Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Emperor Sol

Knowledge and Wisdom
May 6, 2012
Now me, I'm never going to speak out against marriage. I'm going to speak out against the fact that people aren't living in a fashion worthy of marriage. When done right, marriage is a beautiful thing. This is why I stress the importance of integrity and doing what you say you are going to do. That is the only way marriage or any sort of long-term commitment will work.

I can't speak out against marriage or long-term relationships because I know that when they are working right, they are way more beautiful than living that 'playa' lifestyle. The reason many men choose to engage in the playa lifestyle in this day and age is because they don't feel like they can trust the woman they have come across. You might get a whole bunch of sex with different women, but what you also get are a whole bunch of worries on your mind. Is she pregnant? Will she pass me any stds? Any jealous husbands on the horizon? Does she even honestly have any love for me or is this just us quickly satisfying the lusts of our flesh?

When relationships are DONE RIGHT, you have a partner who is there for you thick and thin, who you are also building a true FAMILY with. Family is way, way more important than some weak ego-pumping you get from smashing a whole bunch of women. Family traditions, family lineage, all of that is disappearing because of the utter nonsense we are engaging in this day and age. Kids being able to always have access to their fathers, to see their grandparents, etc... Kids are being robbed with this utter nonsense we are engaging in this day and age. We have to turn the tide.

Relationships have to be built on trustworthiness and respect. If that's not there, then there simply is no relationship. Love is a sort of fickle seed that has requirements to actually be able to grow. The soil has to be fertile with trustworthiness and watered with respect. As a man, you have to be the leader and you have to embody both of these things FIRST. We cannot sit around and wait for women to do it. That's the burden of leadership. We also have to stress the importance of these two factors in our dealings with women. In other words, we have to be TEACHERS.

This is the depth of 'manhood'. Having a johnson swinging between your legs doesn't qualify you as being a man. In many of the older societies, you had 'rites of manhood', or in other words, tests that a boy had to pass in order to be respected as a man in society. Manhood wasn't a title just handed out liberally. It was something that had to be earned. Men also taught men how to act in a fashion that was constructive to the overall society.

This is why this thread is important. Just because you were born male doesn't mean anything. You have to continually study manhood and to embrace it in your life. This is why I am emphasizing to think BIGGER than merely catching women. God has given you the task of being the architect for you and yours... What sort of residence will you build for your future family? One that will collapse or one that is able to stand strong through turbulent times?

This is exactly how I feel. Y'all ever notice how I don't speak out against marriage on this forum? It's because I know it can work, but these cats don't hear me. I've seen people whose relationships have gone on for decades... and I strive to have that kind of thing in my life.



I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
Daily Star: Simply The Best 7 Days A Week :: Just Jane :: I always come last

MY girlfriend thinks more of her friends than she does of me.

She’s out all the time boozing with them or spending hours getting her hair, nails and tan done.

These girls go round in a pack. She only has time to see me twice a week, but by then she’s tired, irritable and snappy.

She never wants to go out because she’s out all the time with the witches, so all I do is pay for a takeaway, get shouted at and go home. I even pay her debts.

I might get sex, but it’s very reluctant on her part.

My mates reckon I should dump her but we’ve been together for so long, I don’t know what I’d do without her.

On a good day she’s fantastic and if we go to a party she looks incredible.

The other night I decided to ask her about our future together, but she had five phone calls and six texts in the space of 15 minutes. I told her she was rude, and she said I was boring. We had a massive row.

She’s since said she’s sorry about the row. But it’s clear her friends will always come first. Where do I go from here?





Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
anytime i see this
"My mates reckon I should dump her but we’ve been together for so long, I don’t know what I’d do without her.


im sure you lived before her and you will live after her
Jul 6, 2012
Brehs, a couple of you are familiar with an episode that happened to me a while ago. Let me fill all of you in on what happened with this harlot...

She flew out to see me, and we spent a good while together which had a lot of strong experiences. Two months later she flew out to see me again. This time I discovered after a few days that she had been lying in my face about something that happened in this last two months (go figure). She tried to keep it from me until the very end, and even when I had cold hard proof on my computer of her lies, she was still trying. Then I had to drop that ether and show her the screen.

Straight away I threw all of her stuff in the suitcase and drove her to the station. Wiped my hands clean just like that. She called me from the airport a few times, but I said that it's definitely over. After she arrived back home, she sent me a text telling me her regrets. I said I was moving on with my life, and so should she, and that I was blocking her number.

Since then she's messaged and called from different numbers, but I know when it's a foreign number so haven't spoken to her. She's sent emails, short messages, long letters. And from me? Nada.

