Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

May 1, 2012
this girl doesnt even know how badly she is disrespecting her fiance by telling you all this. telling you homie and smash...and yet he proposed. she making him look like a sucka

guarantee that she doesnt actually marry him
my patna said this too...

you right....she is...thats why im looking at her sideways now.....

like this always been you? :francis:


Da Speculative Spectacle®
Jan 17, 2017
If shes causing you problems and headaches, she's not into you. Whether she's a dime or ugly as hell, doesn't matter, when a woman truly is into you she will be submissive and make things easy for you.

Be careful and make sure that the "average" chick is not also just setting for you because she's not attractive/sexy enough to get the man she really wants. Or she could be waiting for some other dude to come around. You would see some inconsistency or ups and downs in her behavior

I'm from Miami. If you can make a Miami dime submissive I'll crown you the king. I aint got the time or effort for all that.

Just from my experience, average looking chicks require less maintenance and require less to be happy. They haven't been catered to their whole lives.

I agree with 97 Pac (lol at the name), when a woman is a Dime she has so many options that she will often be a headache to deal with, picky and spoiled. A 7 or 8 at best is often the best kind of woman to deal with for the long haul, now don't get me wrong there are exceptions but most dimes are a headache, even if they are highly into you. Most dimes are used to getting their way, pretty privilege and men kissing their ass so if they are legit dime, I'm talking prime Lisa Raye levels they will be spoiled rotten and not worth it because they won't be able to compromise on much. The first sign of trubulance or disagreement and they will leave you and be on to the next even. At the same time the dating game is so messed up even 6s or 7s think they are dimes and are picky lol.

Now this is not all dimes of course, there are even some women who were less than a dime(7 or 8), lost the weight or glowed up so to speak and now they are a dime so they may have more humility and be more humble, but that's not always the case either. One girl I went to high school with who was an ugly skinny girl about a 5 or 6, she started hitting the gym, wearing make up and grew a little shape and now she is damn near a dime and no one can tell her a thing. Even told one of my boys who tried to holler, I have clout now so I can't date you like she was all that. I'm thinking like lol let's see her without the make up and new weave though, I know how you really look.

this is true but just becaus they make things easy to start it doesnt mean they wont become difficult months or years into a relationship
attractive women often have huge egos so they it is only a matter of time before they tweak
Very insecure too some of them. Jeez!


Da Speculative Spectacle®
Jan 17, 2017
In your opinion and experience,

What do pimps and hustlers do different than a guy that just smashes a lot?

Well hustlers have more money so they flash it, they come with the nice clothes, the car and the nice penthouse crib so the panties fall off a lot easier than a guy who smashed a lot and has to talk his way in to the p*ssy. They use women's hypergamous nature against them and flash their wealth in the women's face as bait.

A pimp, a true pimp is a different story which I don't know if I want to get too deep about on here but a pimp has to be a manipulator. He often finds women who are messed up in life, have no family and exploits that to his own benefit. He too may peacock a little bit with flashy clothing and jewlery but he is there to take everything from a woman, including her soul. A Real pimp doesn't negotiate, he breaks a woman and takes every single dollar she earns in exchange for him protecting her and providing her with clothing, shelter, food and getting her on the right track in life..the hoe stroll.
be careful out here brehs....

i been on and off messing around with my ex for years....we hook up and spend time together it goes no where we drift apart....rinse repeat.

Last Friday...she's sick...i go with her to the hospital ER....I get sick yesterday i call her this morning to check on her and tell her that i caught something too....she tells me that she got engaged yesterday.....

im like chick why you didnt tell me you was dating somebody....she tells me that they made it official on Christmas....and then he proposed like....i know you...this aint somebody who dropped outta the sky on been dealing with dude....of course she tries to quantify it and say they were never 'dating' until man with sense is getting official with somebody and 3 days later proposing UNLESS yall been dealing with each other for MONTHS.....

mind you we smashed recently.....and i been staying over being around her kids...i was there FRIDAY.....


i just laughed at her and told her i wish her the best and hung up.....

my point: is that this man has NO IDEA what he's gotten himself into....this is a chick thats in church EVERY SUNDAY...puts on the role of good girl....the whole thing.....and she kicking it with me...with him somewhere thinking he found him one.....

be careful out there men



i forgot to add that she asked me to go with her and her son and daughter with her THIS FRIDAY....

Lmao your ex reminds me a little of one of mine, if I was you I would cut her off completely. She doesn't seem to be worth the time and will always fake the funk, lie, manipulate and the dude she is dating would have no clue either until he starts to smell the bullshyt himself. I really feel sorry for him cause you were hitting it and chilling with her meanwhile she has a whole other dude who loves her and is oblivious. For my ex she got pregnant by another dude who liked her but then tried to come back to me around the same time saying she misses me. She got an abortion and I kept fukking her, we would fukk, fall out cause she couldn't get her way with me and repeat the cycle but dude who really liked her must have been sick.

