Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Space Cowboy

Christ is King
Mar 11, 2022
Women love it when you're tough on them occasionally

Woman that really likes me did something I didn't really like. I expressed that it bothered me and not to do it again. I told her flat out,"I'll give you one warning. Don't do it again. I want a match and that goes against my mentality for a future family."

She got upset and was texting me, trying to change me, talk about me giving her a warning.

Actual texts:

Her: So I think we need to address how we talk to each other. Because what you told me this morning was very disturbing

Me: How was it disturbing?

Her: You came at me in a adversarial manner. Why did you feel the need to warn me about anything 😕 what does it mean to you

Translation: I am a woman and feel attacked when someone says I did something wrong.

Me: I meant to make sure we are on the same page. A warning for me is just to communicate a specific standard. When you deal with me we carry ourselves a specific way. That's the standard I wish to employ. That's the deal when you deal with me. Nothing more, nothing less. I'm not going to argue. How's that truck? (Truck for work won't start)

Her: This is not about arguing this is about how we talk and the language we use with each other. I have a Masters in Communication so how people talk to me is important. My truck is being looked at in the morning.

Translation: I have this, I have that. You can't talk to me like that blah blah blah. Yes I fukking can.

Me: Good. Update me on your truck. Were you disabled in any way due to the vehicle issues?

Notice I ignored all of that masters degree and communication shyt. I told her good night and now this morning she's about ready to bounce on my d.

The key is to not back out. Don't apologize. Stick to what you said. Don't argue, put your foot down and keep it moving. She likes me even more now. I have found a perfect medium between being soft but also hard on ladies. If you're hard all the time they can't breathe. If you're soft all the time they think you're a wimp. Also notice what she says,"no one talks to me like that" doesn't line up with her actions and now she's flirting with me and kept talking to me despite being in her female feelings.

I've said elsewhere that you can be good and get somewhere. Just have a backbone. A genuine nice man with a backbone wins the game. I'm telling you.
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Oct 22, 2015
Women love it when you're tough on them occasionally

Woman that really likes me did something I didn't really like. I expressed that it bothered me and not to do it again. I told her flat out,"I'll give you one warning. Don't do it again. I want a match and that goes against my mentality for a future family."

She got upset and was texting me, trying to change me, talk about me giving her a warning.

Actual texts:

Translation: I am a woman and feel attacked when someone says I did something wrong.

Translation: I have this, I have that. You can't talk to me like that blah blah blah. Yes I fukking can.

Notice I ignored all of that masters degree and communication shyt. I told her good night and now this morning she's about ready to bounce on my d.

The key is to not back out. Don't apologize. Stick to what you said. Don't argue, put your foot down and keep it moving. She likes me even more now. I have found a perfect medium between being soft but also hard on ladies. If you're hard all the time they can't breathe. If you're soft all the time they think you're a wimp. Also notice what she says,"no one talks to me like that" doesn't line up with her words and now she's flirting with me.

I've said elsewhere that you can be good and get somewhere. Just have a backbone. A genuine nice man with a backbone wins the game. I'm telling you.

Good shyt.

Space Cowboy

Christ is King
Mar 11, 2022
Good shyt.
Thanks. I aim to change this thread. The beginning of the thread was full of nuggets about dealing with women. No female complaining, just telling the fellas about women and their nature. These days this thread is full of emotional vaginas that complain about women. We taking this thread back, boys. Watch and learn.

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
Women love it when you're tough on them occasionally

Woman that really likes me did something I didn't really like. I expressed that it bothered me and not to do it again. I told her flat out,"I'll give you one warning. Don't do it again. I want a match and that goes against my mentality for a future family."

She got upset and was texting me, trying to change me, talk about me giving her a warning.

Actual texts:

Translation: I am a woman and feel attacked when someone says I did something wrong.

Translation: I have this, I have that. You can't talk to me like that blah blah blah. Yes I fukking can.

Notice I ignored all of that masters degree and communication shyt. I told her good night and now this morning she's about ready to bounce on my d.

The key is to not back out. Don't apologize. Stick to what you said. Don't argue, put your foot down and keep it moving. She likes me even more now. I have found a perfect medium between being soft but also hard on ladies. If you're hard all the time they can't breathe. If you're soft all the time they think you're a wimp. Also notice what she says,"no one talks to me like that" doesn't line up with her actions and now she's flirting with me and kept talking to me despite being in her female feelings.

I've said elsewhere that you can be good and get somewhere. Just have a backbone. A genuine nice man with a backbone wins the game. I'm telling you.

Make sure you stand on your square and don't just use warnings as lip service as she may get into the cycle of continually trying you to see where you break. For me personally I see something once and I`m alert, see it again and I`m gone.

Space Cowboy

Christ is King
Mar 11, 2022
All of that was too wordy for me. You would've been better off telling her idk what to tell ya or it be like that sometimes.

Less is more when communicating w/ women imo
"IDK what to tell you" sounds immature to me and isn't assertive. A big reason many women dig me is because I can articulate myself better than the average man. Your "too wordy" is my gold.
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Sep 22, 2015
"IDK what to tell you" sounds immature to me and isn't assertive. A big reason many women dig me is because I can articulate myself better than the average man. Your "too wordy" is my gold.

I think you got your point across with your actions. Ain't much needed to be said after the initial warning. But I digress.

