Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


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Mar 11, 2022
I keep saying this over and over and I don't think brehs are hearing me....

When you talk to women over text, you should not be texting more words than she is. That's not a hard and fast rule, but it should be a general guideline that you follow. I've posted some of my own texts as examples before.

I know on its face it may sound silly to some of y'all, but being overly chatty is a female trait. I mean I get that some of us like to talk a lot and that's cool. But you like to talk so much that you doing more typing than SHE is? Come on brehs. :snoop:
post the example cause i never saw it


May 26, 2012
San Diego
Give her an invite! Something you both connect on or is universally loved, (not a lot of things) Stop making small talk. Do you actually like her? Do you know her at all? How would you profile her, in terms of things you know about her life? There's nothing there to indicate any mututal interest or you attempting to move things forward, it looks like two people passing time at work.

issue is everyone trying to scheme and zero sum every date, like max out the sex without spending any money. Max out the money without even a kiss Just stick with a date. 90 minutes together somewhere.

I'm not saying you have to SELL her but your invite should be good enough to sell itself is how I approach it. Have you ever got an invite you didn't want, from someone you do? I am pretty easy, but years ago someone I used to go out with, changed getting some dessert into watching her nephew with her and I just had to pass. Not because I wasn't attracted or didn't like her, but it didn't sound FUN. at all.


Dec 25, 2014
Having access to that will have a man zoom past red and get straight :demonic:.. Men idealistic thinking blind them from the reality right in front of them, have had this type of stuff happen thru the years (girl lost her phone and log in on my phone and forget to log out after) and its staring into the abyss.. :wow:

It will forever change you, when you accidentally come across that stuff. Salient lesson though. Our phones are the keepers of our secrets.

And when it comes to a lot of relationships their downfall as well.

Dug up this post I made from 2021, this happened in 2018. It was wild to feel in real time. But has over the years taught me well

How a lot of women talk among themsleves is beyond wild.

It’s hard.

When me and my ex wife officially split. It was hard to know some other guy fukked her less than three weeks later, I even had live updates before and after the deed between her and her friends:francis: as she left her discord notifications on and they popped up on the iPad we shared.

I never want to have that feeling again. But a full social media blackout of her is something that is invaluable. Heck when I split with my ex I also split with a woman I thought I was in love with who dumped me as things got too hot and ‘confusing’ for her and she bailed. So it was a double whammy.

I guarantee you after 2 months you’ll think of her but the feeling will lessen, I actually worked with my ex for a few months so I got to see her daily but we kept it professional.

We even talked about our dating lives until she got upset that I was dealing with Asian and Persian women.

But time does heal wounds now she barely comes up in my mind, occasionally I remember the good times but other than that



Mar 11, 2022

I could ramble on this for a looong time, in past life I dabbled in this scene and maybe people are hip to this but this video got to be 10-ish years too late. I have had people ask me why I dont personally do clubs like that unless I know the people running it and if I am just a regular customer as a guy its absolutely a bad deal and not a good experience.

Knowing the other side of it also and how it is a business and these things have gone corporate and how walk thru/appearance fees went crazyyy so they had to smarten up, they tried to switch up to djs and then they got huge and fees went crazy also, but they mostly look at men as huge tricks to fund the whole thing and once they shake you by the legs and take you for everything you got, immediately try to figure out how to get you out to rape the next dude pockets with the limited real estate.

Last time I partied in NY was like a blast in past tho, there are sooo many different options it was dope, I will give them that. Went from bougie spot, to I think a packed Brazilian spot, to a dancehall spot.. :ohlawd: Good times. Better off at lounge or something but alot of the club promoters have tried to take their same business model and enter those spaces also along with restaurants with insane pricing model..


Let's go panthers
May 1, 2012
I could ramble on this for a looong time, in past life I dabbled in this scene and maybe people are hip to this but this video got to be 10-ish years too late. I have had people ask me why I dont personally do clubs like that unless I know the people running it and if I am just a regular customer as a guy its absolutely a bad deal and not a good experience.

Knowing the other side of it also and how it is a business and these things have gone corporate and how walk thru/appearance fees went crazyyy so they had to smarten up, they tried to switch up to djs and then they got huge and fees went crazy also, but they mostly look at men as huge tricks to fund the whole thing and once they shake you by the legs and take you for everything you got, immediately try to figure out how to get you out to rape the next dude pockets with the limited real estate.

Last time I partied in NY was like a blast in past tho, there are sooo many different options it was dope, I will give them that. Went from bougie spot, to I think a packed Brazilian spot, to a dancehall spot.. :ohlawd: Good times. Better off at lounge or something but alot of the club promoters have tried to take their same business model and enter those spaces also along with restaurants with insane pricing model..

Nyc summer time /nightlife is incredible
So many spots :noah:
For all ages /all different types of women


May 26, 2012
San Diego
Part of it is the foundational aspect of social media, which is to document, and in turn showcase your identity, but the progression of it as rendered online life essentially more important that actual life, which is just used for content to bolster your online identity, it's a cycle/feedback loop. The gradual pulls means people frame and refract everything through social media.

That said, by these metrics, nightlife has been "over". I'm out in those places frequently enough to know that there wasn't A LOT of dancing going on 10 years ago. Maybe 15 years ago. And For sure, like 20 years ago, there wasn't anything else to DO in clubs, besides, kiss, grope, dance, drink. Smart phones changed all that.