Women love it when you're tough on them occasionally
Woman that really likes me did something I didn't really like. I expressed that it bothered me and not to do it again. I told her flat out,"I'll give you one warning. Don't do it again. I want a match and that goes against my mentality for a future family."
She got upset and was texting me, trying to change me, talk about me giving her a warning.
Actual texts:
Her: So I think we need to address how we talk to each other. Because what you told me this morning was very disturbing
Me: How was it disturbing?
Her: You came at me in a adversarial manner. Why did you feel the need to warn me about anything

what does it mean to you
Translation: I am a woman and feel attacked when someone says I did something wrong.
Me: I meant to make sure we are on the same page. A warning for me is just to communicate a specific standard. When you deal with me we carry ourselves a specific way. That's the standard I wish to employ. That's the deal when you deal with me. Nothing more, nothing less. I'm not going to argue. How's that truck? (Truck for work won't start)
Her: This is not about arguing this is about how we talk and the language we use with each other. I have a Masters in Communication so how people talk to me is important. My truck is being looked at in the morning.
Translation: I have this, I have that. You can't talk to me like that blah blah blah. Yes I fukking can.
Me: Good. Update me on your truck. Were you disabled in any way due to the vehicle issues?
Notice I ignored all of that masters degree and communication shyt. I told her good night and now this morning she's about ready to bounce on my d.
The key is to not back out. Don't apologize. Stick to what you said. Don't argue, put your foot down and keep it moving. She likes me even more now. I have found a perfect medium between being soft but also hard on ladies. If you're hard all the time they can't breathe. If you're soft all the time they think you're a wimp. Also notice what she says,"no one talks to me like that" doesn't line up with her actions and now she's flirting with me and kept talking to me despite being in her female feelings.
I've said elsewhere that you can be good and get somewhere. Just have a backbone. A genuine nice man with a backbone wins the game. I'm telling you.