Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Aug 7, 2019
Kicking joints out / spend the night*

A quote from The Way Of The Superior Man”

Your woman will be more fulfilled with 30 minutes a day of undivided, attention and ravishing love then she will with a few hours of your week and divided presents when your heart really isn’t into it. If you rather be doing something else, she’ll feel it both of you will be dissatisfied”

In addition to this, there’s more allure when you kick them out or tell them you have things to do.

Duke Wy Lin

It's been a good run. Wish y'all the best ✊🏿
May 24, 2022
Why all the chicks I come across got some kind of baggage with an ex that choked them or abused them. I instantly get turned off when I hear that.

I hate dating, brehs but never going back to my wack ex

Where are you finding these abuse victims? Shelters? :dahell:


May 1, 2012
Why all the chicks I come across got some kind of baggage with an ex that choked them or abused them. I instantly get turned off when I hear that.

I hate dating, brehs but never going back to my wack ex

Hope u ain’t on a dating app using filter and checking abuse to sort women out cuz that is crazy if u keep running into it that damn often


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
“It's always crazy how these women are always in "abusive and controlling" relationships. Like, every man out here is abusive and controlling???? But we all know what that means, the husband didn't want her showing ass on IG with her DM's open, no girls night out getting piss drunk when you got kids at home, no more stupid tattoos, etc etc. But to women this is "abusive and controlling" - @blues_funk_reggae

women are delusional and always victims in their own minds

i always knew this , but living with my girlfriend amplified my understanding of it. some of the stories my girl has conjured up, some of the ways she has analyzed or framed very innocent things I have said and done

they live in a completely different reality, and it changes x depending on whatever suits their agenda and narrative at a given moment
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Mar 10, 2017
Met this Italian PAWG through a friend a couple of weeks ago, had hung out with her in a group friend setting a couple of times
She seemed cool enough and I hadn't PAWGed in well over a decade so why not?
Texted for a couple days and I saw the Heat were playing the Raps (she's from Toronto) so I copped a pair of tickets and off we went

She took an Uber to my spot, and I pulled the "forgot something come with me to get it"
Went up, she liked the view, checking out my art and shyt
Headed to the game, convo was flowing, all good
Got some food and drink (she paid) and got to our seats

Last time we hung out she was talking about Halloween horror nights up at Universal in Orlando
I told her I was down to go and she was with it
so last night we started going over the logistics: she's got a dog, who's gonna walk him when she's gone, should she bring him with us, etc
then where we gonna stay, how long, etc etc
She was a bit hesitant but I was giving her options for every issue she brought up
at some point she said fukk it I'm down and was trying to cop her ticket
But cell signal is spotty inside the arena so I told her don't sweat it, just come over after the game and we'll cop the tickets and hotel
She said cool and then before you know it was halftime

We went out to this outdoor deck and they got the Halloween photo set with he pumpkins and shyt
Some Heat promo girl was taking pics, and asked if we wanted one together
PAWG said sure, and that's when it all fell apart
I went to put my arm around her and she got shook for a sec and backed off
So the pic turned out to be some 2 friends standing apart shyt

I took my L and to top it off so did the Heat
After the game walking back to my spot she suggested a detour to a bar we had kicked it at last time
bar is one block away from me so I said cool
Got into the get to know you convo and there was this chick across the bar from us who looked coked up
That led to drug talk and I asked if she had ever sniffed blow (yup) and would she do it again (yup)
Immediate red flag, at that point I checked out (I've never sniffed but been around skied up people and that shyt ain't as fun when you're the sober one)
After 3 drinks I was ready to go
Plus she eventually checked out of the horror nights trip as well (I don't know you, I'm not ready for a road trip and overnight stay, etc)
I said cool don't sweat it
Took the bird home and then chirped out

Moral of the story: the game is the game. Energy was on point up until halftime, then it went sideways
I'll see her again eventually, but it'll be some friend shyt
Just based off this story, I think things didn’t pan out because you showed too much interest.

