Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Doin2Much Williams

Grace Under Fiyah
May 18, 2012
Insignificant posting from an insignificant poster
^ So Howie do your parents have an open relationship or something?

No. Not at all. My mom's stubborn, she's gonna stand by her man thru thin and thick, you couldn't tell her otherwise even if you hit her with a 2 ton brick. It's sick.

But my pops does what he wants to do and i don't think he's a faithful man by nature because he's always been a playboy (that's what drew moms to him in the first place - i think deep down, she thrives off of the competition; the babe works out/stays in shape, cooks her ass off, works 6 days a week at this company that manufactures airplanes and still finds time to take care of the dog (walks it when she gets home from work and then cooks dinner. Wakes up and does it all over again - she's like a fukkin' robot!).


One day, i'm going to give her out of love and ultimate gesture from a son, what my dad never even considered of putting on her hand...

and that's a real diamond ring (well, i mean, they were dirt poor when they wed, but i always assumed he'd cop one for her eventually, but he never got her an official and and to this day, doesn't buy her shiit)...

Sometimes, i feel bad for my mom, so i always buy her shiit during christmas, mother's day and her burfday.

If i simp for anybody - it's for mom dukes.

That's it.



Leading The Regime
Dec 26, 2012
The Concrete Jungle
I'd like to shift the conversation from the women for a second. We have to take a look at what some men are doing. For instance, there's a thread on the front page with a dude bragging about having a married woman fly out to meet him for a liaison. This is a mother of three and he doesn't care because her man is a "bum"/ stay at home father. As much as we malign this behavior from women we can't act like this is cool for a dude to do. There are dudes giving him props, and sharing their own stories of married and involved women they've bedded. Is it any wonder why relationships are in such a sad state?

People on both sides just don't care about anything but themselves and their satisfaction. It's really sad. I'm not naive enough to think that adultery was never an issue but certainly not to the extent that it is now. I'm sure there was a time when a man would be wary of a woman whom he knew was married, and wasn't being true to her husband. Now dudes who value p*ssy above all else just want their piece so they can tell their boys a story later. If we ourselves were accountable to each other as men then most women would have no choice but to fall in line. Instead it's "I don't know that man, I don't owe him a damn thing". I just think that's a really messed up way to view things.

When I was young I thought that way. I thought it would be cool to pull a dude's girl just to say I did it. As you grow older though at what point do you mature and realize that's not how you handle business? It's a damn shame. Marriages have no value anymore because people don't treat it with any respect. That's why you have men, and women getting killed over affairs. I don't agree with it at all but when you shatter a person's world there's no telling what kind of reaction you'll get. Just needed to put that out there. We talk about what these women do but if we were collectively leading the way we should these issues would be miniscule. Just some food for thought.


Dec 3, 2012
She's probably not that attracted or you might already be in the friend zone.

I figured.

So my instincts didn't fail me, because recently I gave this chick the :childplease: (literally sent her the picture over a text as my reaction) and told her "nah, I'm good."

I've always thought that situation was suspect as fukk even as far back as high school.

So I made it a rule of thumb to avoid that situation.


Leading The Regime
Dec 26, 2012
The Concrete Jungle
I figured.

So my instincts didn't fail me, because recently I gave this chick the :childplease: (literally sent her the picture over a text as my reaction) and told her "nah, I'm good."

I've always thought that situation was suspect as fukk even as far back as high school.

So I made it a rule of thumb to avoid that situation.

Good man. If a girl is feeling you or she sees potential she's not looking for a group outing. Not on the first date. Maybe after you guys have established a rapport and she wants to show you off.


Dec 3, 2012
Thing about it is, I'm at the stage in my life where I'm not interested in meeting her friends or parents, or anything like that, period.

So that's generally when I make my exit (unless she's okay with seeing me under those auspices).

Jason B

Dec 4, 2012
I'd like to shift the conversation from the women for a second. We have to take a look at what some men are doing. For instance, there's a thread on the front page with a dude bragging about having a married woman fly out to meet him for a liaison. This is a mother of three and he doesn't care because her man is a "bum"/ stay at home father. As much as we malign this behavior from women we can't act like this is cool for a dude to do. There are dudes giving him props, and sharing their own stories of married and involved women they've bedded. Is it any wonder why relationships are in such a sad state?

