Aye fellas. would yall take this as disrespect? or am I being sensitive? a few things happened
Been seeing a chick...
1) I'm taking a shower... she brushes her teeth and then joins me but has mouthwash in her mouth. She intentionally spits it out on my feet in the shower. Then the next day is like "yeah I spit it on your ugly feet"
2) later that day she's walking 10-20 ft behind me for about an hour...
3) on her phone. To me, I think it's fine if you're on the phone... but just say "give me a min while I check this" instead she's on the phone and not even walking as I continue to walk.
I tell her these things and she starts laughing especially at the mouthwash...
Am i being sensitive? or would yall be cool with that?
I wouldn't be cool with it. I know it's hard if a chick is attractive you give leeway and all that but sorry all of that sounds disrespectful.
When I'm out with a woman I don't even take my phone out. I actually called out a chick last week when we went to a restaurant and she was out there every second wanting to do boomerangs.