrespectful and I don't agree with the way she handled it and was at times, I feel like I have forgiven her. Not on some trying to or even wanting in any shape or form get back with way either. I obviously won't forget, but I'm good now. I really like to be on good terms with people and holding any kind of disdain or feeling resentment towards them really doesn't help things out.

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
When your emotions sync up with your logic, it's such a beautiful thing. Whether that's your actions or thought process in terms of how you should feel, it's pretty great to finally feel settled and "back to normal." My whole thing was being bitter and angry about the way my first relationship ended, but I really don't like to feel anger towards anyone. So even though I kinda knew we weren't all that compatible, she was disrespectful and I don't agree with the way she handled it and was at times, I feel like I have forgiven her. Not on some trying to or even wanting in any shape or form get back with way either. I obviously won't forget, but I'm good now. I really like to be on good terms with people and holding any kind of disdain or feeling resentment towards them really doesn't help things out.

Yep. I know that feeling. It's like I forgive you, but I don't want anything to do with you and right now I want my space so don't contact me.