Texting her for a few days and copping tix to the game was smooth. Even showing off the crib on the sly was smooth. But I think bringing up the Orlando trip so soon into the first date turned her off. It’s similar to asking a woman “when can I see you again” after a date. Even if she likes you, putting any focus on the next date comes off as needy to women. It sounds like you started planning date 2 in the middle of date 1. You would’ve benefitted a bit more from just vibing at the game while not showing any overt interest

Before the halftime photo thing she was already pulling back mentally. That’s why she kept making excuses about her dog and shyt. She probably agreed because you kept pushing the issue and she didn’t want to make it awkward. By the time the halftime shyt happened, she felt like you were needy.

Then putting your arm around her for the pic made that worse. It felt to her like you were rushing into some sort of serious situation with her even if you weren’t. You always want her to be the one initiating contact, planning dates, etc. Always be the more reserved, disinterested one at all times

So after the game, she wanted to detour to the bar to avoid going back to your crib cause she didn’t wanna fukk or put herself in the position where that would be expected.

The tix and the crib move were perfect. Ideally, you hit the game with her and just have small talk and make her laugh until the game’s over. No physical contact initiated and no mentions of linking again so that she feels no pressure and just enjoys the moment. Then you hit the bar and get some drinks, loosen her up some more then tell her you got drinks at the crib. After seeing the crib and having a great night she would’ve wanted to keep it going

She prob don’t matter in the grand scheme of things but the game applies to any female. Remember women are emotional beings that thrive off of living in the moment. Always let them wonder when they’ll see you again and fight for time in your schedule


Nov 19, 2016
Just based off this story, I think things didn’t pan out because you showed too much interest.

Texting her for a few days and copping tix to the game was smooth. Even showing off the crib on the sly was smooth. But I think bringing up the Orlando trip so soon into the first date turned her off. It’s similar to asking a woman “when can I see you again” after a date. Even if she likes you, putting any focus on the next date comes off as needy to women. It sounds like you started planning date 2 in the middle of date 1. You would’ve benefitted a bit more from just vibing at the game while not showing any overt interest

Before the halftime photo thing she was already pulling back mentally. That’s why she kept making excuses about her dog and shyt. She probably agreed because you kept pushing the issue and she didn’t want to make it awkward. By the time the halftime shyt happened, she felt like you were needy.

Then putting your arm around her for the pic made that worse. It felt to her like you were rushing into some sort of serious situation with her even if you weren’t. You always want her to be the one initiating contact, planning dates, etc. Always be the more reserved, disinterested one at all times

So after the game, she wanted to detour to the bar to avoid going back to your crib cause she didn’t wanna fukk or put herself in the position where that would be expected.

The tix and the crib move were perfect. Ideally, you hit the game with her and just have small talk and make her laugh until the game’s over. No physical contact initiated and no mentions of linking again so that she feels no pressure and just enjoys the moment. Then you hit the bar and get some drinks, loosen her up some more then tell her you got drinks at the crib. After seeing the crib and having a great night she would’ve wanted to keep it going

She prob don’t matter in the grand scheme of things but the game applies to any female. Remember women are emotional beings that thrive off of living in the moment. Always let them wonder when they’ll see you again and fight for time in your schedule
I also think your never go with a woman when she asks you out somewhere unless you’ve already fukked. That’s classic attention whore stuff. She basically just used him to have somebody to be out with.


May 24, 2022
I also think your never go with a woman when she asks you out somewhere unless you’ve already fukked. That’s classic attention whore stuff. She basically just used him to have somebody to be out with.

Depends where your game is at.

If you're just a piece of eye candy/"look at what I got" - that's where you parlay that to exchanging contact information with ALL OF HER FEMALE FRIENDS.

Let that broad make that mistake twice...

But honestly, if she take you to her Mama's funeral on the 2nd date - you need to own the room.

I used to run from the "network" date - now I make her pay for her error in judgment/selfishness/lack of consideration.


Aug 7, 2019
Depends where your game is at.

If you're just a piece of eye candy/"look at what I got" - that's where you parlay that to exchanging contact information with ALL OF HER FEMALE FRIENDS.

Let that broad make that mistake twice...

But honestly, if she take you to her Mama's funeral on the 2nd date - you need to own the room.