The problem with this ex was she had good box so I would go back for it then realize why I had to leave her in the first place lol. Was a lesson I had to learn the hard way, respect comes first, if a woman is full of shyt better to cut ties with her completely.
May 1, 2012
Well hustlers have more money so they flash it, they come with the nice clothes, the car and the nice penthouse crib so the panties fall off a lot easier than a guy who smashed a lot and has to talk his way in to the p*ssy. They use women's hypergamous nature against them and flash their wealth in the women's face as bait.

A pimp, a true pimp is a different story which I don't know if I want to get too deep about on here but a pimp has to be a manipulator. He often finds women who are messed up in life, have no family and exploits that to his own benefit. He too may peacock a little bit with flashy clothing and jewlery but he is there to take everything from a woman, including her soul. A Real pimp doesn't negotiate, he breaks a woman and takes every single dollar she earns in exchange for him protecting her and providing her with clothing, shelter, food and getting her on the right track in life..the hoe stroll.

Lmao your ex reminds me a little of one of mine, if I was you I would cut her off completely. She doesn't seem to be worth the time and will always fake the funk, lie, manipulate and the dude she is dating would have no clue either until he starts to smell the bullshyt himself. I really feel sorry for him cause you were hitting it and chilling with her meanwhile she has a whole other dude who loves her and is oblivious. For my ex she got pregnant by another dude who liked her but then tried to come back to me around the same time saying she misses me. She got an abortion and I kept fukking her, we would fukk, fall out cause she couldn't get her way with me and repeat the cycle but dude who really liked her must have been sick.

The problem with this ex was she had good box so I would go back for it then realize why I had to leave her in the first place lol. Was a lesson I had to learn the hard way, respect comes first, if a woman is full of shyt better to cut ties with her completely.
pretty much my thoughts too....she cant be trusted....

and i dont do taken or married women....too dangerous out here
May 1, 2012
How do we feel about women who work night shifts? She works at a hospital but not sure if she’s a nurse or a doctor yet. Meeting up first time on Thursday. Her profile says healthcare worker but she has a photo outside an expensive steakhouse
She's a CNA breh
Certified nurses assistant

These chicks are usually ratchet as hell...
Be advised


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
be careful out here brehs....

i been on and off messing around with my ex for years....we hook up and spend time together it goes no where we drift apart....rinse repeat.

Last Friday...she's sick...i go with her to the hospital ER....I get sick yesterday i call her this morning to check on her and tell her that i caught something too....she tells me that she got engaged yesterday.....

im like chick why you didnt tell me you was dating somebody....she tells me that they made it official on Christmas....and then he proposed like....i know you...this aint somebody who dropped outta the sky on been dealing with dude....of course she tries to quantify it and say they were never 'dating' until man with sense is getting official with somebody and 3 days later proposing UNLESS yall been dealing with each other for MONTHS.....

mind you we smashed recently.....and i been staying over being around her kids...i was there FRIDAY.....


i just laughed at her and told her i wish her the best and hung up.....

my point: is that this man has NO IDEA what he's gotten himself into....this is a chick thats in church EVERY SUNDAY...puts on the role of good girl....the whole thing.....and she kicking it with me...with him somewhere thinking he found him one.....

be careful out there men



i forgot to add that she asked me to go with her and her son and daughter with her THIS FRIDAY....



Oct 22, 2015
be careful out here brehs....

i been on and off messing around with my ex for years....we hook up and spend time together it goes no where we drift apart....rinse repeat.

Last Friday...she's sick...i go with her to the hospital ER....I get sick yesterday i call her this morning to check on her and tell her that i caught something too....she tells me that she got engaged yesterday.....

im like chick why you didnt tell me you was dating somebody....she tells me that they made it official on Christmas....and then he proposed like....i know you...this aint somebody who dropped outta the sky on been dealing with dude....of course she tries to quantify it and say they were never 'dating' until man with sense is getting official with somebody and 3 days later proposing UNLESS yall been dealing with each other for MONTHS.....

mind you we smashed recently.....and i been staying over being around her kids...i was there FRIDAY.....


i just laughed at her and told her i wish her the best and hung up.....

my point: is that this man has NO IDEA what he's gotten himself into....this is a chick thats in church EVERY SUNDAY...puts on the role of good girl....the whole thing.....and she kicking it with me...with him somewhere thinking he found him one.....

be careful out there men



i forgot to add that she asked me to go with her and her son and daughter with her THIS FRIDAY....

:skip: they not gonna make it to the wedding. She probably just trying to make you mad. I bet money she calls off the "engagement" soon.

Was it a public engagement and how nice is the ring?
May 1, 2012
:skip: they not gonna make it to the wedding. She probably just trying to make you mad. I bet money she calls off the "engagement" soon.

Was it a public engagement and how nice is the ring?
funny patna said the same thing....they not getting married.....

i dont follow her patna does he said theres been no announcement.....

either way....i cant deal with her after this....she foul for this