Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Mar 11, 2022
Read the article, really good but for some reason I think if you are doing an article of people going out more and being social and not even touch on cost then it doesnt even need to be written, lol. Most of the article is geared towards younger people. I dont think you can even go to mall with a couple of people and not spend close to 50 bucks total on some auntie annes. :heh:

People have all this comfort at home and when you take gas, tolls, parking, tips, food, tips, drinks, tips even if you step out ALONE you closing in on $100. You step out with a lil ting and that is gonna escalate even more.

They also mentioned the age rising for marriage, but then also found a way to not mention the cost to be a boss in that arena also. Sociability I am sure is somewhere on there but being self reliant is gonna be before whatever bs they came up with. I see these mortgage applications, people need multiple heads just to qualify for a loan now. Having a convo on train is not gonna help anybody if he cant do for self before 30. Old school breh could be on his own and self reliant early 20s. Im sure that is more tied to rise than anything else but they didnt even try to skim over that part, just straight up omitted. :francis:

We know what it is.
May 1, 2012
Read the article, really good but for some reason I think if you are doing an article of people going out more and being social and not even touch on cost then it doesnt even need to be written, lol. Most of the article is geared towards younger people. I dont think you can even go to mall with a couple of people and not spend close to 50 bucks total on some auntie annes. :heh:

People have all this comfort at home and when you take gas, tolls, parking, tips, food, tips, drinks, tips even if you step out ALONE you closing in on $100. You step out with a lil ting and that is gonna escalate even more.

They also mentioned the age rising for marriage, but then also found a way to not mention the cost to be a boss in that arena also. Sociability I am sure is somewhere on there but being self reliant is gonna be before whatever bs they came up with. I see these mortgage applications, people need multiple heads just to qualify for a loan now. Having a convo on train is not gonna help anybody if he cant do for self before 30. Old school breh could be on his own and self reliant early 20s. Im sure that is more tied to rise than anything else but they didnt even try to skim over that part, just straight up omitted. :francis:

We know what it is.

Financial concerns are also part of the problem for sure. Especially if you're older and not well off. If you're young, you're expected to be broke. When I was younger, I had no money but my friends and I found things to do i.e. basketball at the park, go to the beach, buy one movie ticket and sneak in 6 other people, people watch at the mall, other people's house parties, sports etc etc. now when I talk to some younger people and try to pick their brains, a lot of them will tell me that they have group outings on Discord :mjlol:

Times is just different. So I think you bring up a valid point, but I think it depends on what age group you talking about. As an entirety though, people do just seem more anti-social.

From the article he talks about the bar being used only for pickup orders now, and that shyt def isn't cheap. Uber eats ain't cheap. If people were so worried about money they would learn how to cook and make bulk meals for the week. So I don't know if it's really just a money thing. Hell I don't think it's an either/or thing at all, I think there are many factors at play but I definitely think the prevalence of SCREENS and echo chamber online communities plays a gigantic part in this problem. I think the source of this problem def will change from area to area and socioeconomic strata as well.

Anyway, thank you for raising that point as I think it's an important one to talk about :salute:


Mar 11, 2022
Financial concerns are also part of the problem for sure. Especially if you're older and not well off. If you're young, you're expected to be broke. When I was younger, I had no money but my friends and I found things to do i.e. basketball at the park, go to the beach, buy one movie ticket and sneak in 6 other people, people watch at the mall, other people's house parties, sports etc etc. now when I talk to some younger people and try to pick their brains, a lot of them will tell me that they have group outings on Discord :mjlol:

Times is just different. So I think you bring up a valid point, but I think it depends on what age group you talking about. As an entirety though, people do just seem more anti-social.

From the article he talks about the bar being used only for pickup orders now, and that shyt def isn't cheap. Uber eats ain't cheap. If people were so worried about money they would learn how to cook and make bulk meals for the week. So I don't know if it's really just a money thing. Hell I don't think it's an either/or thing at all, I think there are many factors at play but I definitely think the prevalence of SCREENS and echo chamber online communities plays a gigantic part in this problem. I think the source of this problem def will change from area to area and socioeconomic strata as well.

