Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
One thing I want to impress on you young'ns and old school cats alike is to think bigger than catching and dealing with women... Think way bigger than women. Are you constantly learning something new everyday? Are you right with God? Are you steadily in contact with your real comrades? Contrary to what you think, if absolutely everything you do must in some form or fashion relate to how it will help you deal with women, this will help you a LOT. Men who have nothing but women catching techniques and spend all of their time and energy dealing with women will more than likely end up with nothing in the not to near future.

The point I'm really trying to make is that women are a PART of your life. They are NOT your life. They fit into the gameplan of what you are doing. They are not the gameplan. If they are your gameplan, then the woman is leading you no matter how much you have deluded yourself. So with that said, I'd like to start seeing more talk in this thread about manhood knowledge in general... sharing tips on travelling more efficiently, cool little spots to kick it, money budgeting, and all of that.

Ohms Law

All Star
May 1, 2012
#Byrd Gang
One thing I want to impress on you young'ns and old school cats alike is to think bigger than catching and dealing with women... Think way bigger than women. Are you constantly learning something new everyday? Are you right with God? Are you steadily in contact with your real comrades? Contrary to what you think, if absolutely everything you do must in some form or fashion relate to how it will help you deal with women, this will help you a LOT. Men who have nothing but women catching techniques and spend all of their time and energy dealing with women will more than likely end up with nothing in the not to near future.

The point I'm really trying to make is that women are a PART of your life. They are NOT your life. They fit into the gameplan of what you are doing. They are not the gameplan. If they are your gameplan, then the woman is leading you no matter how much you have deluded yourself. So with that said, I'd like to start seeing more talk in this thread about manhood knowledge in general... sharing tips on travelling more efficiently, cool little spots to kick it, money budgeting, and all of that.

:blessed: Might be time for a title change


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Some more heat from that comment section.

Arrow Night 1 month ago
Yes, and what they “feel” is that life and work is kicking their ass and they want out. They don’t wan’t to work anymore – it’s hard.

That is where the “equal, white collar” man comes in. She needs an equal or better in generating the same level of income she is used to so that when she “checks out” of the rat race via having kids and deciding to be a stay at home mom – her “man” has the goods and the opportunity to “man up”, work harder, and make up for her half of the lost income, so she can keep spending the same amount of money on her established standards, while contributing nothing.

I call it the age 30 retirement program. And the 35+ year olds are mad because they can’t “cash out.” Where is there retirement benefits when she needs them? Dammit!

Anthony Ceithamer 2 weeks ago
Patriarchy will never be dismantled. Women have an inherent desire to be dominated. Women desire men who are at least at their level in terms of class (success, income, intelligence, etc.) because dating men who are inferior to themselves is simply unattractive. This is a psychological staple of women that will never fade.

All our “progress” has done is destroy the very nature of true love. Divorce rates remain high and relationships come and go at an astronomical rate compared to past decades.

Women are socially programmed to ignore there natural feelings of submissiveness by this regime of feminism that would berate a woman based on her choices if she doesn’t attempt to make herself better than every man she meets.

It’s sickening.

david Leko 1 week ago
The dismantling of patriarchal systems is virtually complete, women now earn more than men in all but the small amount of elite jobs.
This all by design and women have been suckered. It’s all part of the globalists plan to fragment and destroy society as part of their divide and conquer plan of world government implementation.

Firstly they want to destroy the family, they did this via the promotion of feminism and the feminisation of men. Women have been trained to dismiss traditional motherly nurturing femine values to pursue masculine traits, thus making relationships with men more difficult as men have evolved to fight other men, not compete with women. This also erodes the family structure as male/female parenting roles work when they compliment each other as opposed to constant competitive conflict.

Another key facet of the agenda is the subjugation of men. The reason for this is the following: Men are physically more dangerous, more likely to challenge authority (Men are more inclined to view totalitarian Government as an alpha male threat, women view it as a protector). Men also have slightly higher IQ by 5 points on average as confirmed by countless major studies, which is neither here nor there, but the important characteristic is the relative distributions, men’s IQs are more spread across the spectrum whereas women’s are more grouped around the middle. This makes evolutionary sense, the bigger the difference between men’s abilities the more easy it is for women to select the fittest mates, also the best of a diverse group of men is going to be much more intelligent than the best selected of a group of average men. Thus humanity’s intellectual evolution advances more rapidly. Thus there are more stupid men than women but many more genius level men than women, and highly intelligent, critically thinking, physically strong, able to fight males is not what they want.

