This is what having a simp mentality will get you:
My wife's confession - Community Forums
Last night, my wife of almost 15 years confessed to cheating on me.
I was floored. My wife is my best friend, and I had trusted her completely and totally. We had just moved back to this area. She had recently gotten involved in an exercise club and she met some people there. She started hanging out with them and the "circle of friends" that they are in. She tried to get me involved in their activities too, but I work an odd schedule and couldn't attend them. Besides, I thought it was nice that she was getting out and making friends after just moving to the area again.
I first started suspecting something when some of her comments seemed suspicious. She never was fat, but she had lost ten pounds and is able to were much skimpier clothing. I commented on how hot she was looking and how she is better than any other girl out there. She told me not to put her on a pedestal. Other comments were made that made me think she had a secret.
The crux came when she mentioned going out with the girls and bringing one home for a threesome (never done before but briefly talked about) and then she said that maybe she would bring a guy home instead because she "wanted some spice in her life". I had never heard her say that before, so I confronted her with my suspicions that she cheated on me already and the told her the circumstantial evidence I noticed, and she confessed to getting drunk while out with the group and had sex once with one of the guys in the circle of friends.
Rage. Anger. Embarrassment. etc... I'm on an emotional roller-coaster right now. I suspect that she isn't telling me everything about the incident, and I suspect it is with one guy who she has already denied and said it is someone else. I also suspect that it was more than once. I'm guessing twice based on evidence. I'm really mad about this. We had just had a vasectomy reversal done in the hopes of having more kids and I think this happened while I was on bed rest and couldn't go out with the group.
I love her. I really do. I wanted us to grow old together, and she agrees but says that we aren't old right now(both mid 30's), so we shouldn't act it. She feels that she married too young (19) and never got to party and be young. I'm considering trying to maintain an open relationship with her. I even told her that I would consider the threesome with her and another guy. We are going to have a big talk about it later tonight. I don't want to lose her. We have 15 years together and four kids. I have always been faithful to her, even when I was in the Navy and saw other guys cheat on their wives left and right. I was a good boy, and now I feel that I've wasted that time and investment and maybe I should have had more fun.
Help! I will listen to any advice you can give.