How much stock do you guys put into astrology and zodiacal related works?
Kind of out of boredom and for fun, I've started to read up on things involving relationships and sex regarding my zodiac sign and the chick I'm seeing, and a bunch of stuff that I see align with what's currently going on. I just find it interesting.
I enjoy reading astrology.......however most people don't look at it the right way and thus they're not really getting the full accuracy.....Not that it's that accurate but I read Susan Miller does monthly times she's been shockingly accurate about my life.
For a far more accurate reading on your personally. You really need to type your exact birth date and time in and get your natal/birth chart done to find out your rising sign (Ascendant) It's pretty interesting honestly. Far more than just the regular 12 signs.
Once you know your rising sign, you should always read the forecasts for that sign AND your Sun sign, for a full 180 degree view of your outlook. I might add that knowing your ascendant helps you understand your personality in more detail too.
By definition, the rising sign is the sign of the constellation that was rising on earth's horizon at the exact moment of your birth, taking into account the precise longitude and latitude. You can only know your rising sign if you cast a horoscope for yourself, using the exact time (to the minute), place and date of your birth. Astrologers need that information because we convert every birthday to Greenwich Mean Time. Converting to GMT allows for a common denominator—it is as if everyone were born in the same spot on earth, and hence, the mathematical distance between you and the planets above would be the same for you as it is for everyone.
To find out your rising sign, you can go to various astrological Internet sites that will do the calculation for you for free
The rising sign describes how others see you when they first meet you. The rising sign also suggests of one's future profession often quite reliably. (There are other parts of the chart that also factor into career as well.)
The rising sign is important because it reveals parts of your personality that would not be necessarily evident in your Sun sign. In that respect, the rising sign would explain you might feel you are not completely true to your birth sign. (If you were born at dawn, you would have the same rising sign as your Sun sign.) Also with the addition of a rising sign, astrologers can more accurately predict upcoming cycles and likely events.
For many people, considering the way their chart splays out, the rising sign turns out to be even more important than their Sun sign.