Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Peter Popoff

Baba Yega in black uptowns
Dec 25, 2012
My girl gotta a friend that looks very deceptive. This niqqa a 4'11 Filipino dude that only fuqs with tall dudes (6'3 and up). I told my girl to never hangout with him again because he could've gotten her killed. He doesn't tell these dudes he's a transformer unless they about to do the do or are about to be serious. He's a master at what he does. Pheromones, voice, tucked, real long natural hair and all.

Mind you, he be at clubs, tonguing down straight men and having niqqas buy him drinks all the time. He also only hangs out with women and not other trannies. He been doing this for over a decade and is thinking about doing the final big chop. He comes from a family full of money so they pay for all his debauchery.

That's one of many stories. There's many more out there. Especially the ones with a large number of heterosexual followers on the gram. Y'all be careful out there.

I also have stories of a lot of women (Houston area) that lowkey escort on the side. Them red flags are becoming more and more undetectable. Thank God I'm out the dating game. It's scary out there and STDs are becoming more prevalent.
My girl told me this niqqa got his birth certificate changed to female. Yea, ya'll be safe.


Peace ✌🏿
Jul 2, 2018
My girl told me this niqqa got his birth certificate changed to female. Yea, ya'll be safe.
I’m all for people living how they wanna live. fukk it. We’re all gonna die, so live how you wanna live. Just be authentic and up front in your lifestyle/proclivities.

However, lying to men about being male is wrong. This person could get your girl killed, for real. Even non-violent men could snap. It’s rapey gross behavior tbh :wtf:

And what confounds me even more- is that we live an era of open sexual fluidity. Just date a bisexual dude or something. It’s not hard. There are men who like trans people.

Lowkey, your girl’s friend probably gets off on tricking and playing with dudes. Dangerous shyt breh smh


Peace ✌🏿
Jul 2, 2018
And I’m hella late to the late bloomer convo (It was like 10 pages ago) but I just agreed with what y’all are saying. I didn’t really grow into my features or personality until recently and I’m almost 25.

I’ve had chicks before but never the quality and quantity like I’ve had recently. Just play to your strengths and stay moving forward. Keep improving your physique, finances and social life. Have goals and ambitions. Enjoy life and have gratitude. Learn how to engage all kinds of people. Women will come. Positive experiences with women are a byproduct of living life and growing into yourself. Most men’s real success with women doesn’t start until after high school and for some like myself, post-undergrad is when you really get into the flow of things. Work on yourself. Women will come.

Digital Omen

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Met this Italian PAWG through a friend a couple of weeks ago, had hung out with her in a group friend setting a couple of times
She seemed cool enough and I hadn't PAWGed in well over a decade so why not?
Texted for a couple days and I saw the Heat were playing the Raps (she's from Toronto) so I copped a pair of tickets and off we went

She took an Uber to my spot, and I pulled the "forgot something come with me to get it"
Went up, she liked the view, checking out my art and shyt
Headed to the game, convo was flowing, all good
Got some food and drink (she paid) and got to our seats

Last time we hung out she was talking about Halloween horror nights up at Universal in Orlando
I told her I was down to go and she was with it
so last night we started going over the logistics: she's got a dog, who's gonna walk him when she's gone, should she bring him with us, etc
then where we gonna stay, how long, etc etc
She was a bit hesitant but I was giving her options for every issue she brought up
at some point she said fukk it I'm down and was trying to cop her ticket
But cell signal is spotty inside the arena so I told her don't sweat it, just come over after the game and we'll cop the tickets and hotel
She said cool and then before you know it was halftime

We went out to this outdoor deck and they got the Halloween photo set with he pumpkins and shyt
Some Heat promo girl was taking pics, and asked if we wanted one together
PAWG said sure, and that's when it all fell apart
I went to put my arm around her and she got shook for a sec and backed off
So the pic turned out to be some 2 friends standing apart shyt