Anyway, thank you for raising that point as I think it's an important one to talk about :salute:
Group outings on Discord got me :dead:

Got alot of youngin I used to help as I had a tutoring business prior to covid. Was tied in with multiple high schools private and public, had special programs for brehs in inner city and on football teams. Majority of them are coming of age now and maybe its where Im located in south florida but them boys see social media too and they see the "dusty" "broke boy" rhetoric spewed everyday towards brehs. Them boys dont feel like they get any pass for being broke. But I agree in general thats how it should be. Thats another ripple affect of prevalence of screens.

Could also touch on the change from area to area socioeconomic of it also, at the private schools, soon as they step in their peers are all trying to lock in for where they going to college. By soph year even the brehs bus'd in see the vision, what they talk about and see on social is wayyy different. The way we took that and applied to inner city, we had brehs taking sat and such EARLY, but if they wasnt playing ball or some activity it was hard to keep brehs locked in without that social group.
Feb 12, 2015
Read the article, really good but for some reason I think if you are doing an article of people going out more and being social and not even touch on cost then it doesnt even need to be written, lol. Most of the article is geared towards younger people. I dont think you can even go to mall with a couple of people and not spend close to 50 bucks total on some auntie annes. :heh:

People have all this comfort at home and when you take gas, tolls, parking, tips, food, tips, drinks, tips even if you step out ALONE you closing in on $100. You step out with a lil ting and that is gonna escalate even more.

They also mentioned the age rising for marriage, but then also found a way to not mention the cost to be a boss in that arena also. Sociability I am sure is somewhere on there but being self reliant is gonna be before whatever bs they came up with. I see these mortgage applications, people need multiple heads just to qualify for a loan now. Having a convo on train is not gonna help anybody if he cant do for self before 30. Old school breh could be on his own and self reliant early 20s. Im sure that is more tied to rise than anything else but they didnt even try to skim over that part, just straight up omitted. :francis:

We know what it is.

Financial concerns are also part of the problem for sure. Especially if you're older and not well off. If you're young, you're expected to be broke. When I was younger, I had no money but my friends and I found things to do i.e. basketball at the park, go to the beach, buy one movie ticket and sneak in 6 other people, people watch at the mall, other people's house parties, sports etc etc. now when I talk to some younger people and try to pick their brains, a lot of them will tell me that they have group outings on Discord :mjlol:

Times is just different. So I think you bring up a valid point, but I think it depends on what age group you talking about. As an entirety though, people do just seem more anti-social.

From the article he talks about the bar being used only for pickup orders now, and that shyt def isn't cheap. Uber eats ain't cheap. If people were so worried about money they would learn how to cook and make bulk meals for the week. So I don't know if it's really just a money thing. Hell I don't think it's an either/or thing at all, I think there are many factors at play but I definitely think the prevalence of SCREENS and echo chamber online communities plays a gigantic part in this problem. I think the source of this problem def will change from area to area and socioeconomic strata as well.

Anyway, thank you for raising that point as I think it's an important one to talk about :salute:
Both very important sides of the argument. One thing I've been working on the past few months is thinking what I can do with regards to myself on the micro-level versus the macro-level. We all get caught up in trying to solve the "big problem", me included, with the idea that we will find a "clean solution".

Perhaps it's cause my training is in mathematics, but I am a lot more comfortable with the notion of answers not being "clean" than most. The expectation that an all/or nothing solution is the only option does stunt resolutions being found.

On that micro scale. I attempt to be intentional with correcting my behaviours. As in what the article is talking about, doimg the opposite of what is causing the problems. And where I can provide commentary to people the reason why. (e.g. if i initiate friendly convo I would cite talking points from something like the article).

But as won't be lost on you guys we could talk about the micro and macro things to do and execute on them with the hope that progress is made....... not an overnight result or even seeing concrete progress...


May 26, 2012
San Diego
Our modern economy, with its home-delivery conveniences, manipulates people into behaving like agoraphobes.
Despite a consumer economy that seems optimized for introverted behavior, we would have happier days, years, and lives if we resisted the undertow of the convenience curse—if we talked with more strangers, belonged to more groups, and left the house for more activities.

This is one I have been saying too. Like that girl that lives next to me. Doesn't leave her house. @skyrunner1, as far as cost, all good points, but it COSTS to stay at home too. All the subscriptions, the Uber Eats, the Sephora deliveries. It's costs hundreds of dollars a month, if not more, to not even leave the house.

-Not ever having social media put me outside of a lot of this, but the biggest adjustment I made was AirPods. Just taking them out, like 70% of the time. No need to listen to Yo Gotti while walking to get a coffee. Better to just be clear and hear the world.

-Never getting food delivered, if I want it, I put in the effort and go handle it

-Anyone who knows me will say I am not the most extroverted, but I can talk to almost anyone, and connect whenever I feel like it, but I had to sharpen that skill

-Not getting dumb shyt like paper towels delivered thru Amazon, just going and grabbing them myself. I fukking hate it, but you get the steps in and you get to save yourself all that click and scroll labor.
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May 26, 2012
San Diego
If you find the notion of emotional intercourse with an immaterial entity creepy, consider the many friends and family members who exist in your life mainly as words on a screen. Digital communication has already prepared us for AI companionship, Fagone said, by transforming many of our physical-world relationships into a sequence of text chimes and blue bubbles. “I think part of why AI-companion apps have proven so seductive so quickly is that most of our relationships already happen exclusively through the phone,” he said.

“The horrifying part, of course, is that learning how to interact with real human beings who can disagree with you and disappoint you” is essential to living in the world, Epley said. I think he’s right. But Epley was born in the 1970s. I was born in the 1980s. People born in the 2010s, or the 2020s, might not agree with us about the irreplaceability of “real human” friends. These generations may discover that what they want most from their relationships is not a set of people, who might challenge them, but rather a set of feelings—sympathy, humor, validation


I say this all the time on here and real world!
May 1, 2012
Our modern economy, with its home-delivery conveniences, manipulates people into behaving like agoraphobes.
Despite a consumer economy that seems optimized for introverted behavior, we would have happier days, years, and lives if we resisted the undertow of the convenience curse—if we talked with more strangers, belonged to more groups, and left the house for more activities.

This is one I have been saying too. Like that girl that lives next to me. Doesn't leave her house. @skyrunner1, as far as cost, all good points, but it COSTS to stay at home too. All the subscriptions, the Uber Eats, the Sephora deliveries. It's costs hundreds of dollars a month, if not more, to not even leave the house.

-Not ever having social media put me outside of a lot of this, but the biggest adjustment I made was AirPods. Just taking them out, like 70% of the time. No need to listen to Yo Gotti while walking to get a coffee. Better to just be clear and hear the world.

-Never getting food delivered, if I want it, I put in the effort and go handle it

-Anyone who knows me will say I am not the most extroverted, but I can talk to almost anyone, and connect whenever I feel like it, but I had to sharpen that skill

-Not getting dumb shyt like paper towels delivered thru Amazon, just going and grabbing them myself. I fukking hate it, but you get the steps in and you get to save yourself all that click and scroll labor.

Lol @ listening to yo Gotti while getting coffee. I feel you on that. Every Thursday and Saturday mornings I have to walk to an AA meeting at 5:30am. It's a 2.5 mile walk. For a while I got into the habit of listening to podcasts or music or Patrice O'Neal clips on YouTube while doing the walk. Eventually I realized I was once again falling into the trap of consistent distraction from self. Now I make it a habit of NOT LISTENING TO shyt on those walks and forcing myself to stay present with my breath and the sensations in my body and to really soak in the sights and sounds of early morning. Basically doing a walking meditation. The phone and Internet is really a drug and once you know that, you know that. Then it becomes a matter of being mindful of what you're doing and how you're using your phone and if you're using it as the tool it is or if you're falling into the neverending brain desensitizing drip feed that is the ALGORITHM
Feb 12, 2015
Our modern economy, with its home-delivery conveniences, manipulates people into behaving like agoraphobes.
Despite a consumer economy that seems optimized for introverted behavior, we would have happier days, years, and lives if we resisted the undertow of the convenience curse—if we talked with more strangers, belonged to more groups, and left the house for more activities.

This is one I have been saying too. Like that girl that lives next to me. Doesn't leave her house. @skyrunner1, as far as cost, all good points, but it COSTS to stay at home too. All the subscriptions, the Uber Eats, the Sephora deliveries. It's costs hundreds of dollars a month, if not more, to not even leave the house.

-Not ever having social media put me outside of a lot of this, but the biggest adjustment I made was AirPods. Just taking them out, like 70% of the time. No need to listen to Yo Gotti while walking to get a coffee. Better to just be clear and hear the world.

-Never getting food delivered, if I want it, I put in the effort and go handle it

-Anyone who knows me will say I am not the most extroverted, but I can talk to almost anyone, and connect whenever I feel like it, but I had to sharpen that skill

-Not getting dumb shyt like paper towels delivered thru Amazon, just going and grabbing them myself. I fukking hate it, but you get the steps in and you get to save yourself all that click and scroll labor.
Interesting cause I approach some of those "conveniences" with the same approach. I'm. always harping on about the notion that the smartphones and apps make most people very complacent. And if you're not aware of human behabviour and psychology you will be suckered in. A lot of the "simple things" that can be solved with an app I will purposely do it the manual or more cognitive instensive way for the mere fact of keeping my faculties sharp.

As I just mentioned unless aware of these things you won't take action. Understanding that our underlying desire embedded in our DNA is to always seek homeostasis will make you act. But that is a big ask for most to comprehend. It is waaaaay too easy and enticing to be lazy. I don't have a solution to change things on a mass scale cause attemptimg to convince folks to do something "harder" is rife with difficulties.

I forgot to mention that we are privileged to be stradling generations: we know of the time before "tech" amd the time after, so we have a baseline of what times felt. like before. These future generations don't have that natural frame of reference and won't expereince it unless they purposely seek it out.
Feb 12, 2015
Lol @ listening to yo Gotti while getting coffee. I feel you on that. Every Thursday and Saturday mornings I have to walk to an AA meeting at 5:30am. It's a 2.5 mile walk. For a while I got into the habit of listening to podcasts or music or Patrice O'Neal clips on YouTube while doing the walk. Eventually I realized I was once again falling into the trap of consistent distraction from self. Now I make it a habit of NOT LISTENING TO shyt on those walks and forcing myself to stay present with my breath and the sensations in my body and to really soak in the sights and sounds of early morning. Basically doing a walking meditation. The phone and Internet is really a drug and once you know that, you know that. Then it becomes a matter of being mindful of what you're doing and how you're using your phone and if you're using it as the tool it is or if you're falling into the neverending brain desensitizing drip feed that is the ALGORITHM
And that is the trip... even us being aware. of. it we get caught up amd have to catch ourselves. And we only arrived at realizing these things cause of a shared to desire to do internal work and find your self. Most are don't and are scared to


May 26, 2012
San Diego
Interesting cause I approach some of those "conveniences" with the same approach. I'm. always harping on about the notion that the smartphones and apps make most people very complacent. And if you're not aware of human behabviour and psychology you will be suckered in. A lot of the "simple things" that can be solved with an app I will purposely do it the manual or more cognitive instensive way for the mere fact of keeping my faculties sharp.

As I just mentioned unless aware of these things you won't take action. Understanding that our underlying desire embedded in our DNA is to always seek homeostasis will make you act. But that is a big ask for most to comprehend. It is waaaaay too easy and enticing to be lazy. I don't have a solution to change things on a mass scale cause attemptimg to convince folks to do something "harder" is rife with difficulties.

I forgot to mention that we are privileged to be stradling generations: we know of the time before "tech" amd the time after, so we have a baseline of what times felt. like before. These future generations don't have that natural frame of reference and won't expereince it unless they purposely seek it out.

I also do not use any apps besides Lyft. I don't use google maps, I look at the map on google, and figure it out, with cross referencing street names and locations. Don't change the channel with SIRI. Don't ask anything from SIRI. What is normal about yelling in your own house, to open HBO Max or whatever? Why is that normal? I don't save numbers, with some cute name, or full name, I memorize them and keep the text thread, remember when the last time we talked was and pull it up when needed. Don't use emojis.

It's not that I think I can "stop progress" or even want to, but like the article is saying, pick which technologies work for you and what values they help uphold, rather than blindly submitting to them all for reasons you cannot even name.
Feb 12, 2015
I also do not use any apps besides Lyft. I don't use google maps, I look at the map on google, and figure it out, with cross referencing street names and locations. Don't change the channel with SIRI. Don't ask anything from SIRI. What is normal about yelling in your own house, to open HBO Max or whatever? Why is that normal? I don't save numbers, with some cute name, or full name, I memorize them and keep the text thread, remember when the last time we talked was and pull it up when needed. Don't use emojis.

It's not that I think I can "stop progress" or even want to, but like the article is saying, pick which technologies work for you and what values they help uphold, rather than blindly submitting to them all for reasons you cannot even name.
Yea all that voice activation technology I keep far from me. Beyond the "convenience" sales pitch, you really think those devices are not listening and aggregating all of your interactions and conversations?..... madness...


May 26, 2012
San Diego
Lol @ listening to yo Gotti while getting coffee. I feel you on that. Every Thursday and Saturday mornings I have to walk to an AA meeting at 5:30am. It's a 2.5 mile walk. For a while I got into the habit of listening to podcasts or music or Patrice O'Neal clips on YouTube while doing the walk. Eventually I realized I was once again falling into the trap of consistent distraction from self. Now I make it a habit of NOT LISTENING TO shyt on those walks and forcing myself to stay present with my breath and the sensations in my body and to really soak in the sights and sounds of early morning. Basically doing a walking meditation. The phone and Internet is really a drug and once you know that, you know that. Then it becomes a matter of being mindful of what you're doing and how you're using your phone and if you're using it as the tool it is or if you're falling into the neverending brain desensitizing drip feed that is the ALGORITHM

oh I 100% walk up to the most upscale lux coffee sops full of professional class goofballs playing some crazy 42 Dugg and Yo Gotti in my AirPods, or used to - LOL -yesterday the girls called me out of a long ass line and had my order, told me to take it, no charge.

so it's not like I am socially awkward or not charming. Exactly to your post. We get so used to a constant stimulation, you scramble and suppress your own feelings and your own awareness of the world, for what? To listen to Dog Food at 8:32 AM or to listen to a podcast about connectivity while staring at our phones? I fight that urge so hard now, to pull my phone. I take pics, I take notes, I read articles, but try not to just mindlessly scroll my messages. For those with any kind of social media, that scroll must be so fukking hard to resisit. Cause i catch myself scrolling fukking inactive text threads.


May 24, 2022

So many quotables.

This stood out to me that is something both true and false.

The decline of government investments in what Eric Klinenberg calls “social infrastructure”—public spaces that shape our relationship to the world—may have begun in the latter part of the 20th century, but it has continued in the 21st. That has arguably affected nearly everyone, but less advantaged Americans most of all.

“I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone to poor neighborhoods in big cities, and the community leaders tell me the real crisis for poor teenagers is that there’s just not much for them to do anymore, and nowhere to go,”

I live in the hood. I can't throw a rock without hitting a community center, park, or something built by the city for "engagement" of the youth or the neighborhood.

Nary a kid in sight.

At the same time, who do I see in these public spaces?

Old dudes.

Not homeless cats mind you, but old cats stay in the park. ALL DAMN DAY. I haven't done my usual 10,000 step circuit cause of the weather, but them old heads be out there.

Young cats really going to and from places. There are some that do play pick up games of basketball, but if I see hanging out - there might be some commerce happening.

One of my friends asked me, "why don't they do something?"

And I was kinda thinking that too....but they are doing something.

They're fellowshipping.

And when I put it like that, I see old brehs constantly rapping to each other. I might even start following the Commanders just so I can get a nod, lol.

I don't see a problem that's been 30 years in the making, trillions of dollars in the making, can be addressed with yet another rec center or City Sponsored Block Party.