that's one of the reason i feel a weird vibe at a lot of churches. it's mostly women and men dragged by their women at a lot of churches. Not all churches, don't get me wrong.
as far as Jesus, i don't see him as a simp cause he sacrificed himself for the world out of principle. most men sacrifice themselves to women out of hope they get something in return. that's the most important distinction. When Jesus died on the cross, he didn't hope that people would believe in God and thank him for his sacrifice. he just said "I'm gonna die on this cross for all of your sins. Whether you accept my teachings and my blood for your sins is on you...". Jesus' whole demeanor was alpha too when you think about it. He just did what he did and you either followed him or you didn't. He didn't plead with people. He was a nice guy but it was genuine. no ulterior motives. that's what we sinners (and the hoes that we are talking about) are attracted to. the concept of someone who is nice to us and accepts us but not to play us in the long game.
same thing he did with whores. I talked about this earlier in the thread but when Jesus saved the woman who was about to get stoned, he didn't do it for her to be loyal to him or to get something in return. he just did it to teach her something. He told her to go and stop sinning. did she continue sinning? who really knows. but it's on her.
If you're nice to people in hopes of getting something in return (sex, loyalty, a promotion, etc) then you're an ass-kisser and no one respects an ass kisser. You should only be nice if it's part of your principles. You shouldn't care about what you'll get in return because it's never guaranteed. your return is what you feel in your gut after the fact.
never expect loyalty. once you do something it's done. Three words i try to use less because i'm finding the concept sorta "idealistic" are "loyalty", "deserve", and "owing". once you do something, there's no guarantee that people will react a certain way. you can trust in them but sometimes it's not even their fault. They could die the next day and then what? If you did it because you expected a certain reaction from them, you lost. Had you done it for your own conscience and for your own principle, without expecting material or loyalty in return, then even if they die the next day, you already won.
I agree. If you're going to be generous and good person, then the only way to truly do it is out of no expectation for reward. Otherwise, you're not good, you're merely haggling. People think Jesus was soft, but when he drove the money lenders out of the temple showed that when things got too disrespectful, he was willing to handle things. Another real thing is when Jesus says not everyone that says Lord, Lord, I will let into Heaven. That correlates with the whole the church is the bride thing. It reminds me of women who, when they are in your presence, they are sweet and do everything right, but as soon as you leave, they act like you don't exist. Jesus is pretty much telling us, if I don't exist to you when I'm not around, you're not going to exist to me when I come back. Even in the case of the adulterer he spared, he said go and sin no more lest something worse happen to you. His response to the disloyalty of Judas? It was better that he was never born.
John 15: 13
King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
Jesus was all about loyalty, sacrifice, mercy and forgiveness, but if you crossed a certain line, you would face repercussions like the Pharisees or Judas. What people have to understand is what repentance is. Jesus had forgiveness to those who truly repented, not those who said sorry and then went back to doing the same thing. It means to completely turn away from your old ways.
The problem with church a lot of days is that they are teaching watered down religion and catering it to the women. Doesn't the Bible say for women to be quiet and stay in submission and have no authority over men and not to teach them, and yet how many female pastors do you see? How often do you see the pastor stand up and tell women to be submissive to their husbands? How often do you see women quoting and trying to teach the Bible on facebook? That should be the man's job.
Tyler Perry is now even considered a "Christian", but they allow him to put on plays and movies with him crossdressing and there are even rumors of him being homosexual. I would say there is a great distinction between what the modern Church is and what Jesus represented.
When it comes down to it, you can cater to women and be angry and wrathful... but if you have to do that, do you really want a woman around? What has to be understood about God in the old testament is that his wrath came after continued disobedience. There was forgiveness, but when they continually disrespected God, He let his anger out on them.
To me, I'd prefer to be like Jesus, in forgiving transgressions as long as they turn from their ways, but there are certain transgressions in which I will cut a woman from my presence, such as disloyalty. I will forgive her, but she can no longer be in my midst. If she has a little anger or attitude problem here and there and apologizes, that I can forgive and be with her, but if she cheats, she is out the door. I will forgive her, but me and her can no longer exist on that relationship level.
Ultimately, I find holding on to anger and wrath is detrimental to you and you shouldn't let anyone steal your joy. Life has a way of handling those who choose to be disloyal and snakish in their behavior.