Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Jun 5, 2012
someone mentioned it but its true never compliment, never write a comment or like a picture on their fb wall, instagram twitter anything thats for simps and thirsty dudes stay in the shadows.

years ago i was a simp nice guy ill always remember listening to tom leykis and him saying these words "do the opposite of whatever your mind is telling you", if your mind is telling you to say sorry don't, if your mind is telling you to call her or text her to see how she's doing DON'T.

be unreliable :smugfavre:

a few weeks ago brehs this annoying chick was on me like crazy, she made plans for us on a tuesday evening, i didn't even call that i wasn't going to make it, didn't text all day, all i did is get a text "where are you?", and i'm like home watching the game half hour later :smugdraper: and i got hit with the "I thought we had plans"

i'm like nah you had plans i never said i was going and you didn't text me all day, then this chick deletes me from fb, tells me she is no longer going to wait on me and is going to reactivate her online dating account, all i said is coo

want to know what happaned a week later brehs?

Reminds me of this episode on Seinfeld

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Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4

"Because you are...Bye" :dead:

Reincar the gawd


see when you keep a bullpen and you wiave one no biggie i can a minor leaguer up she's ready, now back in the day i would have been like i'm sorry i should have texted you today how can i make it up to you, but nah those days are done and over :manny: and what did my "a$$holeness" get me?

this chick thinking of me at 115 am when im sleeping like a baby, the less you care the more they do, the more you care the less they do

i choose to always be the lesser
Jun 5, 2012
Don't think that non-black women won't like you simply because you're black and they're not either a slut, fat, ugly or a mixture of the 3. All women thirst.

Do not engage women in mind games. Shut her shyt down and don't get sucked into that.

Let her know that YOU are in charge of the relationship and not her. YOU run the show. You love having her around but you don't NEED her. Never make a woman feel like your whole world would collapse without her, unless it literally would (and yes you simps, I do mean more than emotionally)

Your priorities > hers at all times. Unless you're married to her and she's a damn good wife, your priorities should always transcend hers. Never let your dreams get crushed by her plan. "B-B-B-buttt... She's moving away and I may never see her again! I have to go with her". Stfu, there are probably at least a dozen women around you who have just as good of, if not a better personality than she does, are just as good looking as she is or better and will love you just as good or better than she ever could.

Don't simp a woman. For any reason. Ever. There's a difference between having manly respect and simply being a bytch.

Dapped Homie!!!!


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Reminds me of this episode on Seinfeld

George Costanza Does The Opposite - YouTube

trust me it works, when i didn't clean the total simpage out of my body i just did the opposite it was valentines day my simping self told me to buy flowers for the chick i was with did i? nope dinner? nope, i still got laid didn't spend a dime :manny:

the less you care the mre you will win
Jun 5, 2012
Three of the best advices I've ever gotten.

1.Don't fukk chicks you don't want to knock up.* But if you must, USE A fukkING CONDOM.

2.Sex is like dribble before you shoot. Withdrawal is not a sure fire preventative..ever.

3.When having sex with a condom never, ever, ever cum inside of the chick because the condom could break.When you feel like you're about to bust, pull it out and come any where you choose,except her p*ssy.Every guy I know that has followed this rule has never ever gotten a girl pregnant.EVER!
May 10, 2012
Best advice anyone can give you on women is to know what type of woman you're dealing with.

If you know what guys she usually goes for, her type of personality, stuff she likes to do for fun, etc the better chance of a higher success rate.

If you know woman you're dealing with it insecure and have problem trusting guys, you're gonna feed her lies to make herself feel better and build her trust up for you. There is different types of woman and you just gotta know what mask to wear to get what u want from her.

Best seducers and players are chameleon and amoral people.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
1) Simplicity is better
Dealing with women doesn't need to be complicated and the less complicated it is, THE BETTER. When you were younger, it wasn't the dudes the intellectual dudes that were getting all the women. A lot of times it was the dude that looked most likely to drop out of school, but more often than not, he dressed well, probably was an athlete, and most importantly, he got at women. Stop strategizing, and just get at them. That doesn't mean you have to walk around all in their face, but if you want a woman, but yourself in a place where you will be seen by a lot of women and just get in natural conversations with them.