I used to run from the "network" date - now I make her pay for her error in judgment/selfishness/lack of consideration.

Yup: I’ve done this many times and they’ve regretted it:

Became an extrovert outta nowhere, started talking and smoozing with everyone lol.


May 24, 2022
Girls either think I'm "too good to be true"

I know this is a vent post and you ain't really asking a question, but I've been in this state before, and I had to learn to not relax. Hopefully the young guns and green horns can relate to what I'm saying.

* puts on Black Air Force 1's *
* sprays on some Tobacco Vanille *

2 Options for Too Good Too Be True/You Must be a Player.

There are little comebacks and responses you can say in the moment, but this is more holistic framework.

Option 1

If a chick is like this, but she's a chick that you want to keep around
, not some scalawag that's keeping your bed warm - (because what I'm suggesting is WORK, and you don't do any work for broads that you don't care about)

Remind the chick that you are in fact dating down... subtlely.
  • Never missing a work out.
  • Never eating junk food.
  • Pictures of your fine ass ex, (that she thinks you really loved) she might catch once in a while on your phone.
  • Speak a word to female staff when you're out and about - make them light up.
  • If you got kids, nephews, nieces, younger siblings, pets, interns, employees - etc - you tell them what to do with authority, and they better hop to it.
That "one foot out the door" lifestyle. White boys call it dread. They go to far with that, so think of it as passive dread. You're not trying to take the chick to a spot where you done gotten with 2-3 of the regulars.....

You can NEVER verbalize that you are better than her.
Other people can, but you can never say such a thing.
You can only show her. And it's best that she just observes how OTHERS react.

And....You can't verbalize that she needs to step up or lose you.

You do need to make a habit of giving her requests, commands, guidance and direction - but MATTER OF FACTLY.

She needs to make the connection that her actions and demeanor are DIRECTLY related to how much attentio you give her. You just can't say it.

Your game becomes tangible (and fragile) when you break it down.

Let her see you work the magic, and then try to explain it to herself.

Make her question her own value.

Why is HE with ME?

Then, as a way to release some of the tension, give her a way to use her EFFORT to make up for her shortcomings.

She gotta put in work, she gotta invest. She has to "fight" for your relationship.

These chicks give far more of that "early in the relationship energy" to their bosses than they do to their boyfriends and husbands. Because the boss - keeps them in actual tension.

I wish we didn't have to go this route - but you can be BETTER than a chick - and she'll take you to the cleaners and take you for granted. ASK ME HOW I KNOW....

She's not happy if she think she's on your level.
She's certainly not happy if she thinks she can do better than you.

She's only happy* when she thinks you're better than her, and she's going to lose you.

*happy - how the chick feels about you when she first meets you, sees that God is Real, and acts ACCORDINGLY. Full hair and make up to come over for Netflix and Chill type steez. Getting up to grab you a drink, AT YO HOUSE...

Incidentally - most regular guys get comfortable in a relationship, and only start doing stuff the chick wanted, when she's already mentally checked out of the relationship. The City Boy that took her for granted - some how has a better hold on her than random dude that took her for granted.

Happiness for many women - at least the behavior that we tend to identify in/associate with women that are happy with us - is not what I would call man-style happiness, aka objective happiness.

As Patrice said, you can't make a woman happy. So Happy Wife, Happy Life - do what she says, give her all the power, is a recipe for disaster. (The guy that doesn't pay attention to her pleading is actually slightly better off than the one anticipates her every want and desire - neither of these guys do you want to be)

She is not content, by nature. She can't be happy.

E.G. 1 -
See these broads at work. They show up at 9:12, and the outfit has changed by 1:30 pm.
  • Type of chick that walks into the office in heels, but then switches up to sensible flats when she's actually on the floor. (these particular women disgust me, sorry it's a personal thing)
  • Hair that was down is now up.
  • She complaining about being cold, but got a Frappuccino in one hand, wearing a skirt, with sandals.
E.G. 2 - LipStick Alley - Any given time, all of them broads is miserable down to the sub-atomic level. They can't be happy for random celeb black woman without bringing in some negativity.

