Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


May 12, 2012
I dont accept this, because its the same as the reasoning for when a punk white boy becomes an online st0rmfr0nt racist, because he had a bad experience with a few brothas. I altered that paragraph to prove a point, and show that niqqas around here are mimicking the behavior of racists. If thats the kind of company you guys want to keep so be it, but dont rationalize otherwise. You guys talk about women being "illogical", and yet you're claiming im being "too logical"

off top, you're a dumbass if you thought i was seriously saying that YOU were being "too logical" it was more so a shot at the nikkas that you were describing that's why i said "too logical for these nikkas" :snoop:

and like i said if i dont agree with what another nikka is saying i just ignore it and keep it moving you should do the same instead of trying to change a nikkas thought process

but really :snoop: @ you for really thinking i seriously was saying you were being too logical


All Star
Oct 15, 2012
New York
There is some amazing gems in this thread. I wish the whole world could read some of this ish.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
except that it doesnt make sense when you arbitrarily turn into blacks/mexcians/asians/whoever from whichever culture, and it does ring true when you talk about the role females have in history. all of those mentioned, have had males as the leaders. you are only proving his point for him. we have to comprehend what their part in societies are, and were.

if you can find us this abundance of matriarchal societies where women were well developed and sound leaders of the people, then please let us know. I believe you were asked this before, yet never provided the proof. the same thing said about the female gender can not be said about other human cultures, where men and women were together in societies ruling under a specific order. they developed due to a good family unit where men were the strong leaders, and women were the strong nurturers.

if you dont understand the basic natures of man and woman, then how could you even comprehend their strengths and weaknesses? our physical differences make us who we are when we interact with another. if you dont see how a man would have to protect his woman, who is the smaller sex and also the bearer of his seed, in various ways throughout history, then you also cant understand why one was the leader in charge getting in on out there and why the other was the support team. why one approaches and
takes intitative, and why the other had to use good judgement for her choices. it even shows itself today.

tell us why only a certain type of heirarchy has ever risen. why the men naturally became leaders, and why women found themselvs as the necessary backbone. in ANY culture. thats why you could never stand on an argument saying that black white or asians can be interchanged in your argument of gender, since all of the mentioned cultures have propsered under man's rule.

theres nothing wrong with having a relationship with the opposite sex where one side is doing one thing theyre good at, and the other is doing what theyre good at. men are stronger. men do plan extremely well. females do entie and lure men. they do rear children. women do have extremely perceptive skills. women do have the natural ability to discipline children and keep them in order under a stable man's rule.

nobody says it to downplay women, its only brought out to clearly define what is expected from men, and what is expected from women. men are into hard, physical work more than women. sports, labor, military, firemen, you name it. we are also naturally more capable of it. women are more equipped for being nuturing, (their bodies and nature showing us this as well), comforting, and doing homecare as well as arts and crafts. they are much more attached to their kids, and so it makes sense for them to be in that role. the law and feminists groups would even say the same.

now do you know many women who are firemen or in the battle field signing up for field duty in the military? do you know of many women who play exciting world wide broadcasted sports who have millions watching them, and with state to state men jocking them for their money and status? mael groupies who want a woman for the money she has? its more likely he will choose based on her looks, and if shes healthy/attractive enough to bear his seeds. women are groupies since they believe a high statues man can provide for he seeds.

and thats because men and women are not built the same. they look, do, and build things differently, but work best with each other. you seem to overlook this.

no, their roles are not the same. historically and biologically.

you see being equal with the female gender, does not mean that they are identical to us. or that their skills/strengths/interests are the same as us. you can not expect something from a woman that a man is good at. there has to be a male/masculine energy and a female one in any functional relationship.

you will even see this in gay couples, there is the "butch/top" and the "lipstick lesbo/bottom."

so you cant ignore this simple principle. there will be at best, one male - one leader, and one female, one who follows under the male. the man will call teh shots. she will then be the keeper of the sanctity of their home. you will see that relationships that are more in line with this natural order will prosper.

