I’ll try this
I must say though lol
I get more responses just saying “Hey ____, how’s your night going” than putting in effort or basing it on their profile
Maybe these toronto bytches just weird, they don’t like the try hard shyt
I don't consider it try hard. I expect a dialogue to get going and to filter out women quickly. "How's your night going?" Can lead to short replies like,"good, you?" Or just flat out "aight". Right off the bat you've proabably been categorized as a boring man unless she thinks you're really, really fine to look at. Which doesn't give you much and then forces you to tap dance because you got a one word reply. Whereas if you do something like the above it seems "try hard" but really it's a filter to force the woman to participate and get conversation going. My goal is to create attraction, stand out from the crowd, see how compliant a woman is, and get on a call and off the apps ASAP. Mind you I'm short and though I'm attractive I can't show my swag through a monitor therefore I need use my words and actions for strategy.
Also, I'm muslim and we date to marry. So I have to come out with effort out the gate.
So on Facebook my first messages might be:
Assalamu alaikum, ____. You caught my attention. Your commitment to awareness, your strong fighters spirit, embracement of the Deen and its beauty, your intelligence. All this and more are displayed on your Facebook page and yet from what I've seen you haven't let this go to your head. I'm captivated by a woman of your quality. I could use such a lady by my side, in my thoughts, in my bed, in my arms as my wife. How are you doing?
Her response:
Wa Alaykum As Salaam Brother _____. That is certainly a confident and bold intro. I’m doing alright Alhmdlillah. At work on a long shift, so the toil continues. While I do realize we Muslims are quite behind the times when it comes to interpersonal options for meeting potential mates, I’m caught someplace between admiration for your assertiveness and complete shyness for the degree of it.
Your goal online is to make a woman utterly speechless and dominate her with your words outright without coming off as thirsty.
Effort doesn't inherently mean bad. At the outset you're going to have to put a little effort into bagging a chick online because it's not in person and she can't rely on your body language, swag, or voice tone.
There's degrees. There's effort, low effort, and high effort. I do not label what I do to be high effort but it constitutes as effort.
Let me ask you something. Does "how's your night going?" denote confidence? If you were a woman (pause) what would be more sexy? A brother whose first message is "how is your night going?" or a bother that says,"I like this, this, and this about what I've seen from you. You got potential and I want you in my bed."? What seems "try hard" is actually more dominant. "How's your night going"? Is passive off the jump and these women are talking to 10-20 dudes. What makes you so special? Show her what makes you unique.