I disgrace...

If you play it even/straight up with a chick, if you try to make her feel secure by saying you're not a player, that you are not too good to be true - she will ease back into her nitpicky nature. And then she will find fault in her life, in you, in the relationship, whatever.

Some of them never fail to turn your kindness* to some sort of weakness.

*If she continues to appreciate your kindness, that's a keeper in my experience.

So remember,

Your answer to her insecurity, is not to relieve the burden, but to keep her in tension.

That's option 1.

Option 2 - DGAF - and if she acts up - DROP HER IMMEDIATELY.

Option 2 is simple, no need to do all this Jedi Mind Player stuff.

Just be in a position that you can chunk the deuce.

Looking good, money coming in, your own place, your own car, and your own circle of friends that you maintain. ...

When you're young and trying to keep these chicks around, the chess games is how most men operate. When you're seasoned - your peace is paramount, and letting a chick twist in the wind is much better than trying to fix something


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
Just based off this story, I think things didn’t pan out because you showed too much interest.

Texting her for a few days and copping tix to the game was smooth. Even showing off the crib on the sly was smooth. But I think bringing up the Orlando trip so soon into the first date turned her off. It’s similar to asking a woman “when can I see you again” after a date. Even if she likes you, putting any focus on the next date comes off as needy to women. It sounds like you started planning date 2 in the middle of date 1. You would’ve benefitted a bit more from just vibing at the game while not showing any overt interest

Before the halftime photo thing she was already pulling back mentally. That’s why she kept making excuses about her dog and shyt. She probably agreed because you kept pushing the issue and she didn’t want to make it awkward. By the time the halftime shyt happened, she felt like you were needy.

Then putting your arm around her for the pic made that worse. It felt to her like you were rushing into some sort of serious situation with her even if you weren’t. You always want her to be the one initiating contact, planning dates, etc. Always be the more reserved, disinterested one at all times

So after the game, she wanted to detour to the bar to avoid going back to your crib cause she didn’t wanna fukk or put herself in the position where that would be expected.

The tix and the crib move were perfect. Ideally, you hit the game with her and just have small talk and make her laugh until the game’s over. No physical contact initiated and no mentions of linking again so that she feels no pressure and just enjoys the moment. Then you hit the bar and get some drinks, loosen her up some more then tell her you got drinks at the crib. After seeing the crib and having a great night she would’ve wanted to keep it going

She prob don’t matter in the grand scheme of things but the game applies to any female. Remember women are emotional beings that thrive off of living in the moment. Always let them wonder when they’ll see you again and fight for time in your schedule
I disagree with most of this even though it may be true

Homie didnt do anything wrong

It’s some women who his actions would’ve led to fckn on the first night. Like he said though, the game is the game

Everything is a fine line

One persons aggressive is another persons talking charge and being a man

One person overly-eagerness is another person’s spontaneous/adventurous

“neediness” to one person is forthcoming to the other person

Shorty is an idiot and is probably used to being treated like shyt (see the coke history). When a real nikka with a good vibe/energy came through she didn’t know how to handle it and self sabotaged. Happens all the time
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Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
I disagree with most of this even though it may be true

Homie didnt do anything wrong

It’s some women who his actions would’ve led to fckn on the first night. Like he said though, the game is the game

Everything is a fine line

One persons aggressive is another persons talking charge and being a man

One person overly-eagerness is another person’s spontaneous/adventurous

“neediness” to one person is forthcoming to the other person

Shorty is an idiot and is probably used to being treated like shyt (see the coke history). When a real nikka with a good vibe/energy came through she didn’t make how to handle it and self sabotaged. Happens all the time

If a woman likes you being broke = potential he’s working on a few things

If she doesn’t like you = broke azz nukka


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
If a woman likes you being broke = potential he’s working on a few things

If she doesn’t like you = broke azz nukka

I always say nikkas need to stop blaming one another. Homie even said after he found out she was a cokehead he wasnt feeling her…so how did he do anything wrong?

Its not every girl you need to fukk and its not every time that you dont fukk that its an L. Sometimes the juice simply isnt worth the squeeze, and thats okay.