Since nobody wants to comment on this; Ill toss in my two Lincolns.
We know the reasons why women cheat (boredom, sexual reinvigoration/thrill, lack of attention at the domicile, etc.).
But we never place enough emphasis on how much the MAN of the household has to do with a womans infidelity.
The reason why Kevs post of the unfortunate faithful guy is that I actually see that happening to me because Im that guy (my ex was still sleeping at her ex mans house but I disregarded the red flags because I was naïve and just wanted to maintain a relationship for the sake of companionship). But in retrospect, it was all bad and if I allow myself to slip into that kind of rut and my behaviors advocate it, whos to say it wont happen to me if I tie to the knot?
He made the ultimate sacrifice and he paid the ultimate price (double edged sword what have you).
Four seeds and the bytch only thought about herself and her sexual exploits/escapades (then again, we havent heard both sides of the story, but he should have been more attentive and put his feet down to show her whos the mothafukka).
You see? Its instances like that where a familys sanctity is jeopardized you have these guys who give so much only to have it thrown back into their faces. This is why domestic violence is so prevalent.
THIS is why cats shoot up their jobs and their entire familys cuz these damn broads dont know how to think before they act, not be so impulsive and seriously consider/weigh in the consequences. Its almost as if they have no guilty conscience and believe they are trouble proof (and if they do, that propels them to act on their flooziness even moreso you see cycle here?).
When a man makes a commit to a woman and vows, during his wedding day, to be faithful and cherish his love for her until death do him part he means it.
When a woman recites it its just an early chapter thats a part of a grand, real live romance novel.
Theres no shame in a womans game and it breaks my heart that this is what the wave of entitlement and neo-feminism has caused this damaging paradigm shift of philandering and no consequences that essentially disregards any societal norms and/or effects.
But to blame feminism and shiit of that nature if futilely trite and redundant.
And I think Kev basically gave us the answer at the top of the post by referencing the term SIMP.
When he complimented her about her weight loss, she said, Dont put me on a pedestal.
First off, I would have said, oh cool! Keep working on it. Youll be the next Roseanne in NO TIME! (Im kind of fukked up like that, but thats how you keep women).
My father, whos the greatest a$$hole Ive ever seen, then you have my mother, the polar opposite; a modern day mother Theresa and wouldnt harm a dead fly. This dynamic they have is prolly why my mother never left my dad (even with ample opportunities in the work place by cacs who have tried to court her and win her over she knew she had a man at home who has her eating off his proverbial hand; my mom does everything for my dad and it disgusts me cuz I dont think he deserves it, but from a womans perspective and their obedience and how they respond to alpha-esque traits makes sense (plus hes cheated on her multiple times, she even found out every time. LOL! Or not funny. But irony kills me).
Long story short, Im treating a girl Im dating like the guy above and unless I approach this like that killa Cam intro on Come Home Wif Me
Im doomed forever.
The first thing you do when you meet a bytch, you SLAP the bytch. That way, you dont ever have to worry about her saying, WHY DONT YOU TREAT ME THE WAY YOU USED TO?