They sit in the house a majority of the time now. You gotta catch them at Sprouts, Whole Food, or Target runs. They might come out with their friends but other than that they literally just sit in the house with their dogs trying to manifest a man like he's going to just show up at the door lolHad this convo the other day with my boy that at 32, it seems all the bytches our age disappeared as none seem to be in the club, at the gym or just out and about like when we where in our mid 20s. It just seems like I run in to young bytches all the time and the shyt is perplexing as hell. Anyone else experiencing this.
Alot of people take dating waaaay to serious. It's so many rules, guidelines, and checklists people are following that they don't even get to know the person actually. They're just looking for reasons not to like them. I get told I'm too playful and joke around too much. But I don't wanna be around no chic that takes everything too seriously especially on a date.I believe the one size fit all mentality is what hurting men and preventing them from really finding what works for them.. It leads to people over analyzing everything
You have all of these different YouTubers and podcasters and Gurus telling you
"You have to bring up sex in first conversation"
"Don't compliment her'
"Don't approach her"
"Get your money and muscles up bro"
"If she hits you back, wait 4 days"
"Order this course "
"buy this book "
"Don't try to make her laugh, Stay serious"
There's been instances where I smashed using a lot of humor, smashed at just saying something flattering and built off that.
this is pretty much the issue across the board.It's so many rules, guidelines, and checklists people are following that they don't even get to know the person actually. They're just looking for reasons not to like them.
It should already be implied through conversation both parties are trying to feel each other out.I wana get to know you better / feel you out = low interest / bush
Dealing with a dreaded makeup ninja
I’ve already hit a few times but it’s always after we go out, so she’s got makeup on. And she always leaves that night or super early in the am.
So ffwd I’m returning a favor and picking her up from the airport. I ask her when do you land. Her: 4, but I’ll be ready for pickup at 4:30.
Ready for pickup?!? I just KNOW she gon land and go put on a whole face of makeup
Geez man. I’m gone be so fukin pissed if she’s glammed up coming back from the fukking airport
Yeah that stay at home wife shyt is dead, this is not the 1920's unless you got it like that and actually have a woman who can clean the home and cook which some can't even do that. If I'm dating you then you have to put something on the table, pay some bills or something. You not going to be working spending your money on shyt you want while I have to pay all these expensive ass way!I respect she put that out there but we are like 4 messages in so she seems pretty determined to find a rich man lmao.
she seems like how you described in bad but delusional. My ex was 30 and her sister was 38 bad and single because she was holding out for the right one and I was already divorced once because he cheated on her.
in an ideal world my wife would stay home and raise the kids but this ain't the 70's where you can raise a family working at sears.
you treat these bytches how they say they want to be treated and here's what they think about you. She seems like shes a 4 too.
SMH herpes is part of what made me slow down on just hooking up. One of my boys had a scare and he didn't have it but was scared he did cause he results came back borderline or something. He took what's called a western blot test to confirm if he had it which he had to pay for. It came back negative and he says he didn't have an outbreak but you got to be careful. Some women have HPV too something you can't even test for in men but it can lead to you giving it to a women, them testing for it and ending up with cervical cancer in some cases. Got to becareful fellas! Raw is best but make sure you stay strapped like Rambo out here.this bytch is trash
New gf gave me an STD
Imayilingualbay commented 4 days ago
You know, normally I would say that herpes is very common and it’s reasonable that she didn’t know, had she never shown symptoms. But her behavior about the blisters on her vulva is weird. It’s not something you’re just like “meh” with. I have herpes. Even if it was her first outbreak, I’d expect her to say something like “oh yeah I’ve been noticing I have some bumps down there as well.”
Having herpes isn’t shameful. It’s totally fine and not a big deal. Neither of you should feel ashamed for having it. But for goodness sake, if there are blisters on your genitals, respond to that for god’s sake.
But it seems like she’s either 1.) stupid and negligent about her own health if she wouldn’t think to go to the doctor about this or 2.) lying. Either reason is a good reason to dump her. But I think not dumping her would be understandable too.
At the same time, it’s not likely that you’ll have your first flare that soon after having sex with someone who’s contagious for HSV2. Normally it’ll be a while before you flare. Sometimes years. It’s kind of a big coincidence that your first flare coincided with one of her flares, potentially even her first.
We did, it's not perfect but she is meeting me half way more, we are in therapy and our sex life is better. We both couldn't stay away from each other and besides my mail was coming to her crib which gave us the perfect excuses to touch base weekly. After about a month or so we started off slow and eventually worked our way back together.You two ever mend fences?
We did, it's not perfect but she is meeting me half way more, we are in therapy and our sex life is better. We both couldn't stay away from each other and besides my mail was coming to her crib which gave us the perfect excuses to touch base weekly. After about a month or so we started off slow and eventually worked our way back together.
being strapped doesn’t ecen protect you from HSV.SMH herpes is part of what made me slow down on just hooking up. One of my boys had a scare and he didn't have it but was scared he did cause he results came back borderline or something. He took what's called a western blot test to confirm if he had it which he had to pay for. It came back negative and he says he didn't have an outbreak but you got to be careful. Some women have HPV too something you can't even test for in men but it can lead to you giving it to a women, them testing for it and ending up with cervical cancer in some cases. Got to becareful fellas! Raw is best but make sure you stay strapped like Rambo out here.
shyt crazyyou treat these bytches how they say they want to be treated and here's what they think about you. She seems like shes a 4 too.
Absolutely not. Do you have no other options?Could you date a woman you have no physical attraction to?
She checks all the boxes: intelligent, financially responsible, comes from a stable family with a great relationship with her father. Last week, I called her out on something, and she immediately apologized, which I really respected. My only issue is that I feel absolutely no attraction toward her. On the other hand, I meet plenty of women I'm attracted to, but they usually end up being more trouble than they're worth.
We did, it's not perfect but she is meeting me half way more, we are in therapy and our sex life is better. We both couldn't stay away from each other and besides my mail was coming to her crib which gave us the perfect excuses to touch base weekly. After about a month or so we started off slow and eventually worked our way back together.
Edit:One thing I failed to leave out from my initial post was she used to do the silent treatment shyt when we would get into an argument and then I would just blow up the whole relationship by ending it. It was a toxic cycle we both contributed to but we are working at being better.
Most chicks aren't willing to deal with someone who works 70-80 hours a week and also spends 15-20 hours a week training for a triathlon. I wasn't actually looking to date anyone she shot her shot at me. My only real focus is getting money.Absolutely not. Do you have no other options?