Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
That's one of the things I wanted to stress with the budgeting issue. Never ever go overboard in the pursuit of buying material things to 'impress' some woman. Never be 'floss'man who always is spending all his money on stuff to impress the broads. Financial freedom is MUCH bigger than that... Having your money saved up to where you can take a trip to where you want... having your cars paid off... not in CC debt.

Spending all your money in attempt to impress women is the financial version of being at a party and smashing beer bottles over your head in an attempt to look tough for a female. In the end, all you do is look stupid and you're only hurting yourself.

That's not to say don't enjoy buying some gear or a nice car, but it means to never overextend yourself... Cats got to realize if you catch women through material goods, you will lose them when those materials go.

its when dudes base so much of their game on material items that you see who the real lames are. the ones who have to brag the most are the most insecure. they dont offer anything else, so this is all they ever talk.

those are the same ones want a girl for showing her shiny object #1 , not thinking about how she will leave when its not as glossy anymore. or when shiny object #2 and #3 show up. then getting blindsided when the court rules against them and they find that theyre financing a ho for the same shyt they were trying to floss and impress em with. what you said is right. and also the same thing you caught em with, is same thing they will try to leave with :aicmon:


All Star
May 1, 2012
When dealing with women, you really have to learn to KEEP IT SIMPLE and keep your emotions in check. If there's one thing I can get into your head, it's that the average woman is NOT your philosophy partner or your professor. Trying to impress a woman with these big ol' words and ultra deep concepts will do nothing but drive her away unless she is just into that. I have yet to see a female just have a poster of Einstein on her wall.

What you want to do when dealing with a woman is to express your interest, not your emotions. Keep your emotions under control and never kiss her butt.
Expressing your interest
"I'm digging your style"
Expressing your emotion
"Girl I am head over heels for you, you have me feeelin sooo warm inside."

You might sit there really enjoying babygirl's company, so you want to express it, always come from a position of want, not need. When you tell a woman you 'need' her, you start coming off as desperate.

"i want to kick it with you tonight"

"Ma, I really need you tonight"

If babygirl decides to 'show your texts', there's nothing she can really show that will get you clowned. What am I hinting at? There are ways to express yourself that will make you come off as a champ or a chump. Obviously, you shouldn't say it exactly how I'm saying it, but do it in your own personalized manner.

Now, don't ever allow yourself nor let her get the notion that you are 'wide open' for her or else she will get the impression that she is of more value than you and peel off. If you want to know one thing about women, it's that they are always looking for a man they can look up to. Once they can see eye to eye with you figuratively speaking or look down on you, it's over. She's gone. She will either be playing around with you, disrespecting you or she will flat out go to another man.

If you play it soft and emotional, you will get ms. sweet from a woman, aka the woman being pleasant, telling you how great and sweet you are, ooohing and awwwwing you, but for some odd reason, no matter how many compliments you get from her, her actions don't really match up. She often comes up busy when you want to do something with her... she might start making slick little remarks to you or she doesn't value your time. You've fallen into that sweet boy role. You DO NOT want to be in this category. I will say 8 times out of 10 if you are here, she will definitely be dealing with another man on the side who she is spending time with when she is too 'busy' to chill with you. She's giving him the treatment you wish you had.

How you come in dealing with a woman is exactly how you will be treated in that relationship. You come in as a sweet boy and she will honey bunch and sweetie pie you into a doggone sucker role. Women are natural actors, and it's so funny seeing two sides of a woman coming out depending on how she is feeling. She can play the sweet proper role, but then you give her the right feeling and a whole different presentation comes out. A lot of times when a woman is hitting you with that sweetie-pie personality, she's going to be playing you.

Looked at her info from facebook, all tho she single still I think the woman I thinkin of is gone. :wow:

Any I wasn't to make her my girl yet, I just want to let her how much I cared for her.:ld:


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
This is a fly comment from that article:

Look around you. Everything you see was conceived, built, and delivered by whites. The very technology you’re using to make your point was created by whites. This isn’t likely to change anytime soon and even if it did, you still have the entire world that was built by whites to deal with, so the influence of “white superiority” will always be the norm and the building blocks of the world.

Whites granted blacks the right to vote in a country they fought to build and drew up rules for. Whites allowed blacks entry into the workplaces they themselves built. If blacks could have built the world, they would have.

But when the inevitable war or natural disaster comes to our shores, it will be the whites, as always, cleaning up the mess and defending the masses and no one will be talking about specious ideas like “white superiority” There are no blacks when the life boats come out. Or when the dinner check arrives, for that matter.

It took me less than a minute to change the article from anti-woman, to anti black, by simply replacing male with white, woman with black, and white superiority with patriarchy. Now you see how discriminatory and demeaning that piece reads --- and the scary part is that it fits just the same, I altered nothing else. You guys need to check yourself.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
It took me less than a minute to change the article from anti-woman, to anti black, by simply replacing male with white, woman with black, and white superiority with patriarchy. Now you see how discriminatory and demeaning that piece reads --- and the scary part is that it fits just the same, I altered nothing else. You guys need to check yourself.

