So we all seem to be in agreement that women have been put on a pedestal by a world full of simps and have developed a sense of entitlement because of it. But most of you guys seem angry about it. From my perspective its a good thing. Me not being a simp makes me more unique and interesting than 99% of the guys out there. I love the fact that most guys are simping away. Because my confidence and self worth makes me a more attractive prospect to many of the women out there.
I'm just saying, there's a bright side to the situation.
I mostly agree. However, many posters are expressing how dealing with these entitled women can make dating seem like a headache. Plus,for some (myself included),they are mainly disturbed by the harsh reality that they cannot show respectfulness to a woman in any instance because it is categorized as simping (there is an extreme difference but women do not care about it) although we were taught as boys that women want to be treated with respect,which many us internalized as something positive only to be despised most of the time and to notice how guys who treat women like trash are highly revered by them.