Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

May 4, 2012
My mom just tried to shame me for being 28 and going on a date with a 21 year-old. It was pretty much you need to be a utility provider for a women closer to your age and not date younger women. What? 28 and 21 isn't even that bad. Noticing feminist silliness from your female family members is a painful thing.


Seriously my mom has me fukked over this right now. Is 28 and 21 inappropriate and i am missing something here?

Am i Chris Hansen status right now? A mothers power to shame her son is amazing... jesus. I have felt like shyt all day.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
It's true: all the taken men are best - life - 17 August 2009 - New Scientist

It's true: all the taken men are best

12:31 17 August 2009 by Andy Coghlan
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Women: do you have a man? If you do, better beware. Chances are that some lone female has her eye on him.

A new study provides evidence for what many have long suspected: that single women are much keener on pursuing a man who's already taken than a singleton.

"The single women really, really liked the guy when he was taken," says Melissa Burkley of Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, who conducted the "mate-poaching" study with her colleague Jessica Parker.

They asked 184 heterosexual students at the university to participate in a study on sexual attraction and told the volunteers that a computer program would match them with an ideal partner. Half the participants were single and half attached, with equal numbers of men and women in each group.

Meet Mr Right

Unknown to the participants, everyone was offered a fictitious candidate partner who had been tailored to match their interests exactly. The photograph of "Mr Right" was the same for all women participants, as was that of the ideal women presented to the men. Half the participants were told their ideal mate was single, and the other half that he or she was already in a romantic relationship.

"Everything was the same across all participants, except whether their ideal mate was already attached or not," says Burkley.

The most striking result was in the responses of single women. Offered a single man, 59 per cent were interested in pursuing a relationship. But when he was attached, 90 per cent said they were up for the chase.

Men were keenest on pursuing new mates, but weren't bothered whether their target was already attached or not. Attached women showed least interest and were slightly more drawn to single men.

Stamp of approval

Burkley and Parker speculate that single women may be more drawn to attached men because they've already been "pre-screened" by other women and found to be satisfactory as a mate, whereas single men are more of an unknown quantity.

Burkely said that similar mate-poaching strategies have been reported in birds and fish. But previous studies of people had only asked whether participants found other potential partners attractive, so she designed hers to specifically probe whether participants would pursue a relationship.

"The next question is why," says Burkley. So in further studies, she plans to further explore women's motives for pursuing "taken" partners. Apart from the explanation of "pre-screening", another possibility, she says, is that in US society, women are socialised to be competitive, so they derive self-esteem by mate poaching from rival women.

Other researchers say the study provides interesting insights into mate poaching. "It tells us something about the role of social desirability in mate preference," says Fhionna Moore of the University of Abertay Dundee, UK, whose own research has shown that richer women are more choosy about mates.

Journal reference: Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, DOI: 10.1016/j.jesp.2009.04.022

Pretty much confirms what we've been saying. If you have one woman on you, you will have others on you, just based on that sort of hive-mind concept.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
The following was a very interesting comment from that article:

I Suspected This To Be The Case
Fri Jan 15 06:38:40 GMT 2010 by anonymous


The very best way to get a woman is to have a woman.

As a former psychologist, here are the main reasons women have told me that they go after guys with gals.

(1) It makes them feel sexy and makes them feel good about themselves if they can lure you away from someone else. Be forewarned however, when you go for the other, they may no longer be interested in you. It is the idea of winning that is important, not necessarily the prize.

(2) Women feel safer when a woman is already with a man. They feel he is more trustworthy, since another woman is not afraid to be with him. This is actually somewhat understandable, especially if they have been in an abusive relationshio.

(3) If you are with an attractive woman, then other women feel you must be special.

(4) Women like competition. They are not competing for you as much as they are competing with the woman you are with. Same reason actually dress to the nines. They are not competing for male attention as much as they are competing for other women's approval and/or to promote jealousy in the other women.

I am not suggesting that you cheat guys, but rather if you are clubbing, find a female friend to accompany you. If she is looking for guy, then help her out as she helps you out. You can screen guys for her (guys will not approach women when they are with other guys), just feel the guys out for her. Make sure you make your friend laugh and let her show you some playful touching (putting a hand on your shoulder, flitatious hits, etc. That makes women feel even safer about you and women love guys that can make them laugh.

A lot of you cats with women may notice women in your past all of a sudden 'popping up' as soon as you get in a relationship. They might send messages, pictures or whatever. You are sitting back thinking you are fly, but little do you realize that she is doing it for an ego boost. She wants to see if she can pull you away from your current girl, and once she's 'won' at this little game, she's gone. You better be aware and avoid these relationship wreckers.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
So watching the Cosby show caused me to come to a bit of a disheartening realization. I used to love the show growing up because I thought it was a depiction of a strong, black family unit that anyone would aspire to attain. The realization is that something like this just isn't feasible in the type of society we live in today. I haven't given up all hope or anything like that but my rosey colored glasses have been long removed and discarded.

Take a look at Claire, you have a beautiful woman working for a prestigious law firm but yet her kids, and husband are always a top priority. She doesn't moan and groan about having to clean up, or cook for her family. Her husband also happily helps out when he can, and shows his appreciation for all the things she does. I know this was just a show but let's not pretend that television doesn't heavily influence generations of people whether it be positively or negatively. I've made peace with the fact that I may just end up only having women for periods of time in my life rather than a wife per se. Any of you fellas come up watching as well thinking you'd find your Claire Huxtable?

Don't be naive if he wuz hiding hogies what else wuz Cliff hiding from a kid I had that thought but its still unrealistic I won't say for every man,but for alotta men....the cosby show only shows the good parts,it don't show Cliff having to go to work and young nurses throwin puzzy at em bcuz they see he's happily marrried and that means he must be a good man who they now want for theyselves...find ya Claire if u want to,that's the challenge u will face,won't be as easy as they made it look:whew:.

Even Cliff at sumpoint probaly had a side chick or two....she wuz probaly in the same jazz club with Cliff when he bought his whole family to watch his father play with his old band....difference is back in them days side chick wouldn't say a thing,she played the background so cool you thought she wuz just an extra:wow:......she wuznt gon confront Claire or whisper to Rudy "you have a little sister u don't know about cuz I'm fukin your daddy"......let a sidechick see u sumwhere wit ya real family nowadays and see what happens:snoop:they don't make Claires or side chicks like they use to bruh:why:

@Scustin TrillerBlake 28 and 21 ain't horrible,but when u hear that age gap they rush to judgement and assume that the guy is runnin around with a girl that young for "fun" if u catch my drift...and not sumthin serious.....its a very good chance that is what u r doing:myman:.....but at 28 mama probaly lookin for you to settle down and not jut be lookin for "fun"....tell her the muslim bruthas side with you....half your age plus 7 years:salute:


May 27, 2012
The following was a very interesting comment from that article:

A lot of you cats with women may notice women in your past all of a sudden 'popping up' as soon as you get in a relationship. They might send messages, pictures or whatever. You are sitting back thinking you are fly, but little do you realize that she is doing it for an ego boost. She wants to see if she can pull you away from your current girl, and once she's 'won' at this little game, she's gone. You better be aware and avoid these relationship wreckers.

Back in my underage clubbing days, I went out with a few homies to the trendiest spot in town. shyt was mad weird Im 19 broke and in college and these bytches were on their sugar daddy search. I ended up bumping into my homegirls older sister this fine ass latina and she was tipsy and decided to kick it with me cuz she was faded and getting harassed. So were choppin it up shes hookin me up with drinks and I shyt you not i had atleast 5 random chicks run up trynna tug on me. This bytch walked up and even grabbed my dikk :mindblown: thats when that shyt hit me that these hoes will choose up cuz your with a chick she doesnt even have to be fukkin with u either :russ:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Back in my underage clubbing days, I went out with a few homies to the trendiest spot in town. shyt was mad weird Im 19 broke and in college and these bytches were on their sugar daddy search. I ended up bumping into my homegirls older sister this fine ass latina and she was tipsy and decided to kick it with me cuz she was faded and getting harassed. So were choppin it up shes hookin me up with drinks and I shyt you not i had atleast 5 random chicks run up trynna tug on me. This bytch walked up and even grabbed my dikk :mindblown: thats when that shyt hit me that these hoes will choose up cuz your with a chick she doesnt even have to be fukkin with u either :russ:

Yeah man, the finer the chick you are seen with, the more other women will be wanting to be with you. It's a mind opener when you, as a man, start to realize that a woman being attracted to you isn't about all that nonsense about common interests and other nonsense. A lot of it has to do with the social value you project, and you being with a pretty girl will have a lot of other women looking at you like they want a piece. You're right, you don't have to necessarily have to do anything other than be seen with the chick and other women will start to get curious. A lot of women liked me simply because other women liked me.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Seriously my mom has me fukked over this right now. Is 28 and 21 inappropriate and i am missing something here?

Am i Chris Hansen status right now? A mothers power to shame her son is amazing... jesus. I have felt like shyt all day.

Both of ya'll are grown-ups, so ain't nothing wrong with it in theory. There are things to watch for.

A lot of times, when such a huge age gap exists, there is the problem of having things in common and also of not wanting to be Ice-T'd, aka the older guy who is dealing with a young woman and gets cheated on. If she's doing nothing but respecting you and you are in control, then rock with it.


Apr 30, 2012

No disrespect, but what is it you're not getting?

Don't you hear of the many cases where men have tried to close it with women and let them down as gently as possible, giving them reassurance up to the eyeballs and the woman STILL gets all fatal attraction on him? Even if this guy did just that, you seriously think by reading that article with all her crazy actions, this chick would have just left it that? Is there anything in the article even indicating that? She's unbalanced like elephants and ants on see-saws, that's the bottom line. He could have given her all the so called "closure" in the world, took a picture and framed it, it still wouldn't have been enough.

You mention you gave this girl you were going out with closure when you started to see the obsessive behaviour come out after your relationship ended....frankly your situation is an anomaly. If your ex was really unhinged like this woman was, then you would have probably had a psycho on your hands to deal with regardless of anything you might have said or done to get it out of her head because as we all know, women at times get seriously emotionally attached sometimes to the point of craziness. I also know of a case of an old family friend who was harassed by an ex to the point where dude nearly had a nervous breakdown and was scared to leave the house....and he gave her "closure" and it didn't work because she thought any attempt on his part to communicate with her meant deep down he still wanted to be with her. It got to the point where his family had to take out an injunction on her.

I'll say it again, because this is key: The woman in the article left him. She's the one who ended it. She's the one who ADMITTED she didn't even want him back in the first place (so what possible "closure" is he supposed to give her if that is the case?!??!). Therefore, the onus doesn't lie on him to do anything at all. You give someone like that the time of day by giving "closure" and in their crazy minds, they will just think "oh he still loves me" and will just feed into her madness. You say you're not defending this woman yet you seem to be riding for her more than the dude she's mentally tortured over the years, talking about he doesn't have "the decency" which I find pretty strange. Sorry, but you're sounding like one of those simps (I'm not saying you are one) and feminist chicks who always say bullshyt like "it's the MAN'S JOB to do xyz". No, the only "decent" thing for him to do is focus all his energies on his new wife and potential family. He doesn't have time to be reassuring an ex of long ago who ended their marriage in the first place by concerning himself over what she may or may not be thinking. He has new commitments and responsibilities and she is not one of them. He might as well go around giving "closure" to every single person he has ever had a failed relationship or friendship with if that's the case. It's not as if this chick doesn't have a support network of friends and family to fall back on anyway even if she doesn't see a therapist which I still think she needs.

You say: "If someone were to bring her up to him his response will probably be filled with anger." Of course he'd be angry after all these years of provocation and harassment especially now that's it's been made public. Wouldn't you? The bytch won't leave him the fukk alone despite having all the opportunities in the world to live her own life and meet someone new. I mean, what, is he supposed to have some sort of twinkle in his eyes and get all nostalgic?
You are not understanding what I am trying to say. I would hate for someone to constantly be thinking about me that I have no desire to get back with. Again, I might be in the minority in here, but I would have completely shut that door in his case years ago. Nobody is saying that she was not wrong and I fully read and understood her words, but there comes a point in where enough is enough. I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing that a simple call on my end could have prevented this overly long bs back and forth and allowed her AND myself to move on properly. In MY opinion in this case? It wasn't done properly


May 2, 2012