Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Mar 11, 2022
Met this Italian PAWG through a friend a couple of weeks ago, had hung out with her in a group friend setting a couple of times
She seemed cool enough and I hadn't PAWGed in well over a decade so why not?
Texted for a couple days and I saw the Heat were playing the Raps (she's from Toronto) so I copped a pair of tickets and off we went

She took an Uber to my spot, and I pulled the "forgot something come with me to get it"
Went up, she liked the view, checking out my art and shyt
Headed to the game, convo was flowing, all good
Got some food and drink (she paid) and got to our seats

Last time we hung out she was talking about Halloween horror nights up at Universal in Orlando
I told her I was down to go and she was with it
so last night we started going over the logistics: she's got a dog, who's gonna walk him when she's gone, should she bring him with us, etc
then where we gonna stay, how long, etc etc
She was a bit hesitant but I was giving her options for every issue she brought up
at some point she said fukk it I'm down and was trying to cop her ticket
But cell signal is spotty inside the arena so I told her don't sweat it, just come over after the game and we'll cop the tickets and hotel
She said cool and then before you know it was halftime

We went out to this outdoor deck and they got the Halloween photo set with he pumpkins and shyt
Some Heat promo girl was taking pics, and asked if we wanted one together
PAWG said sure, and that's when it all fell apart
I went to put my arm around her and she got shook for a sec and backed off
So the pic turned out to be some 2 friends standing apart shyt

I took my L and to top it off so did the Heat
After the game walking back to my spot she suggested a detour to a bar we had kicked it at last time
bar is one block away from me so I said cool
Got into the get to know you convo and there was this chick across the bar from us who looked coked up
That led to drug talk and I asked if she had ever sniffed blow (yup) and would she do it again (yup)
Immediate red flag, at that point I checked out (I've never sniffed but been around skied up people and that shyt ain't as fun when you're the sober one)
After 3 drinks I was ready to go
Plus she eventually checked out of the horror nights trip as well (I don't know you, I'm not ready for a road trip and overnight stay, etc)
I said cool don't sweat it
Took the bird home and then chirped out

Moral of the story: the game is the game. Energy was on point up until halftime, then it went sideways
I'll see her again eventually, but it'll be some friend shyt
Dam, I was at the same game fam.. Heat games have usually been clutch for me thru out the years as date #2+ type spot, especially after the lebron effect (Im more football guy but chicks can follow bball easier, shorter entertainment, closer to other options/action compared to miami gardens, A/C environment, etc.)

Just from what I can read as soon as I saw any hesitation early I would of dead the horror nights talk, if she not pushing for it then kinda read the tea leaves. I have done trips with girls I havent had relations with first but looking back it was only successful if it was their suggestion and they were pushing it. Other than that seems like typical feeling out situation..

With the Halloween photo situation is that the first time you guys got in close proximity? I would say especially sitting at game you guys should of been close and touch was happening early and often, have you guys hung out before, was that more intimate, do you try to get close typically?


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
The salesman in me appreciates your dedication to following up and reviving dead leads :ehh:

but ain't no way I'm this shamless :pachaha:only ones I'd hit up are the ones that I matched with and never said shyt to.

I do go through old matches like "damn why the fukk did I let this convo die this bytch bad af" but I'm not reviving it :childplease:

"Girls are like buses. Miss one next 15 one coming"

- Lord Gucci Mane
It's not my standard practice, but I was like "fukk it" and divorced my ego from the outcome. Got some messages back and managed to get some shyt set up. It's some real hail-mary shyt, because I'm a firm believer in the Brad Pitt/ Michael B Jordan principle. Would she "forget" to text back MBJ? 99% of the time that rings true, but sometimes there's that 1% of time she just got busy.

Digital Omen

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Dam, I was at the same game fam.. Heat games have usually been clutch for me thru out the years as date #2+ type spot, especially after the lebron effect (Im more football guy but chicks can follow bball easier, shorter entertainment, closer to other options/action compared to miami gardens, A/C environment, etc.)

Just from what I can read as soon as I saw any hesitation early I would of dead the horror nights talk, if she not pushing for it then kinda read the tea leaves. I have done trips with girls I havent had relations with first but looking back it was only successful if it was their suggestion and they were pushing it. Other than that seems like typical feeling out situation..

With the Halloween photo situation is that the first time you guys got in close proximity? I would say especially sitting at game you guys should of been close and touch was happening early and often, have you guys hung out before, was that more intimate, do you try to get close typically?
Naw we had hung out a couple times before, bar hopping both times with a mutual friend
The second time, the 3 of us took a flick. I was on one side, PAWG in the middle, and homegirl next to her
I put my arm around her just on some flick shyt, didn't pull her close, none of that. Wasn't even thinking that. Took the flick and KIM.
That same night, we all got our drink on and while buzzin she kept brushing up on me to talk and shyt
And was all geeked about horror nights, that's where I said yeah I'm down to go and left it at that
I texted her the next day cuz I saw the Heat were gonna play the Raps on some yo you down to go?
worked the logistics out and went to the game on Monday

So now thinking about it, the bar photo was some party haha shyt, since that was my first time putting my arm around her. What's bugged was that the last thing on my mind was some "game" shyt. But then at halftime, it was a a public setting, some stranger taking the flick...yada yada grand opening grand closing


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Coli brehs, what's your opinions on the age gap? Personally, I don't think it's a big deal. I'm 28 messing with a chick who's 22 currently. Hell, most of these girls are ahead of the curve when it comes to sexual dynamics as opposed to boys their age. They get that course on using their assets to get things while their male counterparts are still playing with hot wheels and action figures.



