Sorry, but what are you talking about, Liquid? Did we read the same article?
1) The man started a new serious relationship. He rightly told her not to be sending anymore cards because it was upsetting his new partner and it was inappropriate. She couldn't be content with that, so she decided to harass them with nuisance and aggressive phone calls
despite not even wanting him back, but just for childish one-upmanship over his new girl. His only fault was not reporting her to the police for harassment and/or changing his number.
I don't know your situation, but ask yourself this: How would you handle it if your girl's ex kept sending her cards and when she tells him to back off he still keeps ringing your house making threatening phone calls - even if he no longer wants her?
This is like someone leaving a very well paid job without giving any notice for no reason other than they think they "can do better", then when they find themselves a new job and become unemployed, they try to reapply only to discover their boss hired a new person, then get angry at the boss for daring to hire a new guy and even cussing them both out for it despie not even wanting the old position back. I mean, how stupid does that scenario sound?
2) How is he holding on to anger? I see no evidence of that at all. If you're talking about his initial reactions to her after she caused him and his woman misery, then that's natural. Wouldn't you react the same way? She's been the bane of his existence for years and keeps causing him trouble despite him warning her off and not replying to her attempts at communication. She's obviously poison. This has been going on for YEARS...the poor guy just can't catch a break and it must be driving him mad. Of course he has to cut ties with her for his own emotional, mental and even physical health. He had a very lucky escape and he knows it.
You say he "should have" provided closure? Why? The man was cordial and friendly with her for a long time even AFTER they had already broke up. What more could she require? What is he supposed to do, keep meeting her in a cafe every three months with a "no hard feelings" talk just to reassure her? Where would it end? She's an adult, not a fukking child. She's not his responsibility. He doesn't owe her anything. He had/has a new woman in his life and when that occurs, the dynamics and boundaries change and he let her know that. This trick is nothing more than a fukking bunny boiler and I'm surprised she didn't break into their house and try to kill them.
3) You say "In the end what is his gain if the woman continues to look for him wherever he is?" How is that his fault and what is he supposed to do to prevent that? Don't you think remaining in contact with her would only exacerbate the situation? The marriage was over years ago. They don't have kids together where they have to remain in contact. The chick is evil, not to mention insane, because she just wants to get in his head and plague his psyche even after all this time. I sense the real motive behind this article is not even to make her story an example to all these other ditzy headed chicks out there, but to mess with dude's head and make sure he doesn't forget her. The Daily Mail is like the biggest newspaper over here and either he or someone he knows will come across this article and show him, therefore bringing flashbacks and possibly affecting his current marriage.
4)If she can't get over him, then that's what we have therapists/counsellors for.
5) SHE left HIM. That's the bottom line. A part of taking personal responsibility as an adult is moving on and letting the other person be happy if you really care about them, no matter how hard that may be.