"Hey Big Head?"
1) She's trying to stroke her ego by getting attention. (Dating Swipe Apps and Social Media give her what she wants, but not what she needs - and when they don't get that suicide ideation)
2) Just got out of a relationship/trying to get out of a relationship and needs a hard dikk to land on. Better for her to go with a known quantity than to roll the dice on new Tinder/Club D.
What to do about it?
1) What do you want from the situation? Are you trying to hit?
This is the real man's question. Most dudes just are on automatic bang mode.
If banging is the object, then a cat needs to understand the typical dynamic.
The typical male/female dynamic.
- She makes herself pretty.
- She shows up.
- You see that she looks pretty.
- You do your song and dance to get her interested. YOU INVEST
- She Judges
- She chooses you.
- Y'all hook up - that's her investment, her greatest investment to hear other people tell it.
- The balance of power momentarily shifts back to you, but if you want her again
- She has the power back.
1) The Easy Way In - The easiest thing to do is just get back with her on text/phone.
Sound her out/Vibe Check .
Give her the option to meet up, so you can catch up, and then back to your place.
This is what 99% of dudes will advise you to do.
Where this usually falls apart
- Timing - Dude don't get back to her quick enough. (plenty of bangs have been lost when the 10pm text was not responded to)
- The back and forth texting/talking to sound her out, get her comfortable
- Her hemming and hawing on meeting up
- Dude treating this like a boyfriend situation, when it's more often a FB/FWB situation
- Her treating this like a boyfriend situation, but she's in no way, shape, form or action legit girlfriend material.
In general, because sex is so easy for them to get, even decent sex - she's not as pressed as dude is when it comes to getting her back blown out.
Her passions ebb and flow, and dude (or someone else in her contact list) may or may not receive her "blessing".
Her lack of decisiveness, the coming and going of her passion, is why these chicks are so hard to nail in the first place, but can be so satisfying even when the sex itself is lackluster.
The game is getting played on a lot of levels, whether or not cats want to acknowledge it....
2) The Right Way In - That said,
the proper way to play this, imo, assuming you want on demand P, is to
make her invest HEAVILY FIRST.