The Govt-controlled media has been engaging in an anti male campaign, portraying men as incompetent, lying, dumb, untrustworthy, sports-obsessed buffoons to subjugate men and give more power to women, to make society more controllable and easier to manipulate. The majority of movies now routinely portray women as kung fu expert kick-ass type traditionally masculine roles (nothing wrong with a bit of that but the prevalence and obvious overarching trend is unmistakeable) So some people are going to respond negatively to my post from a stance of cognitive dissonance and emotional investment, especially women but I’m right, to be honest it’s fairly obvious to anyone that’s done any research into globalism and their social engineering methods.
Lovely to see men waking up


May 2, 2012
Isn't this attractive?


Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
I caved in last night bros. got high and drunk, ended up texting my ex apologizing for going off on her and just explaining that I don't want to talk cause it messes with me and it's unhealthy for our mental state of mind to be fighting and shyt, and that maybe we can be friends later on in life but right now I need to better myself. At the end of the message I told her not to text back as it'll just make things more difficult. Good thing she didn't. Not gonna lie I feel good about it for the fact that I could sit down and communicate without cursing or shouting and expressing my feelings, but at the same time I feel like damn I shouldn't have apologized as it's what she deserves. I think I probably made her feel bad though like she missed out on something special, which she probably already knew, but now it's going to be in her face even more since i sent that text, unfortunately


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
I wanted to write about how slick some of these girls think they are. note for all the young guys, as soon as a female starts talking about money or something that she has to pay, and starts blasting off figures and exact costs ... exit. just play like you didnt hear a thing, and keep it pushin

they throw their little game, their woe is me shyt, and come off like :youngsabo:

earlier this week I heard from an ex, and I wrote about her a few months back. matter of fact, shes the one that sent me that bs little new years card not too long ago. I saw exactly what she was trying. saw through that little game of waiting for the holidays to holla at me. shes the one who was "busy" after a while and ran to be with her baby father on the low, until he got locked for 15 years. then she came back trying to holla at me. the fukk outta here with that

so anyways, she writes an EMAIL (wtf). about how she was thinking of me and wanted to call me. says she missed me and blah blah blah. then she gets into about how her car or something, I forgot, needs fixing. its a problem because "its $200 UGH!." but anyways as SOON as I hear that, Im out. I say good luck with that. I gotta go.

no time for cash talk with any female or anything since 1) she aint my girl and 2) fix your own shyt. show me you can handle responsibility and then maybe I can take you seriously.

These women don't want to hear about your investing knowledge. They just merely want to see the ripe fruits of it, aka you got money off of it. Same with all else you do. When you're out there, it's kind of like you're putting on a magic show. You SHOW the woman the fruits of your mentality, but you never explain to her how it's done. What makes a magic show so interesting si that people don't know how in the world the trick was done, but the end result is so spectacular. If you start giving a woman all your direct wisdom and knowledge, she will soak it up like a sponge and take it to the next man after she done dried you out.

I know that money managment is a big issue with determining a womans decision making ability. her choices with kids and men too, of course, but money speaks on a big level as well. without that, you wont eat. so what is she doing with her money? if a woman cant maintain her lifestyle, and always needs some assistance, that shows how flighty and come and go she really is and will be. she will tap one well, and the next, and the next, and so on and so forth.

men, dont fukk with broke chicks and chicks always talking about her "bills." (like no one else got them.)

Don't tell a woman how to 'get it.' Tell her how she can get it for you. Big difference there. When you're breaking it down to a woman, tell her about the gameplan you have for her... never tell her the intricacies and principles behind YOUR gameplan. In other words, stop giving these women the knowledge of what you do and how you do it as a boss, but give her the knowledge she needs to know as someone who works under you. The gameplan you have for yourself and the gameplan you have for her will be completely different.

thats real pimpin there. its boss level thinking. it comes down to this, if youre not leading your girl, then someone else is or will be. if she aint REALLY trying to make it happen with you, then shes trying somewhere else. she goes to where she is captivated. like a child.

and some dont even have the outside direction so they go nowhere :gladbron:

without the right guidance being given, expect her to be up and down with you, and all around the place.

There always has to be significant portions of what you're doing that she remains unaware of and there has to be knowledge with you that she can get that she can't get anywhere else. Once the mystery of what you're doing is gone, the thrill is gone. It started at the Garden of Eden with the forbidden fruit. Eve could have had ALL the other fruit except the one that was off-limits to her. Guess which one she went for.

yes. thats why having the commanding position is so important. if you dont show that you are a boss, that you are THE boss, then she cant take your word as gospel. that higher rank that you have, needs to be something that is forbidden from her. she can never get it. she chases it, or more like admires it, but needs to resoundingly concede to it. so a man needs to show that he knows whats best. its important for a man to display that within himself, so that way she sees youre real with yours. so men, maintain your own bills and lifestyle first, then see if a woman can respect it and get on your level.

