Stop Caring
The biggest problem modern men have today is they care too much about women. Here is a list of women you should care about:
-Family members
-Your wife (Provided she is a good one)
-The woman carrying your child (while she is carrying it)
Thats it. If a woman is not on that list, she is fair game. Get rid of that protective instinct you have for all women that makes you seek their approval and always want to help them with their problems and protect their feelings. Being protective of women is a useless practice as a Player and will only lead you into traps.
Modern culture has trained men to live and die by female approval:
-Am I good in bed?
-Is my penis too small?
-Am I too short?
-Do I have enough experience?
-Do I make enough money?
-Do I have enough friends?
-Is my car nice enough?
-Are my clothes cool enough?
When it comes to dating, women are like children. They give into every emotional whim they feel and lose all concept of logic, morality and justice. Women simply cannot keep a clear head in this area of life. They use the same tactics to get their way as children: crying, pouting, whining, complaining, running away, passive-aggressive shyt, etc.
So why would any grown man listen to these people as equals and worry about their approval? Why? To get laid obviously. But enlightened men understand that the path to a womans golden vagina is not paved with ass-kissing and agreeable behavior.
Whenever you go hunting for women you should view a woman you want to approach as a mental child (because when it comes to dating and sex.. SHE IS). Dont let the ball-busting, educated, well-dressed and ambitious FRONT on a woman fool you. She is a confused child inside and you will see this with any woman who develops feelings for you no matter what walk of life she comes from.
The fact that women are so childish and emotional is one of the reasons a lot of men want to protect them and place them on a pedestal. But that is an ignorant mistake since being childish should not be mistaken for being INNOCENT. Its not the same thing. The childish nature of women is more related to their emotionalism, selfishness, and weak sense of justice. All qualities of children.
This is why approach anxiety is technically a stupid thing. No man should feel approach anxiety because no woman is spiritually above a man. No man should fear rejection because all female dating decisions are based on feelings and selfish motives. If a woman rejects you, it has nothing to do with the person you are inside. It has to do with your failure to stimulate her emotions and offer something she wants.
When a woman meets a new man she asks herself:* What can he give me? Can I get amazing sex? Can I get power? Can I get money? Can I get connections? Can I get status? Can I show him off to my friends? Can I get kids?
All her feelings will be based on those questions. Its just like how, as a man, you will be sexually aroused by a woman FIRST.. then develop feelings after. With women, its about what can I get? FIRST. The feelings come later.
See Modern Dating For What It Is
To get back your mojo you need to get your head out of the clouds and see dating for what it really is = Prostitution. Enlightened men know this. Nice guys and social conservatives still dont get it. They still fall for the sappy lovey-dovey crap the feminized media promotes.
This culture of male responsibility and accountability is designed to keep men in line so they can continue to behave in a way that benefits women, even if it hurts themselves. After all, men are the disposable gender. We are the ones expected to sacrifice ourselves. Leave that to the white knight suckers and nice guys. Players are not that stupid.
Players understand that women keep the domain of lying, manipulation, and exploitation to themselves. When men start learning to utilize these tools in the same fashion, women get nervous. This is why the modern media glorifies the nice guy and works to destroy the player.
Dont believe me? Look at all the movies that come out where a male character is a player. Usually by the end of the movie he turns into a p*ssy-whipped nice guy. Some good examples are:
Crazy Stupid Love
Love and Other Drugs
The Ladies Man
What Happens in Vegas
Somethings Gotta Give
Society does not want you to be a player. Ill repeat that:
Because being a player gives a man too much power. Being a player allows a man to date like a woman. He can stick his finger in many pies to assess their quality without having to buy any of them. This does not benefit women, therefore it is not encouraged.
Continuing with media and movie examples, youll find that nice guy p*ssy-whipped behavior is encouraged in the media. In the movies, the guy only gets the girl to love him when he becomes a desperate p*ssy-whipped faq. Examples are endless, but here are some notable ones:
Friends With Benefits
Wedding Crashers
40 Year-Old-Virgin
The only consistent exceptions to this rule are action movies and crime movies. In those movies the man gets the girl by being a tough guy or protector who is willing to risk his safety to save or honor a woman. Examples:
Most comic book movies: Spider-Man, The Dark Knight, Hulk, Superman, etc.
Indiana Jones
The Transporter
In most movies where the man is not a protector, provider, or nice guy ass-kisser, the woman is portrayed as a victim in a bad relationship. Examples:
The Break-Up
Old School
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps
Knocked Up
The media seems to believe that every man, deep down, wants to be a womans slave in some way. Men only exist to serve women and men who are not serving women are in some way either bad people or confused and misguided people. Runny isnt it?
So men grow up watching this crap and then they go out and act like these morons they see in movies with the belief that such behavior will lead them to the elusive soul-mate with the golden vagina. Then they find themselves in the friend zone over and over and over. They cry and whine and start saying stuff like this:
Why Are You Running Away???
You need to snap out of it gentlemen! Its bullshyt.
STOP Paying Upfront
Men who end up in the friend zone are men who pay women upfront without making sure the GOODS are actually for sale! This is an idiotic chump move, but a common one.
In the dating world, a player is just a bargain shopper who refuses to overpay for sex or pay upfront for sex. He is out for the best deal possible and he wins by making the woman pay upfront before delivering the goods she is after. Most men are SUCKERS and they OVERPAY upfront for low quality women and get the shaft. They spend money, give support, risk their safety and waste valuable time only to get nothing out of it. Classic nice guy beta male mistake.
All smart people know that only a fool pays upfront. A smart man utilizes the I.O.U in order to keep women waiting for the goods while she continues to pay for them. This allows him more time to sit in judgment and decide if what is being offered to him is even WORTH payment (the mindset behind hump and dump behavior). The exact opposite of what nice guys do.
As long as you understand that the dating world is very similar to the business world, youll thrive. Youll avoid traps, bad deals, and scams. If you want to believe the sentimental fairy tale crap the media promotes constantly, all I can tell you is have a nice life in the friend zone or being dominated by a bytchy woman. Thats where youll end up more often than not.
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