Nah, I don't need to check anything. Did you look at the article in the original link? Funny how you don't have anything to say about women talking about how they are 'dominating the world' and other women talking about how they are ready to smash the patriarchy. Those replies were a RETORT to those original comments by women. Funny how you didn't have anything to say about those women giving themselves praise and basically disqualifying men because they feel they are on some other echelon than their available pool of men.


May 12, 2012
It took me less than a minute to change the article from anti-woman, to anti black, by simply replacing male with white, woman with black, and white superiority with patriarchy. Now you see how discriminatory and demeaning that piece reads --- and the scary part is that it fits just the same, I altered nothing else. You guys need to check yourself.

:whoa: you being way too logical breh you gotta remember these nikkas didn't make the rules they got em straight out the bible ( not shots to religious brehs)

not to mention some of em are just scorned cuz some bytch tapdanced on their hearts (it happens :yeshrug:)

it's ingrained in them breh just let them live as long as it works for them :manny:

Emperor Sol

Knowledge and Wisdom
May 6, 2012
i understand what oyur saying, but the word "want" isn't becoming of a boss.

i get the whole point of what your saying. but instead of saying "i want to kick it with you tonight".

just be like:

you:"what you doing later tonight?"
her: "i'm doing blah blah blah"
you: lets kick it after you're done with all that. around 8 sounds good.

knowing women, if 8 is too tight for her she'll suggest a better time. notice the whole set up of this exchange. the whole "wanting" sh1t makes it known u are indeed sprung over her. lets kick it is keeping it very casual with an undertone of a take it or leave it attitude.

case in point, a real life exchange:

me: let's hang out tomorrow night
her: i have to babysit
me: till when?
her: till 10pm
her: but we can after i get done
me: sounds good.

Sounds like something Tom Lekis would say


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
:snoop: it doesnt stop with these shameless females. and through that shyt it becomes this game where men bust their ass to acquire more and more material things, just so they can have women who will see it, and want that from them. it becomes the blind leading the blind. the worst part is that its all material goods, and a chase for things that are just that, things. items dont talk, they dont plan, and they dont have a mind. on top of that, many things depreciate, so theyre only nice for a limited time. expensive fancy ass clothes and cars dont afford you a good future. but if that is what it takes to get their ears up and their eyes opened, it says volumes about their character.
I agree with you but fukk that shyt you got to clown these dudes for that shyt. You just need the basic shyt anything after that you getting for "chicks" thats on you. I said in the past and I'll say it again thats the only thing I don't like with this thread at times you have to clown these sucker dudes for doing things thats against the code too and not just the caping dudes. I don't know if it speaks to her character anymore than it speaks that the dude that is coping that just for women doesn't have any game. Of course a chick is going to want to be with a winner but hell who doesn't we not trying to be with no equivalent loser chick (depending on what your looking for) so I can't blame them. Maybe guys should be on that coming to america tip if they don't want women thats all on them for material things cause imo you can't be out here flashing a lambo then talking women just want me for material things. Thats how it goes and hell even if it didn't since you got the lambo for chicks thats how you going to feel even if that wasn't the case. In Reincar situation F them chicks but I will say if your comfortable you don't really even worry about them chicks you just KIM anyway.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
Nah, I don't need to check anything. Did you look at the article in the original link? Funny how you don't have anything to say about women talking about how they are 'dominating the world' and other women talking about how they are ready to smash the patriarchy. Those replies were a RETORT to those original comments by women. Funny how you didn't have anything to say about those women giving themselves praise and basically disqualifying men because they feel they are on some other echelon than their available pool of men.

White racists cite exactly the same reasoning as justification for their racism...resistance to "black power", and cries for equality, in much the same way you are justifying your rhetoric. What Im trying to get you to see is that racism and your misogyny operate from the exact same space. If it didnt, then my replacing of white for male wouldnt fit like a glove the way it did in that paragraph. Of course you wont recognize that, because recognizing that would actually inspire self-reflection on your own behavior. You're just content to blame women for everything.


May 12, 2012
:snoop: yall nikkas are derailing the thread though real talk

if i dont agree with something i just ignore the post and keep it moving :manny:


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
:whoa: you being way too logical breh you gotta remember these nikkas didn't make the rules they got em straight out the bible ( not shots to religious brehs)

not to mention some of em are just scorned cuz some bytch tapdanced on their hearts (it happens :yeshrug:)

it's ingrained in them breh just let them live as long as it works for them :manny:

I dont accept this, because its the same as the reasoning for when a punk white boy becomes an online st0rmfr0nt racist, because he had a bad experience with a few brothas. I altered that paragraph to prove a point, and show that niqqas around here are mimicking the behavior of racists. If thats the kind of company you guys want to keep so be it, but dont rationalize otherwise. You guys talk about women being "illogical", and yet you're claiming im being "too logical"


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
I dont accept this, because its the same as the reasoning for when a punk white boy becomes an online st0rmfr0nt racist, because he had a bad experience with a few brothas. I altered that paragraph to prove a point, and show that niqqas around here are mimicking the behavior of racists. If thats the kind of company you guys want to keep so be it, but dont rationalize otherwise. You guys talk about women being "illogical", and yet you're claiming im being "too logical"

Whose calling for the destruction of women, raping or hurting them?

