Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Just being immature and trying to grow to fast breh, one of my best friends fukkin a 21 year old when we was 14, He lied and told her he was 18 and we look older then we looked so we use to get away with that shyt, bytches would give us money and let us drive there cars and everything... We just grew to fast man.. No father figure really..

Knew a lot of people like that.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
For me dating itself is the opportunity to break through all those fronts people put up. And if I'm in a serious relationship I'm already cool with her friends and family and I've seen how she interacts with them. I've taken all the steps I need to judge her character.

Of course you do. You've already admitted you go through a chick's phone. If you didn't aspire to be attached to a women, you wouldn't be going about that obsessive behavior. For men who have no strings attached, what's on her phone never even crosses their mind. Men who want a healthy relationship might wonder what's on the phone, but maintain enough space to private life. Men who are obsessed are the ones who look through that phone, trying to figure out every personal detail.

Many of these guys don't know how to judge character and don't know how to communicate with their partner in an effective manner. How many of these guys are marrying for "love" instead of truly trying to get to know their woman and all her quirks and flaws?

The reason I think I'm better than these guys is because I used to be one of them. Its like an adult looking at a kid who thinks he knows everything and laughing.

Even you don't believe that. If you did you would be living on an island somewhere, with no friends, no family ties, and relying on yourself. Every day you rely on people just by living in society. What kind of world would it be if I couldn't trust my friends, the girl I choose to have a relationship with, or my own family? Might as well be a hermit at that point.

I also want to point out that defrauding me would be a complete waste of a ratchet female's time. She'd have to fabricate a good character, fabricate a career and future goals (which if she were ratchet she likely wouldn't have). She'd have to keep me away from her friends and family. All this while keeping up her act of being a great woman. I'm a very good judge of character, so this would be very hard to do if not impossible. And during this entire process which would take years, there would be no tricking and she wouldn't be reaping any benefits aside from being with a great guy (which a ratchet female won't appreciate right?). All this for a middle class salary, which she would already have on her own? Yeah, this is the last scenario I'm worried about happening.

I don't even know what you're saying here. You're trying to equate dating to opening a door to someone outside trying to murder you?

I already laid out the steps I take to avoid the wrong kind of females in my last post. Its worked for me. Nothing's guaranteed in life, but its still pretty damn safe. If those odds aren't good enough for you, then stay away from females I guess and let the rest of us eat.
because you can and will never know what goes on in the head of another human being the risk is always there. it can't be eliminated. sure if you avoid hoodrats you've eliminated one subset of women you don't find desirable but whenever you go into a relationship there exist a risk that you can never eliminate. things happen you can't and won't ever know about because they happen when you aren't around. there are aspects to your woman you will never see and never know about. her best friend will know things about her you never will.

when it comes to yourself you know all there is to know but when it comes to another human being all you know is what you're exposed to and unless you are them you're never exposed to it all. you speak of judging character and all you can really judge is what you're exposed to which isn't the entire person. with all your character judging skill the risk still exist and will never go away.

you can either accept that or you can tell yourself you're better than the rest when it comes to judging character. you can tell yourself she's different than the rest of these women. the thing is you can tell yourself whatever you want and believe what ever you want but having a belief doesn't make it true or real. every sucker that ever got played, that ever got cheated on by a woman likely told themselves they could judge character, she was different, she could be trusted and ultimately they were wrong.

i'm not saying live your life in fear of this but its something you should acknowledge because whether or not you'd like to believe it you aren't a special snowflake. there are billions of people alive and the chances of you developing a method of judging character that's better than the next man's is slim. the men that pick good women luck comes into play. it has to because they're making a decision that is in part blind because they don't know all the variables.
May 4, 2012


Aug 12, 2012
"Fewer young men in the US want to get married than ever, while the desire for marriage is rising among young women."

Sorry ladies, we're closed. Slowly, the manosphere is starting to have an influence on young mens lives. The next 20 years of western culture are going to be very interesting.

Lol watch that number of women desiring marriage drop down drastically if any elected president is ever brave enough to tackle child support reform. These broads just out here looking for free handouts. If there is ever some policy to hand out severe penalties for females who lie about rape...we willl watch a drop in little immature girls taking joy in how "im gonna tell_____that you raped me"

We used examples from the bible on the previous page,and it has become a cliche but it really is amazing at how the very things going on now was spoken about in the Bible.

