Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Quoting my own post so that the gawd kevm3 can chime in. :blessed:

It could be that she isn't feeling you, but it could also be that she likes you, but she isn't yet comfortable doing something solo with you. Sometimes women are timid and aren't comfortable being by themselves with a guy they just met.

A lot of women DO do the group date thing as a way to get a guy they aren't feeling off of them, but some women aren't that comfortable around a new dude. If you're bored, you might as well go just for the experience, but if she tries to play you by getting you to pay for the group, you tell her, I didn't go on a date with them, I went with you. They pay their own way.

I'd generally take the group date thing as a bad sign, but sometimes you just got to overlook it and use it as field experience. You don't have to end up being in a relationship with this woman. Sometimes it's just cool to go out there and hang out and have fun even if you don't end up turning that into anything. For one, experience will help you become more comfortable and will let you know what to and what not to do. Secondly, she might not end up being anything more than a friend, but she could be the friend that introduces you to the woman that is actually meant for you.

What I'm ultimately saying is that sometimes you might see a flag pop up, but don't always rush off to completely discard the woman. I wouldn't really look at what I'm doing with her as a formal date, but more like just chilling with a girl that might be cool. When you are actually up there, your conversation with her could be so on and popping that she really starts feeling you. So what I am saying is that yes, it is a red flag in terms of interest level, but that is only if you are hard set on dating this girl. It might be cool to go just to get out of the house and use that as an opportunity to expand your social circle. if she tries to play you while you are out though, that's when you make a boss move and jet.


Dec 3, 2012
It could be that she isn't feeling you, but it could also be that she likes you, but she isn't yet comfortable doing something solo with you. Sometimes women are timid and aren't comfortable being by themselves with a guy they just met.

A lot of women DO do the group date thing as a way to get a guy they aren't feeling off of them, but some women aren't that comfortable around a new dude. If you're bored, you might as well go just for the experience, but if she tries to play you by getting you to pay for the group, you tell her, I didn't go on a date with them, I went with you. They pay their own way.

I'd generally take the group date thing as a bad sign, but sometimes you just got to overlook it and use it as field experience. You don't have to end up being in a relationship with this woman. Sometimes it's just cool to go out there and hang out and have fun even if you don't end up turning that into anything. For one, experience will help you become more comfortable and will let you know what to and what not to do. Secondly, she might not end up being anything more than a friend, but she could be the friend that introduces you to the woman that is actually meant for you.

What I'm ultimately saying is that sometimes you might see a flag pop up, but don't always rush off to completely discard the woman. I wouldn't really look at what I'm doing with her as a formal date, but more like just chilling with a girl that might be cool. When you are actually up there, your conversation with her could be so on and popping that she really starts feeling you. So what I am saying is that yes, it is a red flag in terms of interest level, but that is only if you are hard set on dating this girl. It might be cool to go just to get out of the house and use that as an opportunity to expand your social circle. if she tries to play you while you are out though, that's when you make a boss move and jet.

Yeah, I won't lie, I could be feeling a chick real good but then she brings up the group date and I'm quick to change everything and toss her to the bushes. :mjpls:

I've had bad experiences with the "group" outing and generally it takes me off my game. I said in an earlier post that I'm at the point in my life where I'm not interested in getting to know her friends or family.

And I'm not afraid to admit that pride is an issue here for some weird reason. So while there are possible positives like she could introduce me to another friend, I feel like if I did go out just for the hell of it with her and her friends, I feel like I'm "losing" something. I can't explain it.

I dunno, interest level aside, I generally assume it to be a red flag and I probably have missed out on a few quality chances, but my dignity doesn't have a price and p*ssy definitely can't cover that. Perhaps there are exceptions to the rule, but ehh...I'm gonna keep playing it safe for now. :manny:

Thanks as always though, man. :win:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Yeah, I won't lie, I could be feeling a chick real good but then she brings up the group date and I'm quick to change everything and toss her to the bushes. :mjpls:

I've had bad experiences with the "group" outing and generally it takes me off my game. I said in an earlier post that I'm at the point in my life where I'm not interested in getting to know her friends or family.

And I'm not afraid to admit that pride is an issue here for some weird reason. So while there are possible positives like she could introduce me to another friend, I feel like if I did go out just for the hell of it with her and her friends, I feel like I'm "losing" something. I can't explain it.

I dunno, interest level aside, I generally assume it to be a red flag and I probably have missed out on a few quality chances, but my dignity doesn't have a price and p*ssy definitely can't cover that. Perhaps there are exceptions to the rule, but ehh...I'm gonna keep playing it safe for now. :manny:

Thanks as always though, man. :win:

No problem man, you used your own judgment after getting the facts and that's what it's always about as a man... taking the facts and different counsel, and making a decision based upon sound principles. More times than not, group dates end up bad and show a lack of interest, so I definitely see where you're coming from from the pride angle. You probably feel like she isn't feeling you enough to go out with you solo, so you're not going to accept a 'lesser deal', and that's a very valid reason not to go out with her. In fact, that's the course of action I'd generally recommend.

A lot of times those group dates end up real awkward and the dude will get played if he takes the woman seriously, but if he's not sweating her and just wants to get out and mingle, that's one of the few times I'd entertain a group date. Sometimes it's cool just to get out and expand your social circle, but when it comes down to it, I wouldn't take the woman who invited me on that group date all that seriously.


All Star
May 23, 2012
If a broad has a 'good girl' story...

Found this on another site:

First here are the signs you're dealing with a "fake" good woman

1. She bad mouths here exes

This is used as a way to manipulate the sucka into thinking that she was just the innocent victim in the situation and that she needs saving, where she creates a damsel in distress scenario, which gives the sucka more incentive to invest more time emotionally , than he should , in this scenario she takes no blame in why she broke up which in the eyes of her suitor reinforces that she is a "good" woman , who just chose the wrong guy, which in fact she's as much to blame if not more than her ex.

2. She comes from a female dominated household

See a female dominated household, she's never had to be accountable for her actions, she's virtually gone unchecked her entire life growing up, so it gives her a false sense off entitlement and accountability for her actions.

3. She hides behind her career and or religion

She uses her career/education and religion as a mask for her hoeish ways, it's easier her for to sucker you in if she comes to the table with her religion and education Becuase most men don't think off women who attend church on a regular basis, or women with professional women as deviants, even from a media perspective,they often portray the devious women as strippers, pornstars, clubrats, and often selling the professional women as good women looking for a good man which is false these women are just as even more deviant than the pros, who I call the "Honest Hoes".

4. They Always Speak ill off Honest Hoes

This is a way to separate themselves from the "devious women" and portay themselves on a higher platue than those women, their always dowining hoeish behavior or what women are doing what, part of it is there guilty conscious trying to convince themselves they aren't in the same class with the honest hoe, this is also Becuase their jealous off the honest hoe, Becuase the honest hoe is able to gain financially for their hoeish behavior while the "fake" good woman is not.

5. They have a lot of male friends "brothers"

These women are always brining up some guys from her past or present andante calls them her "brother" but heres the catch , she never willingly introduces you to them, you just happen to run into them, or you see them on her Facebook page, or they call periodically at late night times, and also will hang out with these guys she calls her "brothers", this is a bad sign Becuase her hoeish ways have made her fall out of circles with many of her female friends so she uses her make friends to make up for her needs, it also gives off the impression that she's relatable, and just one of the guys, which will break the mans guard down with dealing with her, most honest hoes don't have male friends.

Whats the "Fake" Good Woman's agenda

1. Get low value males to simp away their time and energy, see unlike the honest hoe they lack the desirability to get nikkas with status or money to take care of them financially/socially, all they get is time and energy from a low value simp

2. The "Alpha Male" usually can read thru their bull**** and lies, so they focus their energy on the low value male, they usually try to trap the simp with marriage and or a baby, but they will constantly cheat on him because, subconsciously they know their level and that's not the status off wifey infact they have no desire to be wife's, they really want the life off the Honest Hoe, which is usually hard to achieve Becuase they don't have the same desirability off the stripper ect.

3. Thier fantasy is to be a side piece to an alpha male, this usually doesn't happen for too long Becuase men off status will usually marry or have "real" good women as main chicks, and they will chose the "honest hoe" over the "fake" good woman, Becuase she's sexually more desirable and she brings less drama Becuase both parties usually know their role, see the "fake" good woman is a terrible side piece Becuase they always lead to their emotions every thing with them is about an emotional bond and playing off men's vulnerability, when they can't do this it puts them in an uncomfortable situation in which they can't control.

4. They usually prey on weak and broken men, men with no family , friends or just in all a strong base, the shy guy, the guy that naturally isn't good with women, Becuase in this situation she gains control, and can easily manipulate , she knows he's gullible and he won't judge her for fear off losing the one piece off ***** he thinks he can get, and the fake love and support she seems to give him, her "fake" nurturing is usually just her manipulating him to do her deeds.


Dec 3, 2012
Sometimes it's cool just to get out and expand your social circle, but when it comes down to it, I wouldn't take the woman who invited me on that group date all that seriously.

True, my bad experiences have me thinking negatively about the situation, but hell it could even turn out positively.

Like you go out just to mingle, and maybe you catch the eye of another girl right in front of her and her friends.

Turns her whole game on it's head and suddenly she realizes she :ufdup:.



follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
yeah man hit her with that reverse friend zone... you take control of the situation.

"a date sounds too formal. we're just friends, so we can 'hang out'."

if she's showing that much of a low interest level in terms of romance, put her in and keep her in the friend zone and just hang out with her as a friend. if she's really feeling you then she will give you signs and you're free to proceed. If she's not, then since ya'll are just friends, you are more than free to talk to other women. A woman that comes at you with low interest level, you don't take her seriously. You can make her your female bud and ya'll hang, but you're more than free to deal with other women because she hasn't shown much interest.

As you remember, other women love men who are in the company of pretty females... so if she's not trying to mess with you like that, but you're still in her company, other women will be attracted to you and you can pursue something with them. I'm not recommending this so you can manipulate or punish her psychologically, but if she ain't feeling you, ya'll can be friends... and if she's your friend, she shouldn't trip over you talking to women who ARE interested in you.


Aug 12, 2012
^I thought you of all people would be a strong believer that men and women cannot be true friends exactly and that we are built for sexual relationships.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
It is very possible for men and women to be friends, but to expect the same things from a female friend that you would a male friend is where people get caught up and get it wrong. She's not your road dawg who you tell everything to. To merely see females as sexual beings is vastly limiting your human experience and I would say it is more befitting of a man who cannot control his emotions and sexual urges. Something you WILL have to expect from a female friend is that she will limit contact when she gets a man, and rightfully so, as that is her being respectful to her man.

I've had several females that have been around a lot longer than some male friends and have even shown greater loyalty than some of them. We've sat around for hours just talking about things like music, art and other interesting subjects. The key is when you are in the friend zone with a woman, you have to simply realize it is just that-- a friendship, and avoid getting mad if she dates other men. This is a lot easier to do with women you were never really interested in dealing with on that other level in the first place, but it is possible with women you were feeling given you have emotional control.

The kind of female 'friendship' I'm against is the man hanging around and fronting like a friend because he got rejected and he's sneakily trying to game her up and starts getting jealous when she talks to other dudes, despite her telling him she wasn't feeling him like that. That's called the 'failure zone.' The other kind of female friendship I'm against is women that you allow to hang around you and never is she reciprocal, but she only pops up when she needs favors.

When it comes down to it, cats got to stop getting angry if she isn't feeling you and keep your emotions in check. If she's not feeling you and is willing to offer real friendship as in a mutually beneficial relationship, then it you can keep your emotions under control, then why not? The problem comes when cats try to flip the friendship into something more or allow the woman to manipulate them under the false guise of friendship. Another problem is men who allow women to turn them into 'the homegirl', aka you go shopping with her and gossip with her and other feminine activities.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Exactly. These females wouldn't step out if they knew there was a strong possibility of a dude hitting her with the :usure: because they can't handle rejection anyway. It's knowing that there are so many thirsty cats and p*ssy slaves that gives them that carefree attitude.