I took my L and to top it off so did the Heat
After the game walking back to my spot she suggested a detour to a bar we had kicked it at last time
bar is one block away from me so I said cool
Got into the get to know you convo and there was this chick across the bar from us who looked coked up
That led to drug talk and I asked if she had ever sniffed blow (yup) and would she do it again (yup)
Immediate red flag, at that point I checked out (I've never sniffed but been around skied up people and that shyt ain't as fun when you're the sober one)
After 3 drinks I was ready to go
Plus she eventually checked out of the horror nights trip as well (I don't know you, I'm not ready for a road trip and overnight stay, etc)
I said cool don't sweat it
Took the bird home and then chirped out

Moral of the story: the game is the game. Energy was on point up until halftime, then it went sideways
I'll see her again eventually, but it'll be some friend shyt


May 17, 2012
Week I am about to move in with my girl, she shows a major red flag :beli: . Talking about if I had it my way I would date a modest woman lol. She has this dream lifestyle that she wants to live. Modern contemporary homes. Nice cars etc. The thing is I don't give a shyt about any of that. I don't mind driving an old car, I dont care for $700,000 houses. This shyt got me thinking a lot. I did not get that vibe from her when I was getting to know her.

Life isn't some instagram fairy tale. We wont take any of that with us. Sure we both have good careers but I have seen it cut under people way too much to care about material possessions. lol these companies dont give a shyt about you. A high paying job can turn into unemployment quick. We set a deadline for four months to figure out our future. Long term we just don't have the same vision.
This will ruin you. That girl is not going to be good for your pockets.


Jun 15, 2018
Planet Earth


Nov 19, 2016
Went back through dead Hinge/ Tinder convos to see what can be revived.

Gotta be a little shameless in this game if you want to eat :manny:
The salesman in me appreciates your dedication to following up and reviving dead leads :ehh:

but ain't no way I'm this shamless :pachaha:only ones I'd hit up are the ones that I matched with and never said shyt to.

I do go through old matches like "damn why the fukk did I let this convo die this bytch bad af" but I'm not reviving it :childplease:

"Girls are like buses. Miss one next 15 one coming"

- Lord Gucci Mane


Member of Snitch Syndication
Jan 18, 2016
I’m all for people living how they wanna live. fukk it. We’re all gonna die, so live how you wanna live. Just be authentic and up front in your lifestyle/proclivities.

However, lying to men about being male is wrong. This person could get your girl killed, for real. Even non-violent men could snap. It’s rapey gross behavior tbh :wtf:

And what confounds me even more- is that we live an era of open sexual fluidity. Just date a bisexual dude or something. It’s not hard. There are men who like trans people.

Lowkey, your girl’s friend probably gets off on tricking and playing with dudes. Dangerous shyt breh smh
A lot of them don't want that, it's more complicated that it seem.

Digital Omen

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
This will ruin you. That girl is not going to be good for your pockets.
I knew an engaged couple that broke up because homegirl wanted a wedding for the gram
She was running dude's pockets for a destination wedding, VIP accommodations, all that reality show bullshyt they watch all day
Dude did the right thing and bushed her, respectfully

Tommy Lee Jones

All Star
Jan 1, 2015
How do I find the line between texting a girl to keep it going and not texting to much.

We went on a second date last night but I can’t really hang out again until next week.

I’m not sure even what to say in between. I don’t even like texting but gotta build rapport.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
How do I find the line between texting a girl to keep it going and not texting to much.

We went on a second date last night but I can’t really hang out again until next week.

I’m not sure even what to say in between. I don’t even like texting but gotta build rapport.

Schedule a date for next week, do a couple video calls in between then


Pissing excellence since 1995
Oct 12, 2014
How do I find the line between texting a girl to keep it going and not texting to much.

We went on a second date last night but I can’t really hang out again until next week.

I’m not sure even what to say in between. I don’t even like texting but gotta build rapport.
You overthinking


Big Yella
Nov 5, 2012
How do I find the line between texting a girl to keep it going and not texting to much.

We went on a second date last night but I can’t really hang out again until next week.

I’m not sure even what to say in between. I don’t even like texting but gotta build rapport.
you dont have ANY time to just kick it quick? maybe pull up late?


May 24, 2022
How do I find the line between texting a girl to keep it going and not texting to much.

We went on a second date last night but I can’t really hang out again until next week.

I’m not sure even what to say in between. I don’t even like texting but gotta build rapport.

So you're afraid that she might lose the fire. The next breh might be sliding in the DMs, whispering in her ear. I get it. This scenario happens a lot.

Guy hasn't solidified things with the broad, and wants to keep it going, before he gets solid with her. (solid could be the hook up, or possible GF status)

On the Technical side
  1. Social Media - add her to your social media - let her see what you're doing
    1. But
      1. You got time to post, but not time to text
      2. What is you doing? Who was that girl?
  2. Text Messages that don't require a response - memes, pics, observations.
    1. Merely sending the message says "I'm thinking about you"
      1. You might NOT want to send that message that you are thinking about her
  3. Facetime/video call and Scheduled - see above
  4. Phone Call Scheduled - See Above. Phone opens up more of her imagination. If you're nice with the words...more over you can easily get into
    1. What are you doing?
    2. What are you wearing, i wish I could see you...
    3. Extrapolate dude, I can't text for you.
  5. Phone/Video Call Unscheduled - More powerful than the schedule one, because it says, I'm thinking about you.
Depending on the broad, depending on the situation, I use a mix of 1,2, and 5.

A lot of what I might send a chick/say to a chick tells her 1) what I notice, 2) what I think is important, 3) How I think - on top of whatever I say. Cause the words are at best 7% of what's being communicated.

Any of these 5 will "fix" the problem.....YOU DON'T NEED TO READ ANY FURTHER THAN THIS.

But, what you really need to do is adopt the typical Coli Breh perspective.



You're thinking to yourself (you and all the brehs that don't have accounts or too scared to actually post that they don't have it all figured out)

- That's all well and good WIA, but do I really have other options just as good as this chick, if not better?

Then you start thinking to yourself
  • What am I really worth?
  • This chick might be the one!
  • And for some of y'all, you're thinking, this chick might be the ONLY one...
Agonizing over the decisions of
  • Do I text at all?
  • What if I don't text?
  • What do I text?
  • What if she takes what I say in a text wrong?
  • How often do I text?
  • How long should I wait to respond to her texts?
  • What if she doesn't text back?
  • What if she takes forever to text back?
All this questioning of yourself - that's gonna be your downfall.

All that doubt, that negative self talk, all that inability to make a move and stick by your will eat away at your actual effectiveness/productivity.


Operating strictly from a technical basis - where you're playing moves on this girl like it was Pokemon - is a recipe for failure. You can definitely get bangs, get a lot of bangs, get hot women, keep a stable of Bad B's - it's possible, it's tough, BUT it takes a toll on you as a person - where everything has to be calculated.

I get it, you need her to be a lock. You need the chick to be solid.

But certainty? That's the one thing a chick can't do for you. The hallmark of a female is to change her mind on a whim, even if the choice in the now, hurts her.

So what then?

Not to get all Mos Def on ya, but a lot of the game - is you fighting these thoughts, these feelings, these insecurities. Cause you can rein in a broad, but you can't change her. You can't change them. They have to change themselves - and given the obesity rate - we know what that means.

In your case - the "need to build rapport" with a chick you've only see a few times.

You don't need to build rapport with her. (A lot of that "spin plates and keep them spinning" mentality has a shaky practical foundation)

You don't know what she needs in order to feel comfortable, sexual, or loved.

Cause these broads will tell you A,B, and C - and that don't make them happy. ASK ME HOW I KNOW...

So you gotta pull back from the situation, get your mind right.

A lot of a man's real game is INTERNAL*.

For instance - the guy that gets over approach anxiety is literally the same guy that couldn't get his nuts up to approach - an internal change happened.

So to really get past this thing you gotta see it for what it is. Then you can deal with it by trying to get perspectives, get help, etc.

When your internals are "right", you don't magically make all the right decisions.

Instead, you make decisions based on the information at the time, AND YOU'RE GOOD WITH THOSE DECISIONS.

The certainty comes from you, not from external success or others validating you.

These brehs in here be too cool for school, but I gotcha. I've been there.
Same stuff you dealing with in 2022, we was dealing with 2012, 2002, 1992...etc.

The Game Don't Change.