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
It took me less than a minute to change the article from anti-woman, to anti black, by simply replacing male with white, woman with black, and white superiority with patriarchy. Now you see how discriminatory and demeaning that piece reads --- and the scary part is that it fits just the same, I altered nothing else. You guys need to check yourself.

except that it doesnt make sense when you arbitrarily turn into blacks/mexcians/asians/whoever from whichever culture, and it does ring true when you talk about the role females have in history. all of those mentioned, have had males as the leaders. you are only proving his point for him. we have to comprehend what their part in societies are, and were.

if you can find us this abundance of matriarchal societies where women were well developed and sound leaders of the people, then please let us know. I believe you were asked this before, yet never provided the proof. the same thing said about the female gender can not be said about other human cultures, where men and women were together in societies ruling under a specific order. they developed due to a good family unit where men were the strong leaders, and women were the strong nurturers.

if you dont understand the basic natures of man and woman, then how could you even comprehend their strengths and weaknesses? our physical differences make us who we are when we interact with another. if you dont see how a man would have to protect his woman, who is the smaller sex and also the bearer of his seed, in various ways throughout history, then you also cant understand why one was the leader in charge getting in on out there and why the other was the support team. why one approaches and
takes intitative, and why the other had to use good judgement for her choices. it even shows itself today.

tell us why only a certain type of heirarchy has ever risen. why the men naturally became leaders, and why women found themselvs as the necessary backbone. in ANY culture. thats why you could never stand on an argument saying that black white or asians can be interchanged in your argument of gender, since all of the mentioned cultures have propsered under man's rule.

theres nothing wrong with having a relationship with the opposite sex where one side is doing one thing theyre good at, and the other is doing what theyre good at. men are stronger. men do plan extremely well. females do entie and lure men. they do rear children. women do have extremely perceptive skills. women do have the natural ability to discipline children and keep them in order under a stable man's rule.

nobody says it to downplay women, its only brought out to clearly define what is expected from men, and what is expected from women. men are into hard, physical work more than women. sports, labor, military, firemen, you name it. we are also naturally more capable of it. women are more equipped for being nuturing, (their bodies and nature showing us this as well), comforting, and doing homecare as well as arts and crafts. they are much more attached to their kids, and so it makes sense for them to be in that role. the law and feminists groups would even say the same.

now do you know many women who are firemen or in the battle field signing up for field duty in the military? do you know of many women who play exciting world wide broadcasted sports who have millions watching them, and with state to state men jocking them for their money and status? mael groupies who want a woman for the money she has? its more likely he will choose based on her looks, and if shes healthy/attractive enough to bear his seeds. women are groupies since they believe a high statues man can provide for he seeds.

and thats because men and women are not built the same. they look, do, and build things differently, but work best with each other. you seem to overlook this.

no, their roles are not the same. historically and biologically.

you see being equal with the female gender, does not mean that they are identical to us. or that their skills/strengths/interests are the same as us. you can not expect something from a woman that a man is good at. there has to be a male/masculine energy and a female one in any functional relationship.

you will even see this in gay couples, there is the "butch/top" and the "lipstick lesbo/bottom."

so you cant ignore this simple principle. there will be at best, one male - one leader, and one female, one who follows under the male. the man will call teh shots. she will then be the keeper of the sanctity of their home. you will see that relationships that are more in line with this natural order will prosper.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
I agree with you but fukk that shyt you got to clown these dudes for that shyt. You just need the basic shyt anything after that you getting for "chicks" thats on you. I said in the past and I'll say it again thats the only thing I don't like with this thread at times you have to clown these sucker dudes for doing things thats against the code too and not just the caping dudes. I don't know if it speaks to her character anymore than it speaks that the dude that is coping that just for women doesn't have any game. Of course a chick is going to want to be with a winner but hell who doesn't we not trying to be with no equivalent loser chick (depending on what your looking for) so I can't blame them. Maybe guys should be on that coming to america tip if they don't want women thats all on them for material things cause imo you can't be out here flashing a lambo then talking women just want me for material things. Thats how it goes and hell even if it didn't since you got the lambo for chicks thats how you going to feel even if that wasn't the case. In Reincar situation F them chicks but I will say if your comfortable you don't really even worry about them chicks you just KIM anyway.

well I come in here to share knowledge, ask for assistance, or overall just look at what is happening. I see your point, but no Im not tricking, and no Im not part of that nonsense. my concern only extends towards the next man so he can at least get a look at the games and whats behind the curtian. to take a good survey of whats around him and judge accordingly.

its the simps who make these women feel enabled to do whatever, and say whatever to them. if you notice, the overall decline in marriages, and man and woman relationships come from this "liberation" and tricking that is so common. men think that women can be simply bought, and women are out here devaluing themselves by joining in. I think its causing a crumble in our society and family structures.

instead of a man doing his part, its pretty much a joke where every women wants to be bought off and "sponsored", instead of being won over by who he really is and what he does. its not my fault, but I shake my head at the overall confusion that I see men and women go through trying to be more like one another. one is more aggressive, one is more serving and catering to. it just is what is