Yup Myspace was

you could search by age range and also location like a mile away or something.
I remember meeting women of blackplanet and sometimes

sometimes I didn't even know what they looked like in advance

Mannn, dont get me started. It was a marketers/promoters dream, we had a program we would use to promote that you could mass dm people like 5000 at a time (reason captcha became became popular).. we quickly realized we could use to contact women in area, the amount of criteria myspace had made it incredible, give me all the black, athletic/slim, women in 12345 zipcode, from 18-25. Send out 5000 "hey wassup you look familiar, you go to my church?!"

Obviously the response rate was incredibly high because no one was hitting them up like that en masse, shyt became like a part time job the amount of dates we was pulling and nothing but straight baddies.

We had access to certain things that made it easier but only way I can describe to get point across just imagine you are one of few guys with access to tinder/bumble with responsive women. Breh got me down memory lane.
What's always amazed me about the MySpace era is that EVERY chick was on that. I knew dudes that didn't fukk with it (missing out on the easiest p*ssy ever) but damn near every broad I knew was heavy on it with the glitter profiles and all that shyt.
Another thing was how it died overnight. It was like MySpace turned on the lights and we all said yeah we going to club Facebook now.
This is FACTS. Thing is myspace was build by marketers and they cashed out early to a news conglomerate when their audience was young and creative/artist types(a bunch of music acts got discovered around that time because of myspace), bad mix and then they did that billion dollar deal with google with ads and just flooded the site, facebook was exclusive to college kids and that made it "cool", cleaner look (which allows page to load) and they were adding features all the time.