Space Cowboy

Christ is King
Mar 11, 2022
I think you got your point across with your actions. Ain't much needed to be said after the initial warning. But I digress.
That's fair. I'll extrapolate.

A big reason many women don't submit to men is because men just demand it rather than explaining why they should do something.

I'll give an example. Your woman goes on a work trip and takes pics and shows social media. In the meantime her place is empty. She be live feeding the world that she's not home. You don't like this because it's security threat. You're investing time into her and you might marry her and want your house protected when y'all are gone. You get more fruit from a woman's tree if for example, if you wait for her to come back and tell her not to do that because people are watching and have been known to rob friends and family's houses while on vacations and that in this relationship we move with silence and that if she wants to post pics and videos she can wait for when she gets back versus just teling her not to do that. One communicates strength and a lesson to teach with a potential solution and the other communicates control.

When you teach a broad something it communicates your capacity as a leader and showing it with real action. She will listen to your logic. I'm not saying you always explain but this was big turn off and women will value open communication far more than the "do as I say" thing. This has women calling me Mr. Jazz, Sir,;etc. with ease because they submit to my leadership. That's just my experience. Women have female brains and do not understand male logic.
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Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
That's fair. I'll extrapolate.

A big reason many women don't submit to men is because men just demand it rather than explaining why they should do something.

I'll give an example. Your woman goes on a work trip and takes pics and shows social media. In the meantime her place is empty. She be live feeding the world that she's not home. You don't like this because it's security threat. You're investing time into her and you might marry her and want your house protected when y'all are gone. You get more fruit from a woman's tree if for example, if you wait for her to come back and tell her not to do that because people are watching and have been known to rob friends and family's houses while on vacations and that in this relationship we move with silence and that if she wants to post pics and videos she can wait for when she gets back versus just teling her not to do that. One communicates strength and a lesson to teach with a potential solution and the other communicates control.

When you teach a broad something it communicates your capacity as a leader and showing it with real action. She will listen to your logic. I'm not saying you always explain but this was big turn off and women will value open communication far more than the "do as I say" thing. This has women calling me Mr. Jazz, Sir,;etc. with ease because they submit to my leadership. That's just my experience. Women have female brains and do not understand male logic.

nah as a man you don't Gotta explain shyt, you're a man lol.

If you gotta explain to a woman why she need to be in line with nature you already lost.


All Star
Feb 4, 2013
Been taking Ls all week but I feel like the old dog in me is coming back :whew: went out with this 25 y/o haitian chick with a nice body this evening and asked her back to the crib.:shaq: but she said she doesnt do that on the first date. we went to 2 spots and publix lol and it ended with a kiss. :wow: time to line one up for tomorrow


Big Yella
Nov 5, 2012
Women love it when you're tough on them occasionally

Woman that really likes me did something I didn't really like. I expressed that it bothered me and not to do it again. I told her flat out,"I'll give you one warning. Don't do it again. I want a match and that goes against my mentality for a future family."

She got upset and was texting me, trying to change me, talk about me giving her a warning.

Actual texts:

Translation: I am a woman and feel attacked when someone says I did something wrong.

Translation: I have this, I have that. You can't talk to me like that blah blah blah. Yes I fukking can.

Notice I ignored all of that masters degree and communication shyt. I told her good night and now this morning she's about ready to bounce on my d.

The key is to not back out. Don't apologize. Stick to what you said. Don't argue, put your foot down and keep it moving. She likes me even more now. I have found a perfect medium between being soft but also hard on ladies. If you're hard all the time they can't breathe. If you're soft all the time they think you're a wimp. Also notice what she says,"no one talks to me like that" doesn't line up with her actions and now she's flirting with me and kept talking to me despite being in her female feelings.

I've said elsewhere that you can be good and get somewhere. Just have a backbone. A genuine nice man with a backbone wins the game. I'm telling you.
How long you been dealing with this girl?

Space Cowboy

Christ is King
Mar 11, 2022
whats some prompts you using on hinge and bumble?
Be genuine and put effort into it. Make a good first impression.

Tell a bytch three things you genuinely like about her. I'll write this as my first message to a woman.

"Hey _____, let's play a game. Name three things you liked about my profile to swipe right. I'll start with three things about you.

1. I like that cute smile you got. I wonder how it looks up close after a little somethin' somethin'.

2. I like that you seem to be charismatic as all get out. All those accolades and degrees. I like an accomplished woman. Real recognizes real.

3. I see you like cooking. What's your favorite thing to cook? You're going to cook me a dinner soon. Get your best dinner plates out because your ass is going to feed me.

It's your turn, ______. List three things you liked about my profile."

Response rate is about 90%. I love finding new game any place I can get and found this from Coach EO on YouTube. It is pristine.

It does a few things:

1. Shows you are looking for a broad for more than just her looks.

2. Is a script, but also not a script in that you can paste this to any woman but then look at a woman's profile and make it tailor made for each woman to make her feel special.

3. Is a compliance test. If she doesn't follow up with her own answers after you told her to she's not cooperative. One bytch told me,"I don't want to play your game." I left her on read.

4. Demonstrates leadership.

5. Shows you're not a lazy "WYD" nikka.

If she refuses to respond I move on and leave the broad on read. Sometimes this forces them to come back around and do it and we go from there. If she replies, I bring out the dukes and start the seduction game and dominate the bytch and schedule a phone call within two or three messages.
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