It's tough man. The best way I can explain my personal experience is:
I will meet a girl, we will go out a few times, there will be clear attraction and a chemistry. However, despite all that they insist on keeping you at an arms length. Either A) I eventually smash and while things are going well the girl starts creating unecessary conflict or B) I become impatient due to poor communication, constant shyt tests or games, which eventually cause me to fumble the prospect and she hits me with some "You're a great guy but..." nonsense.
A is usually with the girls I am attracted to but dont see long term potential
B is unforunately usually with the girls I am most attracted to and see long term potential '
- Examples of A can be anything from a girl misreading a text to a girl thinking I got her pregnant and refusing to take a pregancy test.
- Examples of B can be due to the shyt we been talking about the last couple of pages, the "ick" as
@Malcolmxxx_23 said or the fact a chick hasnt gotten past who she already smashing / one of her exes.
shyt honestly becomes exhausting. And I personally think that as a man, what makes it worse is that no matter the situation you are always considered to be at fault. "You blew it", "Why did you say that", "You should have called her instead", "Dont call, thats creepy", "You shouldve invited her over". "You invited her over too soon", "Apply pressure", "Don't chase". You're always doing too much or not doing enough.
I can go on and on. No matter the is always YOU who dropped the ball and fukked up.
At this point I am prolly gonna stop discussing my escapades with friends altogether. shyt makes you feel like something is wrong with you