Look at Potiphar's wife and how she accused Joseph of rape because he did not want to sleep with her....just so she does not own up to her own transgressions.


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
Daily Star: Simply The Best 7 Days A Week :: Just Jane :: Hell as her kids end up with me

THE first time my girl and I went to bed, she said that she had a confession to make.

Rather than being young, free and single, she actually had an ex-husband and two children.

I started to make a bolt for the door, but she assured me that I’d never have to meet any of them. She understood that I wasn’t interested in kids, in being tied down or having responsibilities.

We agreed that her ex would have her kids every other weekend, and two nights in the week, and that I would only ever see her on her own.

Things worked out fine for the next two years.

She and I were crazy for each other. She would come to my place on her “time off” and we’d hang out, go to gigs and make love.

Our sex life was red-hot and we really did have the best of both worlds.

But then something terrible happened at the end of last year. Her ex-husband died in a car crash.

It turned out he had masses of debts and had secretly married another woman.

My girl lost her flat, her income, everything.

Now she and her kids are here all the time and I can’t stand it. The children are traumatised and don’t even like me.

She is very stressed and doesn’t want to make love. This is not the life I wanted. I’ve given her notice and told her that this is my home and that I want all of them out as soon as possible.

But every time I bring up the subject of them moving on, I get accused of being heartless and cruel.

Yet I’m the one paying the bills and putting a roof over their heads. How does that work?


Jason B

Dec 4, 2012
A women once told me i was stupid for caring about another man kids, His the kicker she was talkin about her own kids breh smh. I was with her about two almost three years. She wasnt my first girlfriend but the first women i was ever in love and in a serious relationship with, and it was a bad experience that i had to go through for it to be my first love that left me with emotionaly scars and a bad out look on women.She was one of them Agressive females with alot of anger and pain that she kept inside from her last relationship with her baby father.To keep the story short he always cheated on her, She caught the nikka with hickies on his neck,they use to physically fight,She came home with her oldest daughter and mother one time and caught the nikka in bed sleep with another bytch and there was way worse shyt and best believe breh's i had to pay for all the shyt this nikka did to her physically and verbally.

I tried my best to be there for her whenever she needed me.I was there when she need a shoulder to cry on, When she was into with her fam and they wouldnt say a word to her,i was there when they had deaths in the family and alot of shyt i held her down through alot brehs. I remember back in 09 a nikka that was messin withher b4 she met me was callin her phone talkin mad shyt, The nikka even bought up the fact how he killed somebody for the first time and wasnt scared to bust his gun..until that day breh i never said a word or met this nikka a day in my life and come to find out they was working togetha and the nikka was on some stalker shyt with her and the bytch dint even tell me until a month later after she got fired smh.

With her being my first love i was a major simp for her.It was times when i cried for her like a little bytch over the phone, Let her talk down on me and disrespect me past boundaries. Whenever she dint get her way,She would tell me to go kill myself,She would tell me how she wish she never met me or wish she never fell in love with me, Its been times she even told me she was gone f*ck dudes who i had problems with in the streets after they kill me... And when i did have it in me to leave she would come to me crying and pleading me to stay..And it wasnt her fault brehs, i was the dumb one ,i was the one who stayed after so much direspect for the (simp)le facted i love her and i thought she love me.. I was still in HS when i first met her and she was 24.. So yea i was young and dumb and her being my first love dint make it any better.

I loved her kids and her mom and family loved me,Her kids father wasnt really there, He called here and there but that was it. I had a close bond with those kids.Her oldesr one made me a pic with crayons and ask me would i be her daddy... That shyt broke my heart when she told me i was stupid for caring for another man kids..

We ended up breaking up a few yrs back in oct and she endup pregnant with another dude baby that next month and best believe when i found out that shyt destroyed me smh..she 29 now and has four kids, she had three when i met her.She seem like she grew up a bit.She tried to get back with me last month and got pissed that i rejected her, She finally see that i was a good dude after all and in the end that i really loved her.she always tell me how i sorry she was for treating me like, and i forgive, Because the blame game will keep you in the past.

