Brehs lately I been running into "sorority" type women. Im not here to knock frats or sorors,but Im starting to notice a trend of behavior among women who are Delta's,Aka's.Upon talkng to these women,they seem to be more obsessed with their sorority then anything else.Bottom line most of them are in a way arrogant.
Those bytches love drama and they think their gods amongst man.
Been there done that twice![]()
They are the prime example of "group think" ass nikkas.
Brehs lately I been running into "sorority" type women. Im not here to knock frats or sorors,but Im starting to notice a trend of behavior among women who are Delta's,Aka's.Upon talkng to these women,they seem to be more obsessed with their sorority then anything else.Bottom line most of them are in a way arrogant.
I went on a date with an AKA a few months ago. This woman was asking me questions like "whats are your best 5 qualities?", "What are you 5 worst qualities", and "What are your 5 year plans and 10 year plans?". She gave me thewhen I told her I wasn't in a Frat and never had any desire to join one. Then she told me she usually makes guys she dates wait atleast 4 months to have sex. This same female would let a group of Q-Dogs run a train on her after the ATL Greek Picnic but make a non-greek wait months to hit. How can dudes take these women seriously? SMH
If ya'll notice, you always here several tales of some princess being stolen by the 'black knight', and the white knight comes in to rescue the princess. The real question is how do all of these princesses keep getting kidnapped? Why isn't the king, who would actually command much more of a ransom, getting kidnapped? How often do you hear stories of the princess living happily ever after and never getting kidnapped because she was smart and decided to chill in the castle with the white knight? The REAL story is that the princess willingly went with the black knight and when folks went looking for her, and saw she was with the black knight, knowing that it would be unacceptable to say she went of her own volition, instead cries, "I've been kidnapped!"
The white knight, quick to believe her virtue, rushes to tangle with the black knight. Although he vanquishes the black knight and returns the princess home, he gets little more than an unenthusiastic thanks and nothing more after being himself decimated from the conflict. The princess again rushes out to be 'kidnapped' by the black knight, only to have another white knight yet again rescue her and be wounded in the process. This is the real story of the knight saving the princess. How in the world does she keep getting kidnapped so much? Because it's not kidnapping. It's her willingly going.
How does this apply to real life? You have seen several situations where women willingly messed with loser men, aka our modern princesses, and then you've seen the white knights rush to their rescue, to fight the 'black knight.' Somebody ends up injured, if not worse and the princess is sitting back and giggling at two men fighting over here while simultaneously pondering the next black knight she will be taken by.
The Ice-T, Coco situation is a perfect example of what may possibly happen if Ice-T decided to send some goon after AP-9. Coco, of her own volition, went and slept with AP-9, but having his ego bruised, Ice-T might start a war with that dude, and in the end, a few negroes might end up taking a long nap, some may end up in the pen, and then Coco will simply smile and move on to the next negro.
The moral of the story is stop saving these broads who are willingly choosing to be kidnapped, and definitely do not fight over them. So many women will have sob stories for you about what their past few men did and how their evil baby daddies just impregnated them and left them with children to take care of. But they forgot to tell you about them screaming out how they love getting piped out by a 'real dude' or how they love how their baby daddy 'worked in them streets' and 'got that money.' A lot of men got the white knight nature in them because we don't want to see that damsel in distress, but she willingly allowed herself to be taken, and you will only look like a complete sucker after you come in and rescue her, allow yourself to get decimated, and watch as she rides off with a smile on her face, right back to more 'black knights'.
If you tell them about Jesus and all that cool, but Do NOT try to come in and get in a relationship while simultaneously trying to rescue these single mothers and women with screwed up lives. You will NOT have your actions be reciprocated by loyalty. You will only have yourself devastated by the onslaught of her problems, and when she looks at you all wounded and emaciated, she will stare down at you with a look of contempt as she plots on more problem makers to enjoy her time with and more problem solvers to carry the burdens and repercussions of her actions. These women will never learn if someone is always carrying the burdens and taking the repercussions of her actions for her.
So then, do NOT be a white knight and hold up your shield and swing your sword in order to:
1) Pay for her school loans
2) Give her cash so she can 'take care of her kids'. Somehow her hair is fine and dandy and she has a mighty fine pair of heels on, but just for some odd reason, she never has cash money to take care of her kids. In fact, in most instances, it'd be best to avoid women with kids in the first place.
