Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


May 17, 2012
When dealing with women, you really have to learn to KEEP IT SIMPLE and keep your emotions in check. If there's one thing I can get into your head, it's that the average woman is NOT your philosophy partner or your professor. Trying to impress a woman with these big ol' words and ultra deep concepts will do nothing but drive her away unless she is just into that. I have yet to see a female just have a poster of Einstein on her wall.

What you want to do when dealing with a woman is to express your interest, not your emotions. Keep your emotions under control and never kiss her butt.
Expressing your interest
"I'm digging your style"
Expressing your emotion
"Girl I am head over heels for you, you have me feeelin sooo warm inside."

You might sit there really enjoying babygirl's company, so you want to express it, always come from a position of want, not need. When you tell a woman you 'need' her, you start coming off as desperate.

"i want to kick it with you tonight"

"Ma, I really need you tonight"

If babygirl decides to 'show your texts', there's nothing she can really show that will get you clowned. What am I hinting at? There are ways to express yourself that will make you come off as a champ or a chump. Obviously, you shouldn't say it exactly how I'm saying it, but do it in your own personalized manner.

Now, don't ever allow yourself nor let her get the notion that you are 'wide open' for her or else she will get the impression that she is of more value than you and peel off. If you want to know one thing about women, it's that they are always looking for a man they can look up to. Once they can see eye to eye with you figuratively speaking or look down on you, it's over. She's gone. She will either be playing around with you, disrespecting you or she will flat out go to another man.

If you play it soft and emotional, you will get ms. sweet from a woman, aka the woman being pleasant, telling you how great and sweet you are, ooohing and awwwwing you, but for some odd reason, no matter how many compliments you get from her, her actions don't really match up. She often comes up busy when you want to do something with her... she might start making slick little remarks to you or she doesn't value your time. You've fallen into that sweet boy role. You DO NOT want to be in this category. I will say 8 times out of 10 if you are here, she will definitely be dealing with another man on the side who she is spending time with when she is too 'busy' to chill with you. She's giving him the treatment you wish you had.

How you come in dealing with a woman is exactly how you will be treated in that relationship. You come in as a sweet boy and she will honey bunch and sweetie pie you into a doggone sucker role. Women are natural actors, and it's so funny seeing two sides of a woman coming out depending on how she is feeling. She can play the sweet proper role, but then you give her the right feeling and a whole different presentation comes out. A lot of times when a woman is hitting you with that sweetie-pie personality, she's going to be playing you.
i understand what oyur saying, but the word "want" isn't becoming of a boss.

i get the whole point of what your saying. but instead of saying "i want to kick it with you tonight".

just be like:

you:"what you doing later tonight?"
her: "i'm doing blah blah blah"
you: lets kick it after you're done with all that. around 8 sounds good.

knowing women, if 8 is too tight for her she'll suggest a better time. notice the whole set up of this exchange. the whole "wanting" sh1t makes it known u are indeed sprung over her. lets kick it is keeping it very casual with an undertone of a take it or leave it attitude.

case in point, a real life exchange:

me: let's hang out tomorrow night
her: i have to babysit
me: till when?
her: till 10pm
her: but we can after i get done
me: sounds good.


HARD ON HOES is not a word it's a LIFESTYLE
Jun 9, 2012
When dealing with women, you really have to learn to KEEP IT SIMPLE and keep your emotions in check. If there's one thing I can get into your head, it's that the average woman is NOT your philosophy partner or your professor. Trying to impress a woman with these big ol' words and ultra deep concepts will do nothing but drive her away unless she is just into that. I have yet to see a female just have a poster of Einstein on her wall.

What you want to do when dealing with a woman is to express your interest, not your emotions. Keep your emotions under control and never kiss her butt.
Expressing your interest
"I'm digging your style"
Expressing your emotion
"Girl I am head over heels for you, you have me feeelin sooo warm inside."

You might sit there really enjoying babygirl's company, so you want to express it, always come from a position of want, not need. When you tell a woman you 'need' her, you start coming off as desperate.

"i want to kick it with you tonight"

"Ma, I really need you tonight"

If babygirl decides to 'show your texts', there's nothing she can really show that will get you clowned. What am I hinting at? There are ways to express yourself that will make you come off as a champ or a chump. Obviously, you shouldn't say it exactly how I'm saying it, but do it in your own personalized manner.

Now, don't ever allow yourself nor let her get the notion that you are 'wide open' for her or else she will get the impression that she is of more value than you and peel off. If you want to know one thing about women, it's that they are always looking for a man they can look up to. Once they can see eye to eye with you figuratively speaking or look down on you, it's over. She's gone. She will either be playing around with you, disrespecting you or she will flat out go to another man.

If you play it soft and emotional, you will get ms. sweet from a woman, aka the woman being pleasant, telling you how great and sweet you are, ooohing and awwwwing you, but for some odd reason, no matter how many compliments you get from her, her actions don't really match up. She often comes up busy when you want to do something with her... she might start making slick little remarks to you or she doesn't value your time. You've fallen into that sweet boy role. You DO NOT want to be in this category. I will say 8 times out of 10 if you are here, she will definitely be dealing with another man on the side who she is spending time with when she is too 'busy' to chill with you. She's giving him the treatment you wish you had.

How you come in dealing with a woman is exactly how you will be treated in that relationship. You come in as a sweet boy and she will honey bunch and sweetie pie you into a doggone sucker role. Women are natural actors, and it's so funny seeing two sides of a woman coming out depending on how she is feeling. She can play the sweet proper role, but then you give her the right feeling and a whole different presentation comes out. A lot of times when a woman is hitting you with that sweetie-pie personality, she's going to be playing you.

i'm speechless........i wish you could have been my Commencement Speaker at college :to:

:ohlawd: :ohlawd: :ohlawd: :ohlawd: :ohlawd: :ohlawd::ohlawd: :ohlawd:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Best advice you can get:

Don't try to communicate with devils. Some women hate me because I flat out ignore their advances because I know they aren't right in the head. I know that they're living lifestyles of drugs, alcohol, tanning and harlotry and I'm much better off without that in my life. Don't even let these broads think you're giving them any air play.

Communication starts with you and ends with you. Don't communicate with these heauxs to begin with.


That's definitely a great plan if you don't want a certain woman in your life. It cuts out a ton of problems if you don't give her an in in the first place. I'm cordial and friendly with a lot of women, I don't allow them 'ins' to my life.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
i'm speechless........i wish you could have been my Commencement Speaker at college :to:

:ohlawd: :ohlawd: :ohlawd: :ohlawd: :ohlawd: :ohlawd::ohlawd: :ohlawd:

Man glad to see you in this thread. I seen you dropping some of that knowledge in some of the other threads on here. Another real perspective is always wanted at the roundtable.


HARD ON HOES is not a word it's a LIFESTYLE
Jun 9, 2012
Man glad to see you in this thread. I seen you dropping some of that knowledge in some of the other threads on here. Another real perspective is always wanted at the roundtable.

:salute: hey i'm always open to gleaming some jewels from somebody else...

u MURKED DAT SHYT SON!! :dwillhuh:

u pointed out a lesson i had to learn as a teen.....

i thought i could WIN BYATCHES over with my "illuminating" knowledge of things....

mane...although they respected the "sublime thinking" i had...they just felt it wasn't neccesary.....

and they was right

one female friend told me this when i wondered why her cousin wouldn't return my calls...

she said..."U smart and erethang..but YOU BE SCARING GIRLS OFF the way u come off...."