People on both sides just don't care about anything but themselves and their satisfaction. It's really sad. I'm not naive enough to think that adultery was never an issue but certainly not to the extent that it is now. I'm sure there was a time when a man would be wary of a woman whom he knew was married, and wasn't being true to her husband. Now dudes who value p*ssy above all else just want their piece so they can tell their boys a story later. If we ourselves were accountable to each other as men then most women would have no choice but to fall in line. Instead it's "I don't know that man, I don't owe him a damn thing". I just think that's a really messed up way to view things.

When I was young I thought that way. I thought it would be cool to pull a dude's girl just to say I did it. As you grow older though at what point do you mature and realize that's not how you handle business? It's a damn shame. Marriages have no value anymore because people don't treat it with any respect. That's why you have men, and women getting killed over affairs. I don't agree with it at all but when you shatter a person's world there's no telling what kind of reaction you'll get. Just needed to put that out there. We talk about what these women do but if we were collectively leading the way we should these issues would be miniscule. Just some food for thought.

Real talk. There is absolutely no honor and respect amongst men, which can be attributed to the crabs in the bucket mentality and it is disgusting how some dudes are shady towards other dudes, especially when it comes to females.

Personally, Messing with another man's girlfriend or wife has always been a no-no because 1) it is unequivocally wrong and 2) there are dudes out here who will kill or at least try to kill another dude over a cheating female. It is not worth it period.


Leading The Regime
Dec 26, 2012
The Concrete Jungle
Real talk. There is absolutely no honor and respect amongst men, which can be attributed to the crabs in the bucket mentality and it is disgusting how some dudes are shady towards other dudes, especially when it comes to females.

Personally, Messing with another man's girlfriend or wife has always been a no-no because 1) it is unequivocally wrong and 2) there are dudes out here who will kill or at least to kill another dude over a cheating female. It is not worth it period.

Exactly. These females wouldn't step out if they knew there was a strong possibility of a dude hitting her with the :usure: because they can't handle rejection anyway. It's knowing that there are so many thirsty cats and p*ssy slaves that gives them that carefree attitude.

Jason B

Dec 4, 2012
Since nobody wants to comment on this; I’ll toss in my two Lincolns.

We know the reasons why women cheat (boredom, sexual reinvigoration/thrill, lack of attention at the domicile, etc.).

But we never place enough emphasis on how much the MAN of the household has to do with a woman’s infidelity.

The reason why Kev’s post of the unfortunate faithful guy is that I actually see that happening to me because I’m that guy (my ex was still sleeping at her ex man’s house but I disregarded the red flags because I was naïve and just wanted to maintain a relationship for the sake of companionship). But in retrospect, it was all bad and if I allow myself to slip into that kind of rut and my behaviors advocate it, who’s to say it won’t happen to me if I tie to the knot?

He made the ultimate sacrifice and he paid the ultimate price (double edged sword what have you).

Four seeds and the bytch only thought about herself and her sexual exploits/escapades (then again, we haven’t heard both sides of the story, but he should have been more attentive and put his feet down to show her who’s the mothafukka).

You see? It’s instances like that where a family’s sanctity is jeopardized – you have these guys who give so much only to have it thrown back into their faces. This is why domestic violence is so prevalent.

THIS is why cats shoot up their jobs and their entire familys cuz these damn broads don’t know how to think before they act, not be so impulsive and seriously consider/weigh in the consequences. It’s almost as if they have no guilty conscience and believe they are trouble proof (and if they do, that propels them to act on their flooziness even moreso – you see cycle here?).

When a man makes a commit to a woman and vows, during his wedding day, to be faithful and cherish his love for her until death do him part – he means it.

When a woman recites it – it’s just an early chapter that’s a part of a grand, real live romance novel.

There’s no shame in a woman’s game and it breaks my heart that this is what the wave of entitlement and neo-feminism has caused – this damaging paradigm shift of philandering and no consequences that essentially disregards any societal norms and/or effects.

But to blame feminism and shiit of that nature if futilely trite and redundant.

And I think Kev basically gave us the answer at the top of the post by referencing the term SIMP.

When he complimented her about her weight loss, she said, “Don’t put me on a pedestal.”

First off, I would have said, “oh cool! Keep working on it. You’ll be the next Roseanne in NO TIME! (I’m kind of fukked up like that, but that’s how you keep women).