Too much to cover here point by point, so I'll just tackle this in a comprehensive way.

matrilineal societies are eastern in orientation. (Africa, Asia) Its one of the many ways how racism and sexism is conflated in the western world.

Of course I recognize biological differences between men and women...but thats a far cry from saying "what have women done to build our society", which is what I was responding to earlier, and is a completely ignorant to the power relationships of American socio-economic history, and the fact that people of color and women were not allowed opportunities to contribute to the economy, the creation of laws, and our overall body politic. Constantly referencing how this has been a male dominated society is a reflection of social design, in much the same way racism has socially designed the status and history for people of color.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
off top, you're a dumbass if you thought i was seriously saying that YOU were being "too logical" it was more so a shot at the nikkas that you were describing that's why i said "too logical for these nikkas" :snoop:

and like i said if i dont agree with what another nikka is saying i just ignore it and keep it moving you should do the same instead of trying to change a nikkas thought process

but really :snoop: @ you for really thinking i seriously was saying you were being too logical

Chill the fck out...I only misread your "too logical" comment, because it was followed by this idea that if I dont agree with someone, then I should just ignore it. The whole idea of this board is to exchange ideas and challenge each other, so I dont get why the fck I should just remain silent all of a sudden.


All Star
Oct 15, 2012
New York
i understand what oyur saying, but the word "want" isn't becoming of a boss.

i get the whole point of what your saying. but instead of saying "i want to kick it with you tonight".

just be like:

you:"what you doing later tonight?"
her: "i'm doing blah blah blah"
you: lets kick it after you're done with all that. around 8 sounds good.

knowing women, if 8 is too tight for her she'll suggest a better time. notice the whole set up of this exchange. the whole "wanting" sh1t makes it known u are indeed sprung over her. lets kick it is keeping it very casual with an undertone of a take it or leave it attitude.

case in point, a real life exchange:

me: let's hang out tomorrow night
her: i have to babysit
me: till when?
her: till 10pm
her: but we can after i get done
me: sounds good.

Yea, I see where you're coming from but there is just a line somewhere you have to find the balance. If you tell a girl you WANT to chill with her, she knows what you want to but if you say you NEED TO or REALLY WANT that is needy...
I'm not saying what you're doing is wrong but you're doing is playing it safe, she has no idea what you're intentions are but when you two meet up then you have to definitely make it known.

Me personally, I'd prefer to say I want to chill with you later. If you say this and you sparked any kind of interest in her she'll be down. But if you're doing it in person then it's different because you can use body language and things like that.


May 12, 2012
Chill the fck out...I only misread your "too logical" comment, because it was followed by this idea that if I dont agree with someone, then I should just ignore it. The whole idea of this board is to exchange ideas and challenge each other, so I dont get why the fck I should just remain silent all of a sudden.

because 12384629842907329 other nikkas have already tried to make the same points that you were tryna make and it didn't change anything, that's' why you dont see me in here doing what you're doing, nikkas are in here talking about what works for them, not asking if other nikkas think that it's the right thing to do

that would just turn this thread into one big argument that's why people stopped doing it breh


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
except that it doesnt make sense when you arbitrarily turn into blacks/mexcians/asians/whoever from whichever culture, and it does ring true when you talk about the role females have in history. all of those mentioned, have had males as the leaders. you are only proving his point for him. we have to comprehend what their part in societies are, and were.

if you can find us this abundance of matriarchal societies where women were well developed and sound leaders of the people, then please let us know. I believe you were asked this before, yet never provided the proof. the same thing said about the female gender can not be said about other human cultures, where men and women were together in societies ruling under a specific order. they developed due to a good family unit where men were the strong leaders, and women were the strong nurturers.

if you dont understand the basic natures of man and woman, then how could you even comprehend their strengths and weaknesses? our physical differences make us who we are when we interact with another. if you dont see how a man would have to protect his woman, who is the smaller sex and also the bearer of his seed, in various ways throughout history, then you also cant understand why one was the leader in charge getting in on out there and why the other was the support team. why one approaches and
takes intitative, and why the other had to use good judgement for her choices. it even shows itself today.

