So we went out last night.
Like a miniature snickers bar, i'ma keep this short and sweet.
We went out for drinks and dinner, and the sum of the matter of the outing;
It was a flying success. Our interaction this time was a little more fluid than the previous two meetings (3rst dates a charm :P). Towards the end of the night, i was anxious to plant the kiss cuz if it wasn't this night - it would be never.
After the bar, walking back to the whip, i had an unsurmountable swarm of butterflies in my stomach (this shiit either happens 1; In grade school or 2: you really REALLY like somebody).
But i went in for it, and you could her body was all game cuz of her body language...
Shiit was pure magic breighams.
Man, when we was in the whip, doing stuff, i pulled her shirt down and them nips. Oh lawd.
It had me all
Felt like a dream.
So we're going to a movie on Sunday and i'm feeling real good about this one.
And for the first time in my life (without jinxing it)...
I may actually have a real Valentine (that may not mean anything to you, but being 30 and pretty much single your whole life - this is quite symbolic to me).
Let's keep this thread alive and thriving.
I think more guys need to open up to their own engagements (if they're comfortable enough) and that way, we can learn and feed off eachothers experiences - it's essentially how we all grow and persevere in the dating realm.
A couple cats said i had to treat her like every other girl...
IF i did, i'd be losing out on something special.
(and if i'm wrong and i it goes awry cuz of how i approached it, let that be on me).
Until then, i'm all right tonight.
Definitely enjoy your interactions with her and the lovely feelings, but always recognize that women are women and that the first three months are the 'magic months' where these women seem like perfect angels, flawless diamonds, and just sugar and spice. It won't be until she's comfortable until you really start seeing what she's about... so keep on enjoying your time with her, but never get too caught up on her to where you hype her up as some kind of rare angel that you can't do without.