The woman you settle down with and have kids with is a major part of any man's legacy. I had a teacher who said one of the realest and most true, yet coldest things I have ever heard said: "bytches have bytches."
He taught for a long time. There was one family in which he taught 3 different generations of a single family. This family had deep roots in the area and as a result, all the kin went to the school. And to no surprise, all the kids in each generation were horrible students, had terrible behavior and bad attitudes.
One day after class, I said to the teacher, "You seem to be down on that guy. Do you know him well?"
And he said, "I know his whole family, his mom, his dad, brothers, cousins and everything."
Then he said, "bytches have bytches."
While this is not true in EVERY case, you often get generational cycles of bad attitudes, poor health, laziness - you name it.
Don't date just any girl and certainly do not have kids with just any girl. If you want great people to be around your kid in his or her upbringing, a great mom/woman is mandatory for the plane to even get off the ground.