Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
It's the parents that do a lot of this, especially these fathers that take it overboard with that daddy's little princess NONSENSE. Instead of raising a responsible adult who is accountable for their actions, these fathers will bail out their woman, never believe she could do any wrong, tell her how much of a princess and a prize she is, and just basically let her get away with anything. Then you have that same mentality reinforced over and over through television and all other sorts of media. Some of these females actually think they are deserving of free dinners and jewelry because their 'company' is so valuable. What you have here with women is essentially what goes on in the Middle East with men, especially of royalty. Royal men over there are pretty much allowed to act any way they want, and you start getting some real loonies, psychos and monsters. It is NEVER a great thing to spoil ANYONE, man or woman. Teach people responsibility and accountability and stop treating them as if they are better than anyone else because of their gender.

Man, tell me about it. Some of these women are legitimately nuts.

Media and social programming plays a HUGE effect on what is going on. All of it is an attempt to destabilize society. It's quite sad that role models at one time went from MLK and Malcolm to Lil Wayne and Lil Webbie. For women, Rosa Parks to Kim Kardashian. You are pretty much programmed to believe that degenerate behavior will reward you. For men, it's if you're a playa who is chasing that cash by any means necessary, you will be rewarded with the finest women. For women, it's if you look fine and you're freaky, you don't actually have to put in hard work or be a decent person. You'll be rewarded by some man with countless riches. With all of this insanity continually being pumped into our brains, it's no wonder people are flipping out.

:to: Society is going down to the dogs.


Nov 29, 2012
The thing I'm seeing about a lot of these 'pick-up' blogs is they seem to associate this term alpha as 'the man to be', and they pretty much describe being a player as synonymous with 'being an alpha.' While they do have a lot of valid advice in attracting women, the problem with a lot of what I start to read on those blogs and forums is that they are pretty much vagina slaves. In other words, they define their manhood based upon how many whores they can slam their johnson into. This is a pathetic metric to base one's manhood upon. Women are a PART of your life. They are not your whole life. These are sort of reverse simps. They do the opposite of catering to what a woman says she wants, which is the simp, but ultimately, they end up catering themselves and crafting their whole persona to what a woman responds to in order to have sex with her. Now there is nothing wrong with changing your mindset to be more successful with women, but when you completely change your personality and pretty much the whole focus on your existence is crafting yourself into an individual who sleeps with as many women as possible, you are headed down an destructive path. For one, when you look back on your life, do you really want your only real accomplishment to be having slept with a lot of women? Instead of actually achieving something, the epitome of your life was popping one off into the vaginas of random whores. That is a pathetic life. Let's not overlook the pregnancies and the resulting child support payments and the possible, life ruining stds. So then, where you should take the 'PUA', "alpha" knowledge is just learning the tactics of how to attract and keep a high quality woman. This is the 'offense' part of your campaign. But to go beyond that and to discard your morals and to completely mold yourself into a new individual whose sole purpose is to have as many whores as possible isn't the way to go.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, you have the MGTOW. These guys have simply checked out of the game. You don't want to end up in this camp either. Like the Bible says, it is not good for man to be alone. But what you DO take from them is you learn defense from them. These guys have been taken through the ringer and have been abused by women and the court system, so they have essentially turned into woman haters. You need to learn the knowledge that they have to avoid being ruined by women, but you have to be careful you don't get into a mindframe where you start women bashing and start to hate women and just completely check out of the game and refuse to deal with women at all.

You have to meld the offense of the PUA and the defense of the MGTOW into your own cohesive strategy and utilize that to find a high quality woman. But with that said, you simply must come to realize that there is MUCH more to life than simply attracting and having a woman, and you must never sacrifice righteous principles in order to obtain women. Women are a PART of your life. They are not your life.


Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
The thing I'm seeing about a lot of these 'pick-up' blogs is they seem to associate this term alpha as 'the man to be', and they pretty much describe being a player as synonymous with 'being an alpha.' While they do have a lot of valid advice in attracting women, the problem with a lot of what I start to read on those blogs and forums is that they are pretty much vagina slaves. In other words, they define their manhood based upon how many whores they can slam their johnson into. This is a pathetic metric to base one's manhood upon. Women are a PART of your life. They are not your whole life. These are sort of reverse simps. They do the opposite of catering to what a woman says she wants, which is the simp, but ultimately, they end up catering themselves and crafting their whole persona to what a woman responds to in order to have sex with her. Now there is nothing wrong with changing your mindset to be more successful with women, but when you completely change your personality and pretty much the whole focus on your existence is crafting yourself into an individual who sleeps with as many women as possible, you are headed down an destructive path. For one, when you look back on your life, do you really want your only real accomplishment to be having slept with a lot of women? Instead of actually achieving something, the epitome of your life was popping one off into the vaginas of random whores. That is a pathetic life. Let's not overlook the pregnancies and the resulting child support payments and the possible, life ruining stds. So then, where you should take the 'PUA', "alpha" knowledge is just learning the tactics of how to attract and keep a high quality woman. This is the 'offense' part of your campaign. But to go beyond that and to discard your morals and to completely mold yourself into a new individual whose sole purpose is to have as many whores as possible isn't the way to go.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, you have the MGTOW. These guys have simply checked out of the game. You don't want to end up in this camp either. Like the Bible says, it is not good for man to be alone. But what you DO take from them is you learn defense from them. These guys have been taken through the ringer and have been abused by women and the court system, so they have essentially turned into woman haters. You need to learn the knowledge that they have to avoid being ruined by women, but you have to be careful you don't get into a mindframe where you start women bashing and start to hate women and just completely check out of the game and refuse to deal with women at all.