Im young nikka, Im turning 20 this year brehs and i look foward to enjoying my youth/ The moral of the story is breh, Dont be a simp like i was. No matter how much you loved them always keep your self repsect and if she cant repesct you and treat you how you wanna be treated then fukk her..Cause its plenty of fish in the sea and there all pretty.I look back at that realtionship and feell so stupid and a shame of myself on how i let somebody treat me like that. but iearned from it and im better man today, This thread helped me alot and change my out look on womne, Hope it did the same for yall..T.I Said Get to know her b4 you love her

Sorry for the typos breh its 3:26 am and im tired

That is a fukked up situation. But I guess some things happen for a reason in order for one to become wiser. I am glad that you learned the lesson about maintaining self-respect at all times. This should serve as a reminder to NOT save a woman from whatever messy situation that she has created for herself because she has purposely made poor decisions and more importantly, she is not going to respect any guy who tries to save her from the consequences of those decisions.


Dec 9, 2012
That is a fukked up situation. But I guess some things happen for a reason in order for one to become wiser. I am glad that you learned the lesson about maintaining self-respect at all times. This should serve as a reminder to NOT save a woman from whatever messy situation that she has created for herself because she has purposely made poor decisions and more importantly, she is not going to respect any guy who tries to save her from the consequences of those decisions.

I'm just glad to, I learned alot from her breh and that relationship that made me a better person and you right, you can't save nobody who don't wanna be saved

Doin2Much Williams

Grace Under Fiyah
May 18, 2012
Insignificant posting from an insignificant poster
So we went out last night.

Like a miniature snickers bar, i'ma keep this short and sweet.

We went out for drinks and dinner, and the sum of the matter of the outing;


It was a flying success. Our interaction this time was a little more fluid than the previous two meetings (3rst dates a charm :P). Towards the end of the night, i was anxious to plant the kiss cuz if it wasn't this night - it would be never.

After the bar, walking back to the whip, i had an unsurmountable swarm of butterflies in my stomach (this shiit either happens 1; In grade school or 2: you really REALLY like somebody).

But i went in for it, and you could her body was all game cuz of her body language...

Shiit was pure magic breighams.

Man, when we was in the whip, doing stuff, i pulled her shirt down and them nips. Oh lawd.

It had me all :hamster:

Felt like a dream.

So we're going to a movie on Sunday and i'm feeling real good about this one.

And for the first time in my life (without jinxing it)...

I may actually have a real Valentine (that may not mean anything to you, but being 30 and pretty much single your whole life - this is quite symbolic to me).


Let's keep this thread alive and thriving.

I think more guys need to open up to their own engagements (if they're comfortable enough) and that way, we can learn and feed off eachothers experiences - it's essentially how we all grow and persevere in the dating realm.

A couple cats said i had to treat her like every other girl...

IF i did, i'd be losing out on something special.

(and if i'm wrong and i it goes awry cuz of how i approached it, let that be on me).

Until then, i'm all right tonight.




follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
she always played the victim role in everything she even did that shyt to her family an they always gave a bs excuse for her behavior . just like i fell in love with her i fell in love with her kids,dont take on that responsibility if you aint ready. the only reason she tried come back is because she found out dude was cheating on her an he ended up getting locked up. she was looking for that simp but he died along time was on point breh

Exactly, she got flabby and sick and got paid back for her actions and still has the audacity to be like, "What's up with it? Can I come back?" That's like there being a man on the street who is halfway starving and someone comes across him and, being a good Samaritan, offers him bread. Upon offering the starving man bread, the starving man pulls out a shank and stabs the good Samaritan and flees. Years later, the starving man is once again in dire straights, and having no one to help him, runs back to the good Samaritan. What do you think will happen this time? It's crazy how some women have absolutely no shame, but it just goes to show you the level of which they detest simps. They will use and abuse a simped out dude, deal with thugs and pop out 3 or 4 offspring that he isn't taking care of, and then attempt to return to the simp to find a provider... and if she has enough luck of 'locking him in', she will go right back to sleeping with the thug behind the simp's back.

Real talk, one of the worst things you can do is end up feeling sorry for some woman who is living out the repercussions from her own choices. That's how so many men end up getting into situations they wish they were never in, such as paying child support for another man's kids or having some woman stay over more and more and then become a permanent move in guest that he just can't shake.

Just like dreamzeedream said, one of the ways a woman will get you is by playing the victim game. She tells you a sob story, you end up feeling sorry for her, and she uses your emotion of sympathy to wrangle favors and money out of you. What's sad is that people actually knowingly make a living like this. They know how to go from person to person sharing their sob story in order to get free meals, money or whatever else they want. There are people out there that go in with the intention of using sob stories to get free handouts. The victim game is very real.