hey i'm always open to gleaming some jewels from somebody else...
u pointed out a lesson i had to learn as a teen.....
i thought i could WIN BYATCHES over with my "illuminating" knowledge of things....
mane...although they respected the "sublime thinking" i had...they just felt it wasn't neccesary.....
and they was right
one female friend told me this when i wondered why her cousin wouldn't return my calls...
she said..."U smart and erethang..but YOU BE SCARING GIRLS OFF the way u come off...."
Here i was trying to have pro black conversations and esoteric discussions with byatches just trying to drop it like it's hot and find an outfit for the club
i was like on some ART BARR history refrencing mofo....."u know back in the day they say"...... no disrespect to ART
but them byatches ain't wanna hear that.........
especially when your YOUNG and it's about ENTERTAINMENT
even when u get older...if that byatch isn't involved in a field where she could use that knowledge to get ahead in her school or career....keep it moving..........
cause at the end of the day..she just like u SHE WANNA FUKK
she just don't wanna be so obvious about it
"Now she's a fine sister
But up here (brain) she's missin' it
She says she wanna learn about life
No old black bull sh1t" - CHUCK D.