I am not sure if your username is a trolling device.
Yet and still,....
As a man, it is not your job to care for another stranger's relationship.
Only in extreme situations, will I go above and beyond to out a female trying to flimflam.
Like idi Amin,.....

To this day,...
I personally never had to act upon this principle.
I also,...
Am never attracted to my friends committeds, either.

yet, that is my personal principles.
Which have no real bearing on the universe.
Nor, do i thrust them readily on anyone who does not adhere to them.
Except in extreme cultural situations like ice t/coco/ap.9, or supahead/g rap.
Which are documented and are two cultural legends i have hordes of respect for.

Past culture and in general,...
Most men, will not and do not give a fukk about a cheater's committal status.
As she is a cheater and that is what cheaters do.
Which is cheat.
Remember golddiggers are cheaters.
Plus, golddiggers will really only be happy with a cheater.
As it makes it easy to shield and deflect their real motive, which is to golddig.
It just so happens,...
That, said guy defied all reasoning and signs to this fact.
That said female was a cheater and in effect simped't out.
To which, that man should have to pay the price for making committals with a cheater.
Then, ignoring the signs.
If that sign is a huge blow up in the press.
or, a love triangle work where his committal is exposed.
It is actually good for that situation and man as a valuable learning or refining tool.
As what is to it,...
That every man never needs to lose sight of.
If you do,...
You should have to go through the ordeal of the consequences for not recognizing a cheater.
As all cheaters are recognizeable, in the stage before commitment.
No cheater can hide they are a cheater before commitment.
You just have to be well versed in cheater-ese,...
To spot the shyt, even if you are not a cheater yourself.
To catch a cheat, do not have to cheat.
Yet, you should know the braintrust of a cheat.
If you are trying to create a committed relationship.

Art Barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
yeah man hit her with that reverse friend zone... you take control of the situation.

"a date sounds too formal. we're just friends, so we can 'hang out'."

if she's showing that much of a low interest level in terms of romance, put her in and keep her in the friend zone and just hang out with her as a friend. if she's really feeling you then she will give you signs and you're free to proceed. If she's not, then since ya'll are just friends, you are more than free to talk to other women. A woman that comes at you with low interest level, you don't take her seriously. You can make her your female bud and ya'll hang, but you're more than free to deal with other women because she hasn't shown much interest.

As you remember, other women love men who are in the company of pretty females... so if she's not trying to mess with you like that, but you're still in her company, other women will be attracted to you and you can pursue something with them. I'm not recommending this so you can manipulate or punish her psychologically, but if she ain't feeling you, ya'll can be friends... and if she's your friend, she shouldn't trip over you talking to women who ARE interested in you.

You really can not be friends with a female, though.
No matter how it arose.
The problem will not be you.
It will be the situations you are thrust into.
You have requested not to be thrust into.
Yet, you will still be thrust into, because you are a friend.
Real talk,..
In general, Females do not know how to be friends, at all.
There is no need to have them around, trying to fulfill the role, of a friend.
As they will lose and are really not built in this day and Time to be friends, like that.
In general this goes for your female committal and your lover.
You really can not be friends with them.
The connection of male and female is about mating.
All that marriage and companion shyt in general is slave practices and governmental population control, as well.
Which are put here for capitalism and nothing more.
Which is why I am enjoying the sexual liberation of females in America.
As they are further along than given credit for.
Plus actually more astute than many males perceive.
When I see a female I see a cerebral amazon oppurtunistic warrior.
Just released from captivity, with a whole world of opportunity and possibility they are going to take advantage of because of the loopholes of the double standard, laws and traditionalism.
Which will make it very hard to concretely in general nail down their behavior as malicious.
Yet, females have really figured it out.
While taking advantage of the male population in general that think we did it.
If you do not believe me,...
Just peep females game.
It is all about taking.
When they cry it is about their work failing.
It is not about a genuine connection to a male.
As from the beginning it is not even built on being innately and ferally attracted to who you are as a man.
It is built on a capitalistic world that has been created.

females are in the game of taking and have a number of mode of operandi to do it.
Females are more malicious than male with the suffix fe in front of it.
which is why I really like females.
as they show and illustrate a different powerful way to defeat any male.
Past the physical,..that if you do not respect and learn to be adept to.
You will lose, as well.
Which means, you also have to learn you do not and should not be friends with them.