Basically I had wilfully ignored all the signs that were staring me in the face and sold myself short. But in the way I kicked her to the curb, I feel I've reclaimed the dignity and self-respect that was robbed of me in the first place.

The amount of red lines this girl would cross was like :damn: and in the end I had to back up the warnings I'd given her with actions.

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
Brehs, a couple of you are familiar with an episode that happened to me a while ago. Let me fill all of you in on what happened with this harlot...

She flew out to see me, and we spent a good while together which had a lot of strong experiences. Two months later she flew out to see me again. This time I discovered after a few days that she had been lying in my face about something that happened in this last two months (go figure). She tried to keep it from me until the very end, and even when I had cold hard proof on my computer of her lies, she was still trying. Then I had to drop that ether and show her the screen.

Straight away I threw all of her stuff in the suitcase and drove her to the station. Wiped my hands clean just like that. She called me from the airport a few times, but I said that it's definitely over. After she arrived back home, she sent me a text telling me her regrets. I said I was moving on with my life, and so should she, and that I was blocking her number.

Since then she's messaged and called from different numbers, but I know when it's a foreign number so haven't spoken to her. She's sent emails, short messages, long letters. And from me? Nada.

Basically I had wilfully ignored all the signs that were staring me in the face and sold myself short. But in the way I kicked her to the curb, I feel I've reclaimed the dignity and self-respect that was robbed of me in the first place.

The amount of red lines this girl would cross was like :damn: and in the end I had to back up the warnings I'd given her with actions.
That's good g, so you've learned from your mistakes then.
Jul 6, 2012
What should you do when a woman say she can't make a meeting?

Last week I got a number from a girl. We get along great, lots of jokes, though her body language was kind of mixed, so perhaps she only gave me a number to give me a little play. So we send a message back and forth about meeting up.

This weekend I said let's meet up sometime, though she responded a few hours later :leostare: saying that she's with her friends seeing off a friend who's moving outta town, and that we should meet up another day.

I responded back saying that I'll leave it with her and if she wants to meet up sometime this week to drop me a message, and then I'll see if I'm free.

Was that a strong response? It's difficult to gauge when a woman is timewasting or is genuinely sincere in meeting up.

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
What should you do when a woman say she can't make a meeting?

Last week I got a number from a girl. We get along great, lots of jokes, though her body language was kind of mixed, so perhaps she only gave me a number to give me a little play. So we send a message back and forth about meeting up.

This weekend I said let's meet up sometime, though she responded a few hours later :leostare: saying that she's with her friends seeing off a friend who's moving outta town, and that we should meet up another day.

I responded back saying that I'll leave it with her and if she wants to meet up sometime this week to drop me a message, and then I'll see if I'm free.

Was that a strong response? It's difficult to gauge when a woman is timewasting or is genuinely sincere in meeting up.

Yeah man you shouldn't have said that, because all that means is that you're waiting for her, so she can do as she'd like then when she finally gets bored she'll hit up. Next time just be like "alright, fine with me" and leave it be. That way you don't let her know you're waiting to see her and you don't put yourself in that state of mind and are able to go out and find a new honey or just live life and say f the broads.
Jul 6, 2012
That's good g, so you've learned from your mistakes then.

Yeah - it took me a while to learn, but eventually I did. I'm much happier now without this burden in my life, and I'm more focused on things than before. She was like a dead weight that I couldn't shake.

The past month my mindstate has just been like :blessed:

Next time I'll have to much more careful who I let into my life in this intimate way.
Jul 6, 2012
Yeah man you shouldn't have said that, because all that means is that you're waiting for her, so she can do as she'd like then when she finally gets bored she'll hit up. Next time just be like "alright, fine with me" and leave it be. That way you don't let her know you're waiting to see her and you don't put yourself in that state of mind and are able to go out and find a new honey or just live life and say f the broads.

So after messaging "fine with me", I should then, after a while, try to propose another time to hang out? To me this comes across as trying the same thing twice, even when it didn't work the first time.

I figured that my message would let her know I wasn't going to propose date after date to her, and she wanted to meet up she had to show me that she wanted to.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
"aight coo"

then if she wants to kick it with you another time, she'll hit you up.
Jul 6, 2012
I read earlier in the thread that a man has to switch the dynamic of chasing to have any success. In the beginning a man has to chase the woman, but soon he'll have to switch this around so that the woman is chasing him.

I figured that explicitly letting her know to contact me, and then if I'm free we can do something, would let her know this.

I don't want to be messaging her to meet up again, only to be hit with another excuse like :comeon: