Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Let That Hoe Go
May 30, 2012
This thread should be called quick littlte gems on dealing with whores. :russ:

Define whore?

All women have these capabilities. And that is the mistake most men make. They think that a certain type of woman is above this behavior. People will always do what is in their best interest. People innately will justify their actions if they make them feel good, regardless of if they are morally right or wrong.

Women rarely apologize when they get caught doing something that will compromise the relationship. They make all of these excuses and justifications for their actions.

Are you aware how many involved women, professional women, church women... you know, the women who fly under your radar because they seem like great catches are the one's doing the most dirt?

This thread is really about scenarios, noticing trends and behaviors, and how not to compromise your integrity, while at the same time being stern but a good man.

Undoubtedly there are some phenomenal women out there, but they are a dime a dozen, and they just don't come that way. You have to establish yourself as a man of morals, respect, and no nonsense before a woman will take you serious and treat you like the man you are. With this being said, even the nicest sweetest girl will take advantage of a simp or a man with no backbone.

Now come get baptized with the knowledge my brother :blessed:

Jason B

Dec 4, 2012
Define whore?

All women have these capabilities. And that is the mistake most men make. They think that a certain type of woman is above this behavior. People will always do what is in their best interest. People innately will justify their actions if they make them feel good, regardless of if they are morally right or wrong.

Women rarely apologize when they get caught doing something that will compromise the relationship. They make all of these excuses and justifications for their actions.

Are you aware how many involved women, professional women, church women... you know, the women who fly under your radar because they seem like great catches are the one's doing the most dirt?

This thread is really about scenarios, noticing trends and behaviors, and how not to compromise your integrity, while at the same time being stern but a good man.

Undoubtedly there are some phenomenal women out there, but they are a dime a dozen, and they just don't come that way. You have to establish yourself as a man of morals, respect, and no nonsense before a woman will take you serious and treat you like the man you are. With this being said, even the nicest sweetest girl will take advantage of a simp or a man with no backbone.

Now come get baptized with the knowledge my brother :blessed:

To be honest, a man cannot be a good or decent man in ANY way because women equate overall moral goodness/decency in a man with him being weak/soft/lame. Look at how many women tend to gravitate toward guys who do not live an overall morally decent lifestyle. So therefore, the guys who make a conscious effort to live in accordance to decent morals are at a huge disadvantage.


Let That Hoe Go
May 30, 2012
To be honest, a man cannot be a good or decent man in ANY way because women equate overall moral goodness/decency in a man with him being weak/soft/lame. Look at how many women tend to gravitate toward guys who do not live an overall morally decent lifestyle. So therefore, the guys who make a conscious effort to live in accordance to decent morals are at a huge disadvantage.

If we behave viciously and conniving, then we're just as bad as the women we disdain.

Being a decent man does not mean to sweep a woman off of her feet or become the man of her dreams.

Being a decent man means to be defined. It means to be clear in your morals, standards, goals, expectations, and to never compromise your integrity.

I hate to use the word "nice guy", because yes, it is synonymous with weak.

We don't want to be nice guys. We want to become men of respect.

Men that demand respect, and those who disrespect us have no room in our lives.

If I see that a woman is putting me in a position where my morals and integrity is being challenged (ie, she's telling me that she's going out with another man) I am confronting her immediately and ending the relationship.

A man of respect will not allow a woman to make ultimatums, especially the ones that can undoubtedly change the course of the relationship.

This is where we are at.

Jason B

Dec 4, 2012
If we behave viciously and conniving, then we're just as bad as the women we disdain.

Being a decent man does not mean to sweep a woman off of her feet or become the man of her dreams.

Being a decent man means to be defined. It means to be clear in your morals, standards, goals, expectations, and to never compromise your integrity.

I hate to use the word "nice guy", because yes, it is synonymous with weak.

We don't want to be nice guys. We want to become men of respect.

Men that demand respect, and those who disrespect us have no room in our lives.

If I see that a woman is putting me in a position where my morals and integrity is being challenged (ie, she's telling me that she's going out with another man) I am confronting her immediately and ending the relationship.

A man of respect will not allow a woman to make ultimatums, especially the ones that can undoubtedly change the course of the relationship.

This is where we are at.

I totally agree with the bit about being a man who demands respect from others and sticks firmly to his standards. It just seems that any guy who values living an morally right/decent/positive life faces an uphill battle when dealing with people in general. As a person who for the most part values moral decency, I feel that sometimes I have to hide my natural behavior or change into a being a foul,grimy,disrespectful person because I have noticed since I was a young child how many people have respect for guys who engage in all types of behavior that is not indicative of moral decency and how they have the tendency to try to shyt on guys who try to live as decent human beings. That is why I say that a man cannot be an overall decent person. It is unfortunate, but it is reality.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
I will say there is a big distinction from 'nice guy' and a truly moral and decent guy. The nice guy believes in catering to women and accomodating their demands as a way to win them. A moral and decent man does not. He will operate on principle and will not accomodate women to please them. You can have solid morals and still attract a lot of women. In the end, it's the moral men that win since they take their time to avoid the time bombs and don't go rushing out impregnating any woman walking.

Nice guys expect to get the women by doing what she wants. The moral guy will help others and do righteous things without expecting anything in return, but at the end of the day, he is still a man and won't let women get one over on him, nor will he give up his manly authority, unlike 'nice guys'. Nice guys are usually passive and expect the woman to come to them and do everything. A moral, righteous man isn't passive. He isn't afraid to go out and get what he wants.