You have to meld the offense of the PUA and the defense of the MGTOW into your own cohesive strategy and utilize that to find a high quality woman. But with that said, you simply must come to realize that there is MUCH more to life than simply attracting and having a woman, and you must never sacrifice righteous principles in order to obtain women. Women are a PART of your life. They are not your life.

:whoo: :salute:

Wasn't ready for that much truth in one post.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
The woman you settle down with and have kids with is a major part of any man's legacy. I had a teacher who said one of the realest and most true, yet coldest things I have ever heard said: "bytches have bytches."

He taught for a long time. There was one family in which he taught 3 different generations of a single family. This family had deep roots in the area and as a result, all the kin went to the school. And to no surprise, all the kids in each generation were horrible students, had terrible behavior and bad attitudes.

One day after class, I said to the teacher, "You seem to be down on that guy. Do you know him well?"

And he said, "I know his whole family, his mom, his dad, brothers, cousins and everything."

Then he said, "bytches have bytches."

While this is not true in EVERY case, you often get generational cycles of bad attitudes, poor health, laziness - you name it.

Don't date just any girl and certainly do not have kids with just any girl. If you want great people to be around your kid in his or her upbringing, a great mom/woman is mandatory for the plane to even get off the ground.

shyt is true. Bad ass parents that are irresponsible are the ones that do that dumb shyt.


We Wavy
May 1, 2012
50East/Sacramento, CA
I heard that my store manager is planning on flying to Seattle to surprise this girl he's been seeing on Valentine's Day :why: :snoop:

Dude is an older cac who's divorced and been on the dating scene for a bit since arriving to Sac from SoCal.

Its very obvious on how this will probably end. Flying to Seattle on Feb 14 for a surprise visit. Could be sharing that girl.

If that's the case, everyone at work is going to feel the wrath of it.


CAC Gawd
Oct 20, 2012
I heard that my store manager is planning on flying to Seattle to surprise this girl he's been seeing on Valentine's Day :why: :snoop:

Dude is an older cac who's divorced and been on the dating scene for a bit since arriving to Sac from SoCal.

Its very obvious on how this will probably end. Flying to Seattle on Feb 14 for a surprise visit. Could be sharing that girl.

If that's the case, everyone at work is going to feel the wrath of it.

breh i live in sac too and this bish i know was being flown out by some old cactus in las vegas on some sugar daddy shyt. :scusthov: and when i say old i mean like 58


Leading The Regime
Dec 26, 2012
The Concrete Jungle
I mean I wouldn't call it friend zone we been talking for like 6 months now. We pretty much know everything about each other. We've kissed multiple times and we've talked about hooking up. We've gotten close to being in a relationship twice but one or the other backed out at the last second.

She cut it off the first time and said she wanted to stay friends and I wasnt having it at all. But after like 2 weeks of talking to other guys and stuff she comes right back to me and the talk starts again.

The second time was just recently. I kinda got bored I couldn't stand talking to her anymore I didn't really enjoy hanging out with her or anything and I kinda want to enjoy doing my own thing for a while, so I kinda hinted that I didnt want a relationship anymore and she said she felt the same. But the girl still wants to be friends man!

She is def wifey material girls like this come once in a lifetime I feel like. But do I keep her around and just be friends :comeon: or do I let her go and do her own thing and just hope she still available when I'm ready to wife up.

I'm not sure how much you've been reading this thread but you're in the definition of the friend zone. Look at your words friends for six months and you kissed? She's not feeling you like that man. If you know everything about each other then what's stopping her from going to the next step? It's her level of attraction. You have to learn from these experiences. You guys are both playing games. She doesn't want you to wife her, and you don't want to wife her so what's the confusion? Stop being her emotional go to guy and keep it moving. If it hasn't happened in six months it's not going to. You've been warned.


