The last time i fronted this money on a girl, we eventually became relationship status.
One thing i want to mention about philandering is that you are ultimately free to do as you want. Now, not saying that as men, we should always be attached to the hip or "ball n chained"... having a girlfriend does have its pluses/negatives.
Depending on the woman, how you choose them will determine the quality of your engagement.
Most cats jump into a relationship for the wrong reasons (opportunity, looks, status, etc.).
But think to yourself, did you ever get into one because you genuinely liked her and saw her in your future instead of the aesthetic, impulsive and trivial "wants" of being with a broad?
I know a lot of us are really too young to understand what "true love" really is...
Well, you really don't know unless you put yourself out there right? Trial and error is the best way to narrow down what you're ultimately looking for.
For me, i've never really been in a healthy one with a solid duration (most of my stints were just that, stints and never manifested into to anything legimately fruitful).
Real talk, my ass was like a flower finally sprouting in its petals in August...
...cuz i was a late bloomer.
My question for y'all - how many of you are in meaningful relationships right now? How did you guys meet and what's your standing now? (Just starting, engaged, married, kids? Got a house together? Etc.)
I'm 30 breighs... at the point where i wanna settle down on some Jagged Edge shiit.
"Meet me at our world tour in your white dress...
Let's get MARRIED!"
If anything i've learned from my conquest