Here i was trying to have pro black conversations and esoteric discussions with byatches just trying to drop it like it's hot and find an outfit for the club

i was like on some ART BARR history refrencing mofo....."u know back in the day they say"...... no disrespect to ART

but them byatches ain't wanna hear that.........

especially when your YOUNG and it's about ENTERTAINMENT

even when u get older...if that byatch isn't involved in a field where she could use that knowledge to get ahead in her school or career....keep it moving..........

cause at the end of the day..she just like u SHE WANNA FUKK

she just don't wanna be so obvious about it :manny:

"Now she's a fine sister
But up here (brain) she's missin' it
She says she wanna learn about life
No old black bull sh1t" - CHUCK D.


Mansur Brown - "Heiwa"
May 1, 2012
at this information....its too good.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Exactly mane. Back in the day I would try to impress these women with unnecessary vocabulary and just kicking all kinds of knowledge like investing or history or some nonsense.... mixing your seduction style into malcolm x and einstein is a recipe for disaster. When it comes down to it, if you can't speak to a woman's feelings, you aren't speaking to her as a woman at all.

Cats try to deal with emotional creatures with too much direct logic. The language women respond to the best is this kind of humorous, flirty kind of flowing, but with you maintaining your seriousness that she knows if she gets out of line, it will be some problems. Mr. Wise Philosopher here to solve all her problems doesn't work.. They like charisma man, not socrates 2.0

The woman I used to dig liked me coming with that knowledge brother approach on the surface and thought it was cool and everything, but the kind of cat she really fell for was one of them ol n'awlins cats who put her up on smoking and all that ignorance right there. She would wait up on him and complain about him all the time..

These women don't want to hear about your investing knowledge. They just merely want to see the ripe fruits of it, aka you got money off of it. Same with all else you do. When you're out there, it's kind of like you're putting on a magic show. You SHOW the woman the fruits of your mentality, but you never explain to her how it's done. What makes a magic show so interesting si that people don't know how in the world the trick was done, but the end result is so spectacular. If you start giving a woman all your direct wisdom and knowledge, she will soak it up like a sponge and take it to the next man after she done dried you out.

I might upgrade a woman's knowledge I'm dealing with, but only in the context that she is with me. Cats upgrade these women's GENERAL knowledge too much, meaning they can take the gameplan you've given them on the road and use it as a success plan to trap what she believes to be a negro that is 'higher' than you or has knowledge different than you that she wants to receive. Don't tell a woman how to 'get it.' Tell her how she can get it for you. Big difference there. When you're breaking it down to a woman, tell her about the gameplan you have for her... never tell her the intricacies and principles behind YOUR gameplan. In other words, stop giving these women the knowledge of what you do and how you do it as a boss, but give her the knowledge she needs to know as someone who works under you. The gameplan you have for yourself and the gameplan you have for her will be completely different.

There always has to be significant portions of what you're doing that she remains unaware of and there has to be knowledge with you that she can get that she can't get anywhere else. Once the mystery of what you're doing is gone, the thrill is gone. It started at the Garden of Eden with the forbidden fruit. Eve could have had ALL the other fruit except the one that was off-limits to her. Guess which one she went for.

Women don't want the negro that gives up his knowledge easily, his time easily, etc. She always wants that man that she thinks has something she doesn't have and she can't easily obtain.

:salute: hey i'm always open to gleaming some jewels from somebody else...

u MURKED DAT SHYT SON!! :dwillhuh:

u pointed out a lesson i had to learn as a teen.....

i thought i could WIN BYATCHES over with my "illuminating" knowledge of things....

mane...although they respected the "sublime thinking" i had...they just felt it wasn't neccesary.....

and they was right

one female friend told me this when i wondered why her cousin wouldn't return my calls...

she said..."U smart and erethang..but YOU BE SCARING GIRLS OFF the way u come off...."

Here i was trying to have pro black conversations and esoteric discussions with byatches just trying to drop it like it's hot and find an outfit for the club

i was like on some ART BARR history refrencing mofo....."u know back in the day they say"...... no disrespect to ART

but them byatches ain't wanna hear that.........

especially when your YOUNG and it's about ENTERTAINMENT

even when u get older...if that byatch isn't involved in a field where she could use that knowledge to get ahead in her school or career....keep it moving..........

cause at the end of the day..she just like u SHE WANNA FUKK

she just don't wanna be so obvious about it :manny:

"Now she's a fine sister
But up here (brain) she's missin' it
She says she wanna learn about life
No old black bull sh1t" - CHUCK D.