tell us why only a certain type of heirarchy has ever risen. why the men naturally became leaders, and why women found themselvs as the necessary backbone. in ANY culture. thats why you could never stand on an argument saying that black white or asians can be interchanged in your argument of gender, since all of the mentioned cultures have propsered under man's rule.

theres nothing wrong with having a relationship with the opposite sex where one side is doing one thing theyre good at, and the other is doing what theyre good at. men are stronger. men do plan extremely well. females do entie and lure men. they do rear children. women do have extremely perceptive skills. women do have the natural ability to discipline children and keep them in order under a stable man's rule.

nobody says it to downplay women, its only brought out to clearly define what is expected from men, and what is expected from women. men are into hard, physical work more than women. sports, labor, military, firemen, you name it. we are also naturally more capable of it. women are more equipped for being nuturing, (their bodies and nature showing us this as well), comforting, and doing homecare as well as arts and crafts. they are much more attached to their kids, and so it makes sense for them to be in that role. the law and feminists groups would even say the same.

now do you know many women who are firemen or in the battle field signing up for field duty in the military? do you know of many women who play exciting world wide broadcasted sports who have millions watching them, and with state to state men jocking them for their money and status? mael groupies who want a woman for the money she has? its more likely he will choose based on her looks, and if shes healthy/attractive enough to bear his seeds. women are groupies since they believe a high statues man can provide for he seeds.

and thats because men and women are not built the same. they look, do, and build things differently, but work best with each other. you seem to overlook this.

no, their roles are not the same. historically and biologically.

you see being equal with the female gender, does not mean that they are identical to us. or that their skills/strengths/interests are the same as us. you can not expect something from a woman that a man is good at. there has to be a male/masculine energy and a female one in any functional relationship.

you will even see this in gay couples, there is the "butch/top" and the "lipstick lesbo/bottom."

so you cant ignore this simple principle. there will be at best, one male - one leader, and one female, one who follows under the male. the man will call teh shots. she will then be the keeper of the sanctity of their home. you will see that relationships that are more in line with this natural order will prosper.

Couldn't have said it better.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Now me, I'm never going to speak out against marriage. I'm going to speak out against the fact that people aren't living in a fashion worthy of marriage. When done right, marriage is a beautiful thing. This is why I stress the importance of integrity and doing what you say you are going to do. That is the only way marriage or any sort of long-term commitment will work.

I can't speak out against marriage or long-term relationships because I know that when they are working right, they are way more beautiful than living that 'playa' lifestyle. The reason many men choose to engage in the playa lifestyle in this day and age is because they don't feel like they can trust the woman they have come across. You might get a whole bunch of sex with different women, but what you also get are a whole bunch of worries on your mind. Is she pregnant? Will she pass me any stds? Any jealous husbands on the horizon? Does she even honestly have any love for me or is this just us quickly satisfying the lusts of our flesh?

When relationships are DONE RIGHT, you have a partner who is there for you thick and thin, who you are also building a true FAMILY with. Family is way, way more important than some weak ego-pumping you get from smashing a whole bunch of women. Family traditions, family lineage, all of that is disappearing because of the utter nonsense we are engaging in this day and age. Kids being able to always have access to their fathers, to see their grandparents, etc... Kids are being robbed with this utter nonsense we are engaging in this day and age. We have to turn the tide.

Relationships have to be built on trustworthiness and respect. If that's not there, then there simply is no relationship. Love is a sort of fickle seed that has requirements to actually be able to grow. The soil has to be fertile with trustworthiness and watered with respect. As a man, you have to be the leader and you have to embody both of these things FIRST. We cannot sit around and wait for women to do it. That's the burden of leadership. We also have to stress the importance of these two factors in our dealings with women. In other words, we have to be TEACHERS.

This is the depth of 'manhood'. Having a johnson swinging between your legs doesn't qualify you as being a man. In many of the older societies, you had 'rites of manhood', or in other words, tests that a boy had to pass in order to be respected as a man in society. Manhood wasn't a title just handed out liberally. It was something that had to be earned. Men also taught men how to act in a fashion that was constructive to the overall society.

