I've noticed it. More black people have moved to my city in the last 2 yrs but I have to say about a few of the black women I see out and about more than a few act real weird.
Literally look right through you. Like you're not there. I smile and nod. Nothing.
I see one black chick who loves round the corner from me. I see her walking her dog. Said hello to her once last year, no reply. 2 weeks later I see her walking with a white guy and the dog.
I will say the ones that are happy to see you. Smile and say how you doing. Always great to see other black people especially as my city is so white and Asian heavy.
Exactly! Just a casual head nod or just a hello or check in. Why can’t they do the bare minimum? Not asking for much.
Then if something happens, they want protection.

Yeah, I guess I gotta screen who’s “for the community” or not.