The Jewnited States
What a lot of women do, and men, is they let so many notifications accumulate, that they set a time, or whatever, and then respond to a group or all of them in a 10 minute period, something along those lines. So, yes, they COULD respond to your message, when it comes, but they often aren't responding to lots and lots of messages, until later. Even as recently as like 2 years ago, I would be surprised when some random text I send to whomever, would get replied to 4 days later, at 7:44 AM, when I had forgotten about it. I assumed they were going back into the text thread, but no, they just replied en masse to unread texts.
To understand this, you have to realize that messages/busyness are a status signal/status sign. And also, just the extreme relentlessness of notifications from everywhere. And therefore, people are motivated, kinda like by IG likes, to get as many as possible, and not replying becomes a form or power exercised, and also a form of control.
Makes sense. Once I got off social media my notifications are minimal outside of texts. Some of the women I talk to are surely on IG/FB/Twitter/tiktok and maybe even onlyfans on the low