Old Master
May 11, 2012
Coli brehs, what's your opinions on the age gap? Personally, I don't think it's a big deal. I'm 28 messing with a chick who's 22 currently. Hell, most of these girls are ahead of the curve when it comes to sexual dynamics as opposed to boys their age. They get that course on using their assets to get things while their male counterparts are still playing with hot wheels and action figures.

I assume it’s not serious so :manny:


Aug 7, 2019
Coli brehs, what's your opinions on the age gap? Personally, I don't think it's a big deal. I'm 28 messing with a chick who's 22 currently. Hell, most of these girls are ahead of the curve when it comes to sexual dynamics as opposed to boys their age. They get that course on using their assets to get things while their male counterparts are still playing with hot wheels and action figures.

Nope. It’s actually suppose to happen. When your in your 20s, majority of the time, women your age ain’t checking for you. Unless your a D1 Athlete, rich kid, or got social clout (photographer, DJ, promoter, drug dealer, etc)

The guys in their 30s+ should be talking to the new 20 year olds. Plus you beat the 20 year olds every time (crib, car, other essentials)

Online I’m 18-24, I’m eating, but when I’m out I’m approached by a lot of 25-27


Mar 11, 2022
Coli brehs, what's your opinions on the age gap? Personally, I don't think it's a big deal. I'm 28 messing with a chick who's 22 currently. Hell, most of these girls are ahead of the curve when it comes to sexual dynamics as opposed to boys their age. They get that course on using their assets to get things while their male counterparts are still playing with hot wheels and action figures.

That read like a dodged bullet, lol.. someone in their 20s year old talking to someone else in their 20s is normal, no one in history of man would blink, only someone who dikk polices black men on twitter would even have a convo like that, wow


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
That read like a dodged bullet, lol.. someone in their 20s year old talking to someone else in their 20s is normal, no one in history of man would blink, only someone who dikk polices black men on twitter would even have a convo like that, wow
It does strike me as the typical twitter babble. It's always the same pseudo-psychological take from some 350 lb, fupa having, they/them crusty bytch who writes sees some dude with a 5'2 100lb girl and writes some shyt like "men are not ready for the conversation that liking petite women is pedophiliac in nature". But these same bytches wouldn't give their counterpart a 2nd glance. Even Hassan Piker had something to say about them.

He lost explaining himself to a random bytch

Yeah, I don't know why he was wasting time with this chickenhead. Would have unmatched with the quickness.
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Action Mike

All praise..
Feb 24, 2014
Coli brehs, what's your opinions on the age gap? Personally, I don't think it's a big deal. I'm 28 messing with a chick who's 22 currently. Hell, most of these girls are ahead of the curve when it comes to sexual dynamics as opposed to boys their age. They get that course on using their assets to get things while their male counterparts are still playing with hot wheels and action figures.

What's even worse are these women are literally getting their personalities installed from twitter by older bytches, I've experienced that before and just plainfaced her until we got down

Age gap of 5 to 7 years is fine for long term, anything else is fair game

Wouldnt have even matched her to explain myself :scust:

Apollo Creed

Look at your face
Feb 20, 2014
Handsome Boyz Ent
I knew an engaged couple that broke up because homegirl wanted a wedding for the gram
She was running dude's pockets for a destination wedding, VIP accommodations, all that reality show bullshyt they watch all day
Dude did the right thing and bushed her, respectfully

they all want weddings for the gram lol.

Tell a chick lets go to the court house OR why even involve the government, lets just do a thank you dinner with our friends and family in thanking them for their support of us and see how she reacts lmfao


Sep 11, 2012
Coli brehs, what's your opinions on the age gap? Personally, I don't think it's a big deal. I'm 28 messing with a chick who's 22 currently. Hell, most of these girls are ahead of the curve when it comes to sexual dynamics as opposed to boys their age. They get that course on using their assets to get things while their male counterparts are still playing with hot wheels and action figures.

I’m 30 and dealing with a 23 year old. But 23 is the youngest I would go for. Once they are out of college and had a few real world experiences, then the age gap isn’t that big of a deal.

Swahili P'Bitek

Jan 16, 2018
Coli brehs, what's your opinions on the age gap? Personally, I don't think it's a big deal. I'm 28 messing with a chick who's 22 currently. Hell, most of these girls are ahead of the curve when it comes to sexual dynamics as opposed to boys their age. They get that course on using their assets to get things while their male counterparts are still playing with hot wheels and action figures.

A 24 yr old man and 24 yr old woman aren't agemates, if you know what I mean, leave alone a 28 yr old. A 24 yr old woman has more relationship experience than a 24 yr old man because of how relationship dynamics work. Especially in the modern age.

International Playa

Playa with a Passport
Nov 26, 2012
Coli brehs, what's your opinions on the age gap? Personally, I don't think it's a big deal. I'm 28 messing with a chick who's 22 currently. Hell, most of these girls are ahead of the curve when it comes to sexual dynamics as opposed to boys their age. They get that course on using their assets to get things while their male counterparts are still playing with hot wheels aß and action figures.

Don't let anyone dikk police you, as long as they are of legal age.

When I was 29, I dated a 20 year old for 6 months, she was a headache & immature but it was the best sexual experience of my life.

I'm 35 now, I'm talking to 4 women aged 34, 30, 28, 25 year old women. Date various types of women & see what works for you.
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