They get caught up on hookup app for yearsss.. I can get on an app, get tied up, delete app, come back a year later and its the same women..I been talking to many women on hinge lately .
I started asking women how long they been single or when was their last relationship. I'm surprised some women who are 6/7 have been single for 4-5 years. These women are in shape, good jobs etc.
Majority of women claim 1-2 years single
I been talking to many women on hinge lately .
I started asking women how long they been single or when was their last relationship. I'm surprised some women who are 6/7 have been single for 4-5 years. These women are in shape, good jobs etc.
Majority of women claim 1-2 years single
So many lonely women out here brehs. Everyone should be eating
I meet many women on dating apps that go to work & home, once a while go out with their friends. They looking for a breh to spend time & share a life with.
Why would you be surprised? Brehs aren’t looking for relationships so why wouldn’t women be single?I been talking to many women on hinge lately .
I started asking women how long they been single or when was their last relationship. I'm surprised some women who are 6/7 have been single for 4-5 years. These women are in shape, good jobs etc.
Majority of women claim 1-2 years single
@Soldier how is dating in toronto for you?
the young women I meet/date are Fickle party girls while older women are more jaded and desperate. But I still eat tho
Dating is ok in this city but honestly im more worried about quality of life, family friends, God, health, cost of living etc
And my cowboys/raptors/leafs/arsenal doing well
Tbh I just don’t feel the older ones…by 35 women are just washed up and dating them at that age is like Taking a consolation prize. I only want them in their prime. (18-25)
When her body is fire. But her breath stinks.
shyt is tragic. Some dimes have terrible hygiene.