What I advocate is continually improve your natural state and when you do, the women will come.

2) Tricks are for tricks.
We usually define tricking as a guy that gives money to a prostitute. In this situation I define guys who sell themselves out for women as tricks. Guys are out here willing to completely change their personalities, perpetuate all kinds of lies and go through utter nonsense just to get a chance at her vagina. Man cut that out. You can be real with yourself and get much better women while doing so. If you got to play little games and switch things around about yourself in order to pull some specific woman, you are catering to her. A man doesn't change based off no female. He changes because HE himself feels a need to change. Stop switching up and doing tips and tactics to obtain a woman. That means you are putting the woman above YOU.

3) Find yourself.
This is one of the most important things you could ever do. This is the only way to really develop true confidence. You have to go out and experience life and find out exactly what it is you like and dislike, what you want or don't want, what you accept or won't accept, what you will represent, what you will disassociate with and so on and so forth. From these choices will also come the rules and regulations you implement in your life and thus confidence and a leadership ability will start to grow from this. You cannot lead if you do not know where you want to go or what you want to do. When making these choices, it should NOT be based upon what you think women want, what you think your parents or homeboys want or any such nonsense. God gave you a brain and heart... He gave you emotions. Listen to your own likes and dislikes and roll with that.

When you know who you are, what you are about, and where you want to go, you will have plenty to talk to a woman about and to show her and you will know EXACTLY how to handle her because by then you will have a certain type of woman you want to accept in your life.

4) The woman ain't the problem. You're the problem.
One of the keys of being a man is accepting responsibility. Women can only be as much of a problem in your life as you allow them to be. If you have low standards and you're going around sleeping with every girl on the block, that's on you when you are getting destroyed by child support by women you hate and that hate you. If you got some disrespectful woman that wants to go upside your head, that's on YOU. GET HER FROM AROUND YOU. As a man, you have been given the gift and burden of leadership. You have been given the power to shape the area around you with your actions... This includes your interactions with women. Learn what kind of woman to accept in your life, what kind not to accept and so on and so forth. ALWAYS come with the mindset of, "If it ain't right, by God's grace, I'll make it right. If I don't know how to make it right, I'll learn." Women ain't really problems in your life unless you let them be. If you see a whole bunch of disloyal women in your area, be smart and don't mess with them. Disrespectful, loud and angry women? Same thing.

5) Learn to be alone
This is another one of the most important ones. You simply have to learn to enjoy living life by yourself and not require the company of a woman to feel satisfied. You should WANT a woman, not NEED one. If you require the company of a woman to enjoy life, you will become desperate, and from this desperation, you will slowly cede your power and become weak. You will accept women in your life that you shouldn't accept. When you learn to enjoy being single, you will then have the ability to CHOOSE which women and the sort of terms they enter themselves in your life.


Legendary Poster
May 1, 2012

that's right came crawling back at 1am expecting a apology like im some simp

NOPE, see when you have a bullpen you can always designate one for assignment if the era and attitude is to high and never look back :win:


R.O. Double

Holdin My Balls Since 83
May 1, 2012
City Of Angels
1. When she asks how she looks, shrug and say "could be better." This will keep her on her toes, and girls love that.

2. Never hold her hand. This can be interpreted as a sign of weakness. If she grabs your hand, squeeze hers really, really hard until she cries. This will impress her by showing her what a strong man you are.

3. Once a month sneak up on her from behind and knock her over. Girls are like dogs. They love to be roughed up.

4. Call her in the middle of the night to ask if she's sleeping. If she is, say "you better be." Repeat this 4 or 5 times until morning. This will show her you care.

5. When she is upset about something, suggest to her that it might be her fault. This will pave the way for her own personal improvement, and every girl needs some improvement.

6. Recognize the small things; they usually mean the most. Then when she's sleeping, steal all her small things and break them. Because jewelry is for pussies and Asian ladies.

7. If you're talking to another girl, make sure she's looking. When she is, stare into her eyes, mouth the words 'Fuck you, ' and grab the other girl's ass. Girls love competition.