Aug 12, 2012
You know that "stay away from girls who are infatuated with Marilyn Monroe" quote we have all been repeating in here every couple of 20 or so pages?

I just saw a photo online of Jay walking with the girl Beyonce and she had on a Monroe shirt.....

Is there any hope out there for any woman?

Jun 15, 2012
I mean I wouldn't call it friend zone we been talking for like 6 months now. We pretty much know everything about each other. We've kissed multiple times and we've talked about hooking up. We've gotten close to being in a relationship twice but one or the other backed out at the last second.

She cut it off the first time and said she wanted to stay friends and I wasnt having it at all. But after like 2 weeks of talking to other guys and stuff she comes right back to me and the talk starts again.

The second time was just recently. I kinda got bored I couldn't stand talking to her anymore I didn't really enjoy hanging out with her or anything and I kinda want to enjoy doing my own thing for a while, so I kinda hinted that I didnt want a relationship anymore and she said she felt the same. But the girl still wants to be friends man!

She is def wifey material girls like this come once in a lifetime I feel like. But do I keep her around and just be friends :comeon: or do I let her go and do her own thing and just hope she still available when I'm ready to wife up.

It sounds like she's playing the field and is not that into you. That's not wifey material at all. Wifey material doesn't play games and string you along with that on/off thing. :thumbsdown:


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
You need to carefully consider whether you are passing up a decent woman to play the field. You might have that playing itch in your system, but as many men here will attest to, when you pass up the decent ones, you go on to regret it later because you will realize real quickly that all the hoes out there are not worth having a solid woman.

Now, from what you're saying is that she won't sleep with you unless she is wifey, but she isn't interested in a relationship with you and you aren't interested in one with her. You are pretty much trying to keep her as a back-up plan and she is doing the same to you, but from your words, it seems as if she isn't really feeling you 'like that. From what you said, it sounds like she's friend zoned you and put you into that 'you'd make excellent husband material' category... so she will play that miss sweet game with you of talking about i only sleep with men who wife me up game...She doesn't want a relationship with you right now, but wants you to wait on her? Yup, friend zone... aka the real term is failure zone.

Never 'wait up' on a woman to start feeling you. If you have too much emotions, then simply move on and let her know you're not feeling the friendship thing. Never waste precious time 'waiting' on a woman to start feeling you. There's too many other women out there who actually want to see what you're about.

The itch is so strong man :noah:


Jun 5, 2012
I mean I wouldn't call it friend zone we been talking for like 6 months now. We pretty much know everything about each other. We've kissed multiple times and we've talked about hooking up. We've gotten close to being in a relationship twice but one or the other backed out at the last second.

Thats a classic case of friendzone. Kissing doesnt mean sh1t. These girls kiss random dudes within minutes of meeting them at the club. Do you really think this woman isnt having sex with other dudes? She comes back to talk to you after the other guys diss and dismiss her. You are the quintessential "nice guy" that she knows she can count on to pick up the phone and talk to her for hours after another guy has played her.


All Star
May 23, 2012
I mean I wouldn't call it friend zone we been talking for like 6 months now. We pretty much know everything about each other. We've kissed multiple times and we've talked about hooking up. We've gotten close to being in a relationship twice but one or the other backed out at the last second.

She cut it off the first time and said she wanted to stay friends and I wasnt having it at all. But after like 2 weeks of talking to other guys and stuff she comes right back to me and the talk starts again.

The second time was just recently. I kinda got bored I couldn't stand talking to her anymore I didn't really enjoy hanging out with her or anything and I kinda want to enjoy doing my own thing for a while, so I kinda hinted that I didnt want a relationship anymore and she said she felt the same. But the girl still wants to be friends man!

She is def wifey material girls like this come once in a lifetime I feel like. But do I keep her around and just be friends :comeon: or do I let her go and do her own thing and just hope she still available when I'm ready to wife up.

Breh... this past summer I was seeing this girl, I waited 2 months to have sex... She hit me with the "I'm old-fashioned" bullsh1t (after I probably fukked up somewhere or she met someone better :snoop:) I stayed around and as soon as I heard the word "friend" after an argument I :bustback: and got the fukk out.

Leave that bish alone.

My moms told me on some G shyt, "That early, if she aint sleeping with you, she's sleeping with someone else"

I don't believe in that goody goody shyt from girls no more, even if she's a saint, if her interest level is high enough she'll do whatever to keep you.

Scotch Hall

All Star
May 14, 2012
#TSC and surgical shoes
Kevm3 watch this episode of 48 hours

[ame=]The Ballad of Mike and Dalia Dippolito [Full Dateline Episode] - YouTube[/ame]

bout a girl that tried to play her husband and get him killed. Later she tries to deny it all when she sees that hes still alive after they told her he died.