This is why this thread is important. Just because you were born male doesn't mean anything. You have to continually study manhood and to embrace it in your life. This is why I am emphasizing to think BIGGER than merely catching women. God has given you the task of being the architect for you and yours... What sort of residence will you build for your future family? One that will collapse or one that is able to stand strong through turbulent times?
May 4, 2012
White racists cite exactly the same reasoning as justification for their racism...resistance to "black power", and cries for equality, in much the same way you are justifying your rhetoric. What Im trying to get you to see is that racism and your misogyny operate from the exact same space. If it didnt, then my replacing of white for male wouldnt fit like a glove the way it did in that paragraph. Of course you wont recognize that, because recognizing that would actually inspire self-reflection on your own behavior. You're just content to blame women for everything.

"To call a man an animal is to flatter him; he's a machine, a walking dildo -." -- Valerie Solanas - Admired 1970's feminists.

Would she be able to get away with this?

To call a black man an animal is to flatter him; he's a machine, a walking dildo." -- Valerie Solanas

The argument that people who criticize feminism are just angry white men does not work. Feminists hate white heterosexual males. Actually, you could argue that upper to middle class white(feminist) women have initiated class warfare against poor white men.

Feminists get away with their bullshyt because they include white hetero men in their rhetoric. If it was directed towards a specific minority group of men, they would be lambasted for the hate mongering, marxists, eugenicits that they are.

Good try though, friend.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Man if women were really serious about that 50/50 thing, what man wouldn't want it? It would make things way, way easier.

- Women pay their own portions for dinner and going out without you having to be a guy she really likes or you having to play some games or create an uncomfortable situation.

- You don't ever have to step up and protect a female since she will sit back and fight for herself.

- You won't ever have to listen to her problems, because just like a man, she will silently and quietly deal with her problems via her internal dialogue and handle it on her own.

- You won't have to be 'in control' and make the choices because you would make it together and she wouldn't actually look at you as boring and 'predictable.'

- Women would easily and willingly sign a prenup because they have no problem with a man keeping what he brought in and her keeping what she brought in. There would also be no alimony, because just like a man, after the marriage she would be expected to stand on her own two feet.

- Women wouldn't cheer those women who got huge pay-outs via divorce proceedings but would instead call them losers who need to stand on their two feet.

- Women would never tell men to 'man-up' because apparently, according to their criteria, that is sexist language. We shouldn't have gender roles anymore according to them, so it is hypocritical telling a man to 'man-up'.

- Women would not be on a prime-time television show laughing at a man getting his penis cut off because they would realize how offensive it is.

- Women would not hit men and not expect to get hit back because they realize they are equal and thus equally responsible for the repercussions of their actions.

- Would not only marry men on 'equal' or higher economic terms than herself, because men are more than willing to marry down.

- Would not shame a man for taking the time out and letting him be a 'house-husband' and would be perfectly fine with being the sole provider for years because that's something that men have been doing for centuries.

- Women start to speak out against women automatically being awarded custody of the kids in the vast majority of the cases and instead prompt the judicial system to actually undergo a 'more fit parent' test.

- Don't expect a man to rescue them in any capacity because they are now equal to a man and women and children first no longer applies.

Cats will start to say cool to the 50/50 thing when women actually start to REALISTICALLY WANT 50/50 and are willing to shun the benefits they get under this so-called patriarchy they hate... but for me to sit here and act like they want this equality when what they really want is the benefits of being 'equal' to a man with none of the responsibilities or repercussions, while also wanting to keep the benefits of ladyhood while having to abide by none of the restrictions... come on now. I'm not going to live in that fantasy world and act like that is anywhere near 50/50. I'm not going to sit around and tell these women their farts smell like potpourri. What they want is not equality. What they want is privilege.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
This is some powerful knowledge for you cats.
Never let a woman 'homegirl' you, 'boy' you, 'toolman' you, or 'punk' you.

Whether you like it or not, women WILL test you and WILL attempt to run some disrespect by you, thus categorizing you in her mind... The category she puts you in will determine the treatment you will get from her from then on.

A woman who wants to 'homegirl' you will try to tell you about all her relationship problems and other dudes she is messing with. If you allow this to go on, you're going to be her little 'complain buddy', to which she tells all her problems and how she is dealing with other dudes. Another way cats get homegirled is by doing things she does with her homegirls, like going shopping with her, grocery shopping or any other similar endeavors. How you avoid this? You simply don't go for that. And don't be afraid to be raw with them.

Girl: "Jermaine, ugh, he treats me so bad."
You: "Listen ma, I'm not your homegirl. I don't want to hear about what you're doing with any man other than myself. In fact, if me and you are going to ever get serious, you're going to have to drop them other dudes and focus on me and what we're doing."

If she gets offended, so what? Kick her to the curb. That's one woman that wants to play games with you. A lot of you cats get homegirled because you bite on it.
(scenario where you go for it)
Girl: "Jermaine, ugh, he treats me so bad."
You: He's such a jerk. You really shouldn't put up with that behavior. What happened exactly?
Girl: Bla bla bla. Thanks for speaking to me... You made me feel sooo much better.
*Goes right back to messing with Jermaine and has the same exact problems, and comes right back to you with it.
Girl: Thanks for listening to me all the time. You're just like a close homegirl

Getting homegirled scenario 2
Girl: Come to the grocery store with me.
You: Nah, I'm cool
Girl: Come on... pleeease
You: Nah.
Girl: You're such a jerk
You: Don't play with me. Bring me back some chips on the way back.

Homegirled 3:
Girl: *rings your phone... Hey, can you do me a favor and pick me up from the club and drop me off somewhere?
You: Listen ma, don't play these games with me. Call a taxi. goodnight.

Getting 'tooled' is when babygirl calls you up for some sort of favor that needs to be fixed and you rush over there for her. If you are not her man, you owe her no obligation to fix her stuff for free. When's the last time she rushed over to do your laundry for free? Saying yes is how you get used and abused by women... and you allow it because she might shame you or use naughty little language and make you feel bad. That's called EMOTIONAL MANIPULATION. Don't fall for it. You don't owe any of these women a doggone thing. If she's your true-blue friend and actually has done things for you, cool, but falling into favor guy category where you're doing favors for her with no reciprocation is a no-no.

Girl: Can you pleaseee help fix my computer?
You: Don't got time to do it. I can recommend you a place though.
Girl: Ugh you're such a jerk.
You: Listen, I don't owe you a thing.

Getting 'boyed' is when she tries to come from above and come down on you like she's your mother.
Example 1:
Girl: Ugh, why do you play videogames all the time. You need to grow up!
You: Listen babygirl. I'm a grown man. I handle all my responsibilities and after that I choose my leisure time how I want. You're not going to determine how I spend that time. I don't and I won't be doing anything other than what I'm doing right now.

Example 2:
She calls you on the phone, and it sounds innocent... but if you let it slide, she's going to start getting real comfortable and letting other disrespect escalate
Girl: Hey Boy
You: Say ma, ain't no boy's here. You need to hit up the elementary school if you're looking for a boy. You're talking to a grown man.

Punk is pretty much the same thing
Girl: Hey punk.
You: Ain't no punks here. You must have me confused with someone else.

Some of you cats might think that I'm taking this too serious and retort with how you're still getting the cooch or whatever... but let's be real. Are you cool with trading your dignity and self-respect because you're afraid you won't get the sex? If you let these women diss you playfully, they WILL start to escalate later. If you don't establish this from the GET-GO, she will keep playing these games with you. The only thing you should be cool with a woman referring to you as is a man.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
This is some powerful knowledge for you cats.
Never let a woman 'homegirl' you, 'boy' you, 'toolman' you, or 'punk' you.

Whether you like it or not, women WILL test you and WILL attempt to run some disrespect by you, thus categorizing you in her mind... The category she puts you in will determine the treatment you will get from her from then on.

A woman who wants to 'homegirl' you will try to tell you about all her relationship problems and other dudes she is messing with. If you allow this to go on, you're going to be her little 'complain buddy', to which she tells all her problems and how she is dealing with other dudes. Another way cats get homegirled is by doing things she does with her homegirls, like going shopping with her, grocery shopping or any other similar endeavors. How you avoid this? You simply don't go for that. And don't be afraid to be raw with them.

Girl: "Jermaine, ugh, he treats me so bad."
You: "Listen ma, I'm not your homegirl. I don't want to hear about what you're doing with any man other than myself. In fact, if me and you are going to ever get serious, you're going to have to drop them other dudes and focus on me and what we're doing."

If she gets offended, so what? Kick her to the curb. That's one woman that wants to play games with you. A lot of you cats get homegirled because you bite on it.
(scenario where you go for it)
Girl: "Jermaine, ugh, he treats me so bad."
You: He's such a jerk. You really shouldn't put up with that behavior. What happened exactly?
Girl: Bla bla bla. Thanks for speaking to me... You made me feel sooo much better.
*Goes right back to messing with Jermaine and has the same exact problems, and comes right back to you with it.
Girl: Thanks for listening to me all the time. You're just like a close homegirl

Getting homegirled scenario 2
Girl: Come to the grocery store with me.
You: Nah, I'm cool
Girl: Come on... pleeease
You: Nah.
Girl: You're such a jerk
You: Don't play with me. Bring me back some chips on the way back.

Homegirled 3:
Girl: *rings your phone... Hey, can you do me a favor and pick me up from the club and drop me off somewhere?
You: Listen ma, don't play these games with me. Call a taxi. goodnight.

Getting 'tooled' is when babygirl calls you up for some sort of favor that needs to be fixed and you rush over there for her. If you are not her man, you owe her no obligation to fix her stuff for free. When's the last time she rushed over to do your laundry for free? Saying yes is how you get used and abused by women... and you allow it because she might shame you or use naughty little language and make you feel bad. That's called EMOTIONAL MANIPULATION. Don't fall for it. You don't owe any of these women a doggone thing. If she's your true-blue friend and actually has done things for you, cool, but falling into favor guy category where you're doing favors for her with no reciprocation is a no-no.

Girl: Can you pleaseee help fix my computer?
You: Don't got time to do it. I can recommend you a place though.
Girl: Ugh you're such a jerk.
You: Listen, I don't owe you a thing.

Getting 'boyed' is when she tries to come from above and come down on you like she's your mother.
Example 1:
Girl: Ugh, why do you play videogames all the time. You need to grow up!
You: Listen babygirl. I'm a grown man. I handle all my responsibilities and after that I choose my leisure time how I want. You're not going to determine how I spend that time. I don't and I won't be doing anything other than what I'm doing right now.

Example 2:
She calls you on the phone, and it sounds innocent... but if you let it slide, she's going to start getting real comfortable and letting other disrespect escalate
Girl: Hey Boy
You: Say ma, ain't no boy's here. You need to hit up the elementary school if you're looking for a boy. You're talking to a grown man.

Punk is pretty much the same thing
Girl: Hey punk.
You: Ain't no punks here. You must have me confused with someone else.

Some of you cats might think that I'm taking this too serious and retort with how you're still getting the cooch or whatever... but let's be real. Are you cool with trading your dignity and self-respect because you're afraid you won't get the sex? If you let these women diss you playfully, they WILL start to escalate later. If you don't establish this from the GET-GO, she will keep playing these games with you. The only thing you should be cool with a woman referring to you as is a man.


Sad thing as a person, I've said it before I have no issues helping someone out, it's just sad when you do with women, you get manipulated and used.

I always say and I stand by jt

I would say 99 percent of the time a female texts me or calls, falls into one of these categories*

1. she hasn't talked to me in awhile, and concocted in her mind that I was interested at one point and is fishing if I am still.

2. A favour, as she scrolls down the list of "male friends" *and comes across my name

3. *if something is going terrible in her life*

4. bored and wants to do something

Rarely a female will text to genuinely care or ask how you are feeling without some sort of catch.

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh