Finally decided to let this girl go.
Early on in our relationship, she caught me texting the other girl I was also talking to before I made stuff official with her.
She had a terrible breakdown at my crib over that, i apologized about it and cut all communications with this person. Apparently this incident triggered her anxiety and made her paranoid, and we’ve had numerous fights over this over the past month. Constantly checking my phone, constantly trying to keep tabs on me.
She decided to end things on Tuesday night, over the phone, and I didn’t fight it, I didn’t have the energy to. I didn’t even try reaching out to her the whole of Wednesday.. I received a long ass text on Wednesday night about how much I didn’t care and how much I have treated her as a replaceable option. I tried replying and noticed I was blocked. I guess it’s really over now.
I understand it’s my fault, but why forgive me and decide to continue with me if you’re going to constantly bring up what I did?