3) Do not ever be baby sitter to kids that aren't yours
4) You do not owe any woman drinks, dinners, jewelry, perfumes or none of that. You give them of your own volition, and any attempts to shame you will be met with a sharp rebuke by you.
5) Never let a woman that isn't your wife drive your car around... that is unless you want your car to end up wrecked or you want her to drive it to another negro's crib and to let him push it.
6) Any attempts of her to finagle resources from you will be met with a sharp rebuke. If continued attempts are made, that is grounds for dismissal.
7) Realize that YOU are not Jesus, so stop rushing in to pay for her sins. You are not obligated to rearrange lives that women have willingly brought upon themselves... and attempting to do so will only have you looked upon privately with contempt and disgust. Oh, do believe that in your face she will be telling you how sweet and how nice you are, as you smile and she continues to drain you dry.
8) Do not fight other men over the disloyalty from your woman. SHE chose to be in the presence of this other man. She wasn't magically seduced or mind-controlled. She left herself open of her own volition, but wants to avoid punishment or relinquishing her benefits, so she'll make some sob story of how he gamed her or tell you 'nothing happened.'
9) Do NOT pay for her hair, nails or any other situation in order to 'upgrade her'. White knights that spend time upgrading women get upgraded on as she moves on to the next fella and all you did was make her look better for him.
Learn to eliminate the desire to rescue with women you choose to deal with unless you want to be used as a sacrificial lamb.
Those bytches love drama and they think their gods amongst man.
Been there done that twice![]()
They are the prime example of "group think" ass nikkas.
"My husband is so nice. He's a good guy. I just wish he would have an affair!"
Monique Honaman: I Just Wish He Would Have An Affair!
I have heard these comments, or comments very similar to this, numerous times lately. What's going on? I'm not sure I have an answer. In fact, I know I don't have an answer. This isn't about having an answer. This is about laying out some thoughts and observations on this theme that seems so relevant and prevalent.
Several different women have contacted me recently and have shared their stories, and their stress (perhaps distress would be a better word) over the fact that they do not want to be married anymore. Period.
These women are done. They say they aren't happy. They say they aren't in love with their husbands (or any other man -- they aren't having affairs). They say they simply wish they were no longer married to him. They aren't fulfilled. They wonder if this is how they are doomed to live the rest of their lives (and God-willing, most of them have another 40+ years ahead of them).
The common factor amongst all of these women is that they say that their husbands are really solid, good, nice men. They are not victims of physical or emotional abuse. They are not married to felons. They are not married to alcoholics or drug addicts. Their husbands are not having affairs. In fact, they tell me, there really isn't anything "wrong" with their husbands ... they just don't want to be married to them anymore because they have fallen out of love. It's actually a depressing conversation. When did we all become so unfulfilled with life?
And we are talking about women here, so here comes the "guilt." Women have guilt covered -- and these women are no different. They feel guilty as all get out and wonder about what everyone else will think should they decide to leave this "nice" guy. They wonder about the impact it will have on their kids, their extended families, their circle of friends. Deep inside they feel selfish and ask, "What gives me the right to leave my husband when he has done nothing wrong?" And almost immediately after they verbalize that thought, I get this zinger: "I just wish he would have an affair."
Really? You wish your husband would go out and have sex with another woman because then you would be justified in wanting to leave him? If you think about it, there are so many things wrong with that whole series of events. Would you ever imagine when you took your wedding vows that you would one day find yourself hoping your husband would cheat on you? Seriously?
I am not purporting to have the answer on this one. There are certainly some heated viewpoints on both sides of this debate.
One viewpoint is, "Suck it up, you made a vow, you made a commitment, stay married for the sake of the kids, doesn't 'until death do us part' count for anything?"
Another viewpoint is, "You only live once, people change, you shouldn't have to live unhappy and unfulfilled, the kids need to see what a happy, fulfilled marriage/partnership looks like."
And, of course, other opinions abound. What is your opinion? I know you have one and I would love to hear it!
Cheryl Yeoh, a tech entrepreneur in San Francisco, said that she has been on many formal dates of late plays, fancy restaurants. One suitor even presented her with red roses. For her, the old traditions are alive simply because she refuses to put up with anything less. She generally refuses to go on any date that is not set up a week in advance, involving a degree of forethought.
Who the hell is setting up dates 1 week in advance in 2013?
If you're genuinely a busy person, a week isn't a long time at all breh.