Art Barr


Aug 12, 2012
Just hearing a story this morning about how a friend of my mothers found out her husband was cheating on her again. The guy has been calling my mom the past week or so to try and ask her if she has any idea where his wife went.

This dumb and lame dude actually brought his side peice in the same bed that his wife and he share and had their 5 year old son in it. The 5 year old kid then said when he saw his mom again "Mommy daddy has another Husband!!!!".

The kid doesn't know how to say the word "wife", but obviously she figured it out. Especially when he described that the "husband" was wearing "something high UP here"(toddler referring to "batty rider")

My mother then went into a story about how she isn't defending cheating but she knows like any other person something about discretion and how you should keep stuff like that on the road, there is something especially disrespectful(and stupid) as to both bring your outside business into the home and to "diss" your wife like that....especially with having your son around the harlot your sleeping with.

And this ladies and gentleman is what leads to broken up homes and a repeat in cycles. The kid wasn't 5 months old, he was 5 years old(Btw after that the son even went on his schoolbus and told everyone the same exact story).

I'm not excusing it if he was 5 months, but it is especially messed up because of how it effects him more around this age and how the ages of 5 to 12 are especially crutial. As i just said this is what leads to problems like these.

This lame ass dude and something my mom even brought up when talking about it to a friend......"""_____Why would he keep calling me for updates,etc when I am her friend and I can let her know what he is calling to say"?

Everything about these guys are just...........



Aug 12, 2012
*And right on cue she is now on the phone blabbering about it because this lame clown wants to drag it on and make himself look dumber by the second talking like a gossiping female....calling the female you cheat on to talk to her friend*

In cases like these as I am already seeing in male friends of my family.....these are the rare cases in which EVERYONE gets at you even MEN for how stupid you when you end up finding a way to involve children.

If I have an "arrangement" with my wife or if she had a "dont ask dont tell" approach like alot of women have(but im not saying my mother's friend and her husband had this because i do not know) then I would not do something idiotic like have my son(my legacy) be in the same room/bed and witness me fukking around with one of my nasty harlots just so that i can pleasure myself.

Although everyone is talking about how cute this little man looked not knowing how to say "wife" and instead saying "husband", and how everyone is laughing at how cute/innocent he is ........can you imagine 20 years from now, if this guy is embarrassed over the whole situation.

Not saying he should or will feel guilt but imagine that time in the future when in the back of his mind if he feels some way or responsible if there are bad feelings between his parents because of this "incident" that happened in 2013?

People don't think in advance about these things and how they effect kids. Like I said if you have an arrangement or something then make sure you both know how to keep it safe without having your kids get in the middle of it.

International Playa

Playa with a Passport
Nov 26, 2012
You really can not be friends with a female, though.

To a certain extent you are right, it depends how you became friends with the female. All my female friends I became friends with them because they dated or currently dating my male friends, so because of my principles I can never get sexual with them or see them in that way.

However I can never be friends with a female who I can get sexual with or who I think is remotely attractive.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
I wouldn't put female friends anywhere near the level of my real road dawgs who I've known for years, but they can be cool for conversation and just chilling with every now and then. You can even tell them to hook you up with one of their friends. Where a man will get it messed up is thinking they will operate on that same level as their down and dirty potnas. J.B. is right. They are usually girls you weren't feeling that much but they had a cool personality.

These are ssually women who you disqualified in some way or the other or were restricted from messing with on that other level, but they are mad cool. The thing with female friends is you got to keep your eye on them. If it's one of those women that are constantly asking for favors and keeps on escalating, you've got to let her go. If she asks you some disrespectful type stuff like calling at 2 in the morning to pick her up from the club or drop her off at some guy's house, you got to cut that kind off too. Those type of women don't respect you, but see you as some kind of simp.

They are more like 'associates' that you kick it with every now and then and enjoy a cool conversation with than your real ones that you chill with every day.