My father, who’s the greatest a$$hole I’ve ever seen, then you have my mother, the polar opposite; a modern day mother Theresa and wouldn’t harm a dead fly. This dynamic they have is prolly why my mother never left my dad (even with ample opportunities in the work place by cac’s who have tried to court her and win her over – she knew she had a man at home who has her eating off his proverbial hand; my mom does everything for my dad and it disgusts me cuz I don’t think he deserves it, but from a woman’s perspective and their obedience and how they respond to alpha-esque traits makes sense (plus he’s cheated on her multiple times, she even found out every time. LOL! Or not funny. But irony kills me).

Long story short, I’m treating a girl I’m dating like the guy above and unless I approach this like that killa Cam intro on Come Home Wif Me… I’m doomed forever.

The first thing you do when you meet a bytch, you SLAP the bytch. That way, you don’t ever have to worry about her saying, “WHY DON’T YOU TREAT ME THE WAY YOU USED TO?”



This reminds of the many situations I have witnessed firsthand in which the man treats the woman like she is completely nothing. Sometimes when reflecting on my previous situations with women, I honestly feel that the biggest mistake I made in dealing with them was not treating them like garbage or close to it. I did not put any of those females on a pedestal, but I treated them in a way like how I wanted to be treated, with respect of course.

But the point is that treating any woman with an ounce of human decency/respect seems to prove to be counterproductive every time and doing the opposite or rather dogging a woman the fukk out garners love and respect from her. Maybe I am wrong but based on what I have seen and experienced in my life so far, maybe I am not.


Let's go panthers
May 1, 2012
this dude i work with took 2 weeks off cause his fiance just one day left him.
ol girl packed her bags up and left...he came back to work today and dude was talking about how he is going to try and win her like :wtf:

he plans on taking her out on saturday and doing all these romantic shyt just to try and save his relationship..spending almost 1g


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
If a broad has a 'good girl' story, like she constantly goes out of her way to state she is a good girl, avoid. Real good girls don't have stories... they just continually turn down the advances of men and aren't easy to get with. If you're with a girl and she 'acts like a good girl', but lets you put moves on her fairly easily, she's fronting.

This is VERY important advice, because as men, when we meet women we dig, we want to imagine them as some rather pure angel who has only messed with 3 to 5 men in her life. Women playing that pure girl routine can get you caught up, because the punch that hits you the hardest is the one you're not expecting... and if you believe your girl is untouched and chaste and you find she has been hoing it up like the rest, it'll put a number on you.

Remember, real good girls don't talk and act it. They are simply hard to get with. If it was easy for you, it was easy for the last man.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
This reminds of the many situations I have witnessed firsthand in which the man treats the woman like she is completely nothing. Sometimes when reflecting on my previous situations with women, I honestly feel that the biggest mistake I made in dealing with them was not treating them like garbage or close to it. I did not put any of those females on a pedestal, but I treated them in a way like how I wanted to be treated, with respect of course.

But the point is that treating any woman with an ounce of human decency/respect seems to prove to be counterproductive every time and doing the opposite or rather dogging a woman the fukk out garners love and respect from her. Maybe I am wrong but based on what I have seen and experienced in my life so far, maybe I am not.

What is eye opening to most men is that the traits you admire in a woman for the long term aren't the traits that women admire in men, or at least respond to... loyalty, kindness, etc.

They respond more to aggressiveness, unpredictability, drama/excitement, not being able to be controlled, social desirability, you taking control, etc. Ultimately, what a woman wants is a man of high value that she can talk to her girlfriends about and brag to them about... A dude that is hard to catch and that a ton of other women want. The more women that want you, the more your own woman will want you.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Something I want to hip ya'll on is that it is VERY important to maintain your own morals and boundaries. Sometimes I get the notion that men get this idea that becoming a scumbag will help them with women... and to an extent it will help you with SOME kind of women, but really, are your own morals and character that low that it can be discarded for easier access into certain vaginas? Certain women ARE infatuated with thug mcthizzles and criminals, but do you want to emulate a lifestyle in an attempt to get taht kind of woman? A woman who will end up peeling off when she realizes you aren't really about that lifestyle, but merely emulating it? And why would you want to be in the company of a woman whose idea of leadership is self-destructive living? The thing is, you CAN maintain your morals and get high quality women. It may lower your pool, aka your quantity of women, but the actual women you will be dealing with will be much higher.

Now, the problem a lot of men have is that they got this misaligned concept of what really attracts a woman. I will go into that shortly. The typical behaviors many men look at respectful are really passive styled behaviors that will turn her off.