I wouldnt reccommend only geting by, then finding someone else who is half assed with their shyt. you both are likely to get the same results because no one is showing and proving.

Women don't want the negro that gives up his knowledge easily, his time easily, etc. She always wants that man that she thinks has something she doesn't have and she can't easily obtain.

there cant be two chiefs. shyt, there cant even be two chefs. too many head cooks and the recipe goes bad. and from that, what people need to realize is, theres nothing wrong with having a good soldier in the mix. its a valuable and worthy position. its the only way things get done to their fullest and highest potential.

women need to hold on to their roles as the woman, and hold that down for their man. both sides need to respect what they do and put in. after all, its the only way everyone can play to their strengths and get the most out of it, in a long term sense.
May 4, 2012
anyways brehs, just wanted to say i was in a car accident as many of you know a few months ago, my corolla was written off. so anyways i "upgraded" to a honda accord leather interior, sun roof, all the bells and whistles, suddenly the few chicks who used to laugh at my car for just being basic at work are now like oh my reincar can i get a test drive bytch plz

SMH @ these harlots.

Congrats on the upgrade though.


Jun 5, 2012
anyways brehs, just wanted to say i was in a car accident as many of you know a few months ago, my corolla was written off. so anyways i "upgraded" to a honda accord leather interior, sun roof, all the bells and whistles, suddenly the few chicks who used to laugh at my car for just being basic at work are now like oh my reincar can i get a test drive bytch plz



follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Isn't this attractive?


The coochie never was and never will be yours. It's always up to her to who she gives it away to... so NEVER let your decision making process be based upon how you can 'keep that thang' exclusive. That's how you start getting into simpdom and uttering things like, "If I don't do it for her, another man will." You could do all she wants you to do and she'll still give that thang away. Stay true to principles. Stay true to Jesus. Stay true to real friends and family and worry about how a female ACTS, not how you can magically hold that vagina into a state of exclusivity... because you can't. Whether she keeps it exclusive will always be up to her. So never let her use that as a weapon against you to play you out of bounds.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
anyways brehs, just wanted to say i was in a car accident as many of you know a few months ago, my corolla was written off. so anyways i "upgraded" to a honda accord leather interior, sun roof, all the bells and whistles, suddenly the few chicks who used to laugh at my car for just being basic at work are now like oh my reincar can i get a test drive bytch plz

:snoop: it doesnt stop with these shameless females. and through that shyt it becomes this game where men bust their ass to acquire more and more material things, just so they can have women who will see it, and want that from them. it becomes the blind leading the blind. the worst part is that its all material goods, and a chase for things that are just that, things. items dont talk, they dont plan, and they dont have a mind. on top of that, many things depreciate, so theyre only nice for a limited time. expensive fancy ass clothes and cars dont afford you a good future. but if that is what it takes to get their ears up and their eyes opened, it says volumes about their character.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
:snoop: it doesnt stop with these shameless females. and through that shyt it becomes this game where men bust their ass to acquire more and more material things, just so they can have women who will see it, and want that from them. it becomes the blind leading the blind. the worst part is that its all material goods, and a chase for things that are just that, things. items dont talk, they dont plan, and they dont have a mind. fancy clothes and cars dont give you a good future. but if that is what it takes to get their ears up and their eyes opened, it says volumes about their character.

That's one of the things I wanted to stress with the budgeting issue. Never ever go overboard in the pursuit of buying material things to 'impress' some woman. Never be 'floss'man who always is spending all his money on stuff to impress the broads. Financial freedom is MUCH bigger than that... Having your money saved up to where you can take a trip to where you want... having your cars paid off... not in CC debt.

Spending all your money in attempt to impress women is the financial version of being at a party and smashing beer bottles over your head in an attempt to look tough for a female. In the end, all you do is look stupid and you're only hurting yourself.

That's not to say don't enjoy buying some gear or a nice car, but it means to never overextend yourself... Cats got to realize if you catch women through material goods, you will lose them when those materials go.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
Isn't this attractive?


shes just sending it out there loud and clear "dont wife me! dont take me serious! dont save me I only go when I can get some shyt from a man! I am a whore! I am independant"


and men who really know good and well, know theyd never fukk with that. no wifing, no kids, nothing.

crazy part is, that shes so loud and beligerant about her ways because she knows that whatever she will say, wont stop what her looks are doing for her. there is typically a :cape: in the wings, thirsty and wallet opened. its like a parasite host who needs an active participant, and these lame men continue to walk in the trap and follow her. :bryan:


May 3, 2012
what is it with women beeing so needy?? honestly i understand the role of beeing the provider to some extend but i feel like im looking after a child.