Was in a light discussion on the Cheesecake Factory deal with a single chick. From what I could gather she’s well educated and makes good $. She was pretty reasonable about it![]()

Was in a light discussion on the Cheesecake Factory deal with a single chick. From what I could gather she’s well educated and makes good $. She was pretty reasonable about it![]()
this weekend I had two women agree to go with me to Cheesecake Factory with me in the future.
Yea alot of women dont even see men as human. Just as a utility, thats why i love social media because clout is a hell of a drug and no amount of men caping for them will cover because stick a mic and/or camera in their face and they tell everything.
yea u see the feeling of regret is way worse the the feeling of rejection, I think I said this before
on another note ain't no way in hell all these fine azz women are single
Seems like brehs don’t want relationships so it seems likely that they are.yea u see the feeling of regret is way worse the the feeling of rejection, I think I said this before
on another note ain't no way in hell all these fine azz women are single
Used to be on that no date thing too, but if you adjust your filter and vet properly on the type of women you would take out its fine. One phone call can determine this if you play it right. I want to be outside just depends on the company.In a weird space where I don’t want to spend money on women but they ain’t going for the casual no dates shyt for me, gotta up my levels clearly. Gotta be in that bracket
Don’t wanna use the apps anymore either that shyt is burnt out
Used to be on that no date thing too, but if you adjust your filter and vet properly on the type of women you would take out its fine. One phone call can determine this if you play it right. I want to be outside just depends on the company.
Just be stricter and taking them places you want to go anyway.