8. Tell her you're taking her out to dinner. Drive for miles so she thinks it's going to be really special. Then take her to a burning tire yard. When she starts to get upset tell her you were just kidding and now you're really going to take her to dinner. Then drive her home. When she starts crying and asks why you would do something like that lean over and whisper very quietly into her ear "...because I can."

9. Introduce her to your friends as "some chick". Women love those special nicknames.

10. Play with her hair. Play with it HARD.

11. Warm her up when she's cold... but not by giving her your jacket, because then you might get cold. Rather, look her in the eye and say, "If you don't stop b!tching about the cold right now, you're going to be b!tching about a black eye." The best way to get warm is with fear.

12. Take her to a party. When you get there she'll have to go to the bathroom (they always do). Leave immediately. Come back right when the party's dying and yell at her the whole way home for ditching you at the party.

13. Make her laugh. A good way to do this is if she has a small pet. Kick the pet. I always find stuff like that funny. Why shouldn't girls?

14. Let her fall asleep in your arms. When she's fast asleep, wait 10 minutes then JUMP UP AND SCREAM IN HER EAR! Repeat until she goes home and you can use your arms for more important things. Like basketball.

15. Spit often. I hear girls like guys that spit.

16. If you care about her, never ever tell her. This will only give her self confidence. Then you can never turn her into the object she deep down desires to be.

17. Every time you're in her house steal one of the following: shoes, earrings, or anything else that comes in pairs. Only take one of the pair. This way she'll go crazy.

18. Take her out to dinner. Right when she's about to order interrupt and say "No, she's not hungry". Make her watch you eat. Girls love a guy that speaks for her.

19. Look her in the eyes and smile. Then clock her one. Girls love a spontaneous guy.

20. Give her one of your t-shirts... and make sure it has your smell on it. But not a sexy cologne smell. A bad smell. You know what I'm talking about.

21. Give her the LOOK, when ever yall dance.

22. If you're listening to music, and she asks to hear it, tell her no. This way she'll think you're mysterious.

23. Remember her birthday, but don't get her anything. Teach her material objects aren't important. The only thing that's important is that she keeps you happy. And your happiness is the greatest present she can ever get.

24. When she gives you a present on your birthday, Christmas, or just whenever, take it and tell her you love it. Then next time you know she's coming over on a trash day leave the trash can open and have the present visibly sticking out of the can. Girls actually don't like this one that much, but I think it's funny.

25. If she's mad at you for not calling her when you say you will, promise her that you will call her at a certain time of the day. This will ensure that she waits by the phone. Tell her when you call you're going to tell her a special surprise. Now she'll be really excited. Now don't call. That's also quite funny!


May 2, 2012


Legendary Poster
May 1, 2012
Always TRY to listen to what a woman says, but never believe it or take it with a grain of salt. Woman are unstable creatures and say these off of emotions they don't even believe. No need to stress and over think some bullshyt she says.

Real shyt :obama:

A chick will have a whole tirade about something, then completely disregard it the next day


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
don't ever think you wont "find someone that beautiful again" that's simp thoughts

on fb always keep your status single, don't be one of thse brehs who changes it to in a relationship with so and so

some folks have a 3 strike rule, i have a one strike rule, set rules and let it be known from the beginning and if they are broken cut ties and move on, if not you already lost her respect.

know the signs when you are about to be dumped, and if you are walk away head held high, don't be that simp texting her how you miss her etc., trust me females show that and laugh about it with their ladies.

dont add her friends to fb and dont let her add your friends or family members.

maybe im hardcore but i dont even take pics together with girls i deal with, i don't want my face plastered on her fb and the world is so small now due to social networking you may deal with a chick in the future and she'll be like oh my 2nd cousin was best friend with your ex etc. nah none of that.

you want to know why i say about dumping a hot chick once in your life? it builds your confidence and gives you immunity, if a chick steps out of line no matter how hot, i just think about my hot latina back when i was 19, i kicked that to the curb i can kick anyone.

never send dikk pics of yourself, women have asked me back when i was in the game and i would always say "come see for yourself

never let a chick know where exactly you work and what you do, unless she's one of those rare needle in a haystack.