dump him, heres a tip every guy is amazing in the beginning, its called the honeymoon period. Every guy is on their best behavior, calling you all the time wanting to see you all the time, once a guy gets comfortable you see the real him.
and with exes, ive been there when they have been in the picture, i wasn't thinking of the girl i was dating with at the time, but my ex, see men are different than women when we have been with a chick for that long and breaks up, it takes awhile a long while an enormous while to fully cleanse our soul and date again, He just isn't ready and doesn't care about you that much, sorry to break it you. Same with dating with girls who just broke up with their exes etc., your just a crutch a rebound relationship something to help them get over the hurt of their last relationship, the longer you stay the more you will end up heartbroken. It probably wasn't his intention to hurt you or anything though, i've been there, after a long relationship meeting someone new your excited in the beginning wanting to talk to them get to know them see them all the time, then you slowly wonder wth are you doing and withdrawl.
Sent from royalty breh