Let That Hoe Go
May 30, 2012
Meeting women and getting their phone numbers

What men fail to do is read women. If a woman is interested in you, she is giving you her number if you ask no matter the situation, time or place. We approach women who display no type of attraction or interest in us, and then wonder why we get shut down.

If a woman is interested in you, you won't have to spit lines or think of game to kick to her. You should be able to have a casual conversation, extract information, and get her contact.

Never force a situation, or hound a woman for her attention or her phone number. Women playing hard to get is played out and rare. If she likes you, she will accept your advances positively. If she says "No" or anything that implies she doesn't want to connect with you, keep it moving.

It's pathetic to keep hounding a woman. At the best, what she will do is see what resources you have, and if she does decide to give you the time of the day, she will use you and succeed because she knows you are sweating her. Never sweat a woman. It's fine to show interest, but never infatuation.

Dude on instagram telling girls "I'll fly you to out to New York" or "I'll drink your bath water" is disgusting. Women laugh at them, and even if she does find him attractive, she is probably now turned off because of his lack of confident.

Yes, chicks perceive a guy sweating them as a lack of confidence. They enjoy it, but they'd prefer a man who calls the shots and makes her chase behind him. It's true.


May 6, 2012
Meeting women and getting their phone numbers

What men fail to do is read women. If a woman is interested in you, she is giving you her number if you ask no matter the situation, time or place. We approach women who display no type of attraction or interest in us, and then wonder why we get shut down.

If a woman is interested in you, you won't have to spit lines or think of game to kick to her. You should be able to have a casual conversation, extract information, and get her contact.

Never force a situation, or hound a woman for her attention or her phone number. Women playing hard to get is played out and rare. If she likes you, she will accept your advances positively. If she says "No" or anything that implies she doesn't want to connect with you, keep it moving.

It's pathetic to keep hounding a woman. At the best, what she will do is see what resources you have, and if she does decide to give you the time of the day, she will use you and succeed because she knows you are sweating her. Never sweat a woman. It's fine to show interest, but never infatuation.

Dude on instagram telling girls "I'll fly you to out to New York" or "I'll drink your bath water" is disgusting. Women laugh at them, and even if she does find him attractive, she is probably now turned off because of his lack of confident.

Yes, chicks perceive a guy sweating them as a lack of confidence. They enjoy it, but they'd prefer a man who calls the shots and makes her chase behind him. It's true.
truth. let her choose you first through her body language and eye contact. Then approach casually with no fronting or neediness. she will cooperate and respect the game most likely.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
anyways brehs, just wanted to say i was in a car accident as many of you know a few months ago, my corolla was written off. so anyways i "upgraded" to a honda accord leather interior, sun roof, all the bells and whistles, suddenly the few chicks who used to laugh at my car for just being basic at work are now like oh my reincar can i get a test drive bytch plz


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
This is a fly comment from that article:
Days of Broken Arrows 3 months ago
Patriarchy, which is a questionable theory anyway, will never be “dismantled.”

Look around you. Everything you see was conceived, built, and delivered by a man. The very technology you’re using to make your point was created by men. This isn’t likely to change anytime soon and even if it did, you still have the entire world that was built by men to deal with, so the influence of “patriarchy” will always be the norm and the building blocks of the world.

Men granted women the right to vote in a country they fought to build and drew up rules for. Men allowed women entry into the workplaces they themselves built. If women could have built the world, they would have.

But when the inevitable war or natural disaster comes to our shores, it will be the men, as always, cleaning up the mess and defending the masses and no one will be talking about specious ideas like “patriarchy.” There are no feminists when the life boats come out. Or when the dinner check arrives, for that matter.