A lot of women DO like criminals and losers, but let them deal with the repercussions of that. If you put your game together right, you will have a ton of women who are into 'your type' on you. Being a moral man doesn't mean you're accomodating or a sucker. Remember, the Bible doesn't say you need to help the greedy, it says you need to help the needy... so with that said, you are under no obligation to give to a woman who can do for herself but chooses not to.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
as for this thread only being about whores, its not. every woman has teeth. even a nice girl can turn bad or do something reckless. the point of all this knowledge we're sharing is to be able to recognize it, know what you should do, and to do your best to avoid being in a rough, compromising situation. learn from others mistakes and successes.

and sharp and kevm3 are right, if you stay of a certain principle and maintain your standards, you can eventually find what youre looking for. all those guys who run around wearing funny shyt, listening to things because women like it, trying to impress females with their holdings, trying to buy their loyalty, and trying to be mr accommodating are all taking shortcuts through the game.

the only problem is, that it makes you less concerning with the types you choose. if youre out here trying to get every woman who looks good get with you, then you are going to end up with hella drama because looks alone cant distinguish a good character.

only by you yourself being of a certain character, and practicing that, will you get a good eye as to whom you are dealing with, and even an understanding in how to get it. see it all has to match.
Jun 15, 2012
I will say there is a big distinction from 'nice guy' and a truly moral and decent guy. The nice guy believes in catering to women and accomodating their demands as a way to win them. A moral and decent man does not. He will operate on principle and will not accomodate women to please them. You can have solid morals and still attract a lot of women. In the end, it's the moral men that win since they take their time to avoid the time bombs and don't go rushing out impregnating any woman walking.

Nice guys expect to get the women by doing what she wants. The moral guy will help others and do righteous things without expecting anything in return, but at the end of the day, he is still a man and won't let women get one over on him, nor will he give up his manly authority, unlike 'nice guys'. Nice guys are usually passive and expect the woman to come to them and do everything. A moral, righteous man isn't passive. He isn't afraid to go out and get what he wants.

A lot of women DO like criminals and losers, but let them deal with the repercussions of that. If you put your game together right, you will have a ton of women who are into 'your type' on you. Being a moral man doesn't mean you're accomodating or a sucker. Remember, the Bible doesn't say you need to help the greedy, it says you need to help the needy... so with that said, you are under no obligation to give to a woman who can do for herself but chooses not to.

True words that I've heard over and over yet some guys still don't get it. One of the key words here is passive. Never be passive.

Jason B

Dec 4, 2012
I will say there is a big distinction from 'nice guy' and a truly moral and decent guy. The nice guy believes in catering to women and accomodating their demands as a way to win them. A moral and decent man does not. He will operate on principle and will not accomodate women to please them. You can have solid morals and still attract a lot of women. In the end, it's the moral men that win since they take their time to avoid the time bombs and don't go rushing out impregnating any woman walking.

Nice guys expect to get the women by doing what she wants. The moral guy will help others and do righteous things without expecting anything in return, but at the end of the day, he is still a man and won't let women get one over on him, nor will he give up his manly authority, unlike 'nice guys'. Nice guys are usually passive and expect the woman to come to them and do everything. A moral, righteous man isn't passive. He isn't afraid to go out and get what he wants.

A lot of women DO like criminals and losers, but let them deal with the repercussions of that. If you put your game together right, you will have a ton of women who are into 'your type' on you. Being a moral man doesn't mean you're accomodating or a sucker. Remember, the Bible doesn't say you need to help the greedy, it says you need to help the needy... so with that said, you are under no obligation to give to a woman who can do for herself but chooses not to.

Exactly. I have always been aware of the difference between being a morally decent guy and a nice guy (which I avoid being). I think the issue here is that many people lack the clear understanding of this difference.

Jason B

Dec 4, 2012
as for this thread only being about whores, its not. every woman has teeth. even a nice girl can turn bad or do something reckless. the point of all this knowledge we're sharing is to be able to recognize it, know what you should do, and to do your best to avoid being in a rough, compromising situation. learn from others mistakes and successes.

and sharp and kevm3 are right, if you stay of a certain principle and maintain your standards, you can eventually find what youre looking for. all those guys who run around wearing funny shyt, listening to things because women like it, trying to impress females with their holdings, trying to buy their loyalty, and trying to be mr accommodating are all taking shortcuts through the game.

the only problem is, that it makes you less concerning with the types you choose. if youre out here trying to get every woman who looks good get with you, then you are going to end up with hella drama because looks alone cant distinguish a good character.

only by you yourself being of a certain character, and practicing that, will you get a good eye as to whom you are dealing with, and even an understanding in how to get it. see it all has to match.

Right on. Discernment is the key when dealing with people.
Jul 6, 2012
I say this because I had to handle a situation similar to this when I was younger and think I handled it much better than Matthew did. Why? The girl is now married and has a kid and is at peace with her life instead of holding on to a mistake that she made years earlier. A simple phone call was all it took to diffuse the situation FOREVER. I think she might have been in this position of 11+ years still "wondering" what was going on and I never saw the gain on my end of not providing that closure to someone (She was still holding on for 6 in my case).

Again, I might be in the minority here. But its very comforting on MY END knowing that I don't have someone looking for me or thinking of what could have been so many years after the fact. THAT is what I REALLY consider moving on..for BOTH.

what did you say to her on the phone?


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012

Thanks for the my new desktop wallpaper. :lawd: