Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Jason B

Dec 4, 2012
Men do the same thing everyday b.

Men cheat, women cheat.....sometimes for no explainable reason at all:manny:

Cant explain the unexplainable

I get that. I was just asking a simple question. My thing is there is no justification for cheating under any circumstance. It is much better for one to cut ties as opposed to cheating on his or her partner and still wanting to reap whatever benefits he or she gets from being in a relationship with the other person. Maybe my stance on this issue,as with other ones, can be attributed to what now seems to be a misguided moral compass pertaining to right and wrong. But hey, it is whatever tho because these individuals have to pay a price for their wrongdoing one day.


Aug 12, 2012
I grew up in a single mother home. My mother is 52 and is still trying to use the same tactics that used to work in her 20s : Do whatever she wants, damn everybody else and scream your way out of any non-intimate situation) She's fallen off like a Panasonic AA battery (Literally going into a deep funk before turning 50 and ending up turning to "Jesus" and cats). It's pitiful to see the crash and burn up close. This is a woman who still gets hype over Hello Kitty. I love my mother but these are the results of using the current female playbook.

Delusion, confusion and possibly an old contusion.

Exactly no solution to them. Its no winning with them. You ignore them your being an immature "pickney"(even when your a grown ass man :comeon: ) who is insincere to what they are saying.

But if you argue back.....your a sissy or a "mamaman"(:mindblown:)

Like I said before some of us may be hesitant to use our mothers are example but I honestly as selfish as someone else may say it sounds, would hope that no guy wifes my mother. Women like this just do not learn. How are you pushing 50 years old and you have sons who act more mature than you?

Let me guess...your mother runs around calling alot of people.......particularly men, "evil" and all these over dramatic names and never realizes that something is wrong if you feel the need to severely insult people.

But god forbid if you become extremely extremely successful in something like president of an engineering plant, a CEO, senator,etc all of a sudden "ooo thats my baby i supported them so much and always pushed them and was loving to them"


My favorite one is those retarded women who act like maniacs in department stores and supermarkets and overreact to a toddler whose brain is not developed and then excuses their ratchet behavior as for "im dealing with alot of stress"; Um no you arent bytch you aren't in Pakistan everyday with a family worried about a drone strike every second. Sit your ass down and go humble yourself.



Aug 12, 2012
The funny thing is how women tell their girlfriends and others that apparently childbirth wasn't "so bad" and at times saying "it wasn't as painful as i thought it would be", but then when it seems like you aren't appreciating them they wanna talk about how "stressful" everything is and how the mother has to do all the work and go through a painful childbirth with the use of........



Jason B

Dec 4, 2012

Son you are speaking so much truth right now. To use famous female examples, Superhead is still showing a lack of class in the media, on her twitter page, clowning guys for marrying her after throwing drunk tirades on twitter, and then not owning up to it or apologizing to her son.

As much as I stan for her music, Lauryn Noelle Hill is still sounding like some mad preacher women for not taking responsibility to her past actions. Even if it took place when you were 17 own up to it, and stop talking all this nonsense about someone being a "pawn".

Lauryn Hill Indirectly Responds To Wyclef Jean During Her Dallas Concert | Get The Latest Hip Hop News, Rap News & Hip Hop Album Sales | HipHop DX

Alot of us are hesitant in here to use our own mothers as examples but I look at my own mother and things you just stated and what was said in this thread in the past prove to me so many things. That post someone put several pages back about how women mature earlier than us men, but have that maturity cap as early as 18 years old is so true.

My mother is 29 years older than me and I honestly feel sometimes like I talk to a little girl. :snoop:

I have to say as I said before that female entitlement is a joke; Even when its a joke, I CRINGE whenever I hear female peers talk about how they are "spoiled" with a smile like they are being cute.

Sometimes, I am still amazed at how the last 2 to almost 3 generations have produced many women who refuse to take any accountablity for erronous decision-making,which is due to parents, teachers, and others telling them that they are special, meaning that they can do whatever and can play the victim when things go awry. Furthermore, that whole "girls mature faster than boys" spiel is misleading and puts women on a pedestal since many women make counterproductive decisions that can have an everlasting impact on their live and even after making these decisions, many of them still do not learn anything.

Doin2Much Williams

Grace Under Fiyah
May 18, 2012
Insignificant posting from an insignificant poster
i'm either losing her and she's not interested...

or i'm not giving this much time cuz she just resumed classes and has a full time job.

Damn... this shiit always happens when its a girl i really like.

Man, i'm not the clingy type (dated 7 different women last year so that's not the issue).... but after 2 dates, i'm starting to fall for this woman.

Fukk breh's. I'm breaking the g code something sinsurr.

We'll see how date number 3 goes.

I'm goin in for the kiss.



Aug 12, 2012
i'm either losing her and she's not interested...

or i'm not giving this much time cuz she just resumed classes and has a full time job.

Damn... this shiit always happens when its a girl i really like.

Man, i'm not the clingy type (dated 7 different women last year so that's not the issue).... but after 2 dates, i'm starting to fall for this woman.

Fukk breh's. I'm breaking the g code something sinsurr.

We'll see how date number 3 goes.

I'm goin in for the kiss.



Dont think in advance

Jerk off before every date so your mind is focused and you aren't on some high thinking about rainbows and butterflies and marrying underneath the sunset with this girl.

JERK OFF before EVERY DATE. Do it minutes before your about to meet her

You will see what i mean.


May 2, 2012

Dont think in advance

Jerk off before every date so your mind is focused and you aren't on some high thinking about rainbows and butterflies and marrying underneath the sunset with this girl.

JERK OFF before EVERY DATE. Do it minutes before your about to meet her

You will see what i mean.

rub out that easy one and he'll be lookin at the chick like :childplease:


Dec 9, 2012

Dont think in advance

Jerk off before every date so your mind is focused and you aren't on some high thinking about rainbows and butterflies and marrying underneath the sunset with this girl.

JERK OFF before EVERY DATE. Do it minutes before your about to meet her

You will see what i mean.

wash yo hands bruh :wow:


TSC's Ric Flair | Heel
Jun 8, 2012
Negativity (Kayfabe)

Dont think in advance

Jerk off before every date so your mind is focused and you aren't on some high thinking about rainbows and butterflies and marrying underneath the sunset with this girl.

JERK OFF before EVERY DATE. Do it minutes before your about to meet her

You will see what i mean.

Are ya'll minds that guttered that you crave orgasms that much?


Aug 12, 2012
Are ya'll minds that guttered that you crave orgasms that much?

:snoop: Someone in this same thread already made the same recommendation i just made

Its not exactly looking for pleasure for orgasm. I said it to this guy because he admitted he was in that "dreamy" stage. I only say it to guys who are going through what this guy just said.

Now im not gonna run around saying it real life though

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
i'm either losing her and she's not interested...

or i'm not giving this much time cuz she just resumed classes and has a full time job.

Damn... this shiit always happens when its a girl i really like.

Man, i'm not the clingy type (dated 7 different women last year so that's not the issue).... but after 2 dates, i'm starting to fall for this woman.

Fukk breh's. I'm breaking the g code something sinsurr.

We'll see how date number 3 goes.

I'm goin in for the kiss.



You been on 2 dates and haven't kissed this chick yet?

:beli: I mean go at your own pace but damn....if you don't kiss her this date you might as well cut her off. She probably already filed you under "simp" and will have you on a jihad for the box.

Doin2Much Williams

Grace Under Fiyah
May 18, 2012
Insignificant posting from an insignificant poster

Dont think in advance

Jerk off before every date so your mind is focused and you aren't on some high thinking about rainbows and butterflies and marrying underneath the sunset with this girl.

JERK OFF before EVERY DATE. Do it minutes before your about to meet her

You will see what i mean.

Hahaha. I used to do that when i was younger, used to do that all the time.

Now that i've got some experience under my belt, interacting with women doesn't make me nervous.

But this one "DOES" that to me.

Its weird cuz all my contributions in this thread would have pointed in the direction of, "Step ya swag game up and control your feelings and emotions so you don't come off weak."

I know, i know.

Looks like this time though...

Ya beauygh gonna have to rub one out for ease and relief sake.


Another thing is that, well, i always talk about only dating ethnic women and being very stern on my stance (especially my campaign of support for Sistas only)... but for the first time someone truly stole my breath and captivated my heart - and it's a damn white woman. WTF?!?!

Just goes to show that love is color blind and i need to be more open to dating and consider prospects by the individual rather than an entire group - cuz that's just limiting your options and being closed minded.

If you got shiit to do, just skip the rest of this post. But if you got a moment and want something to do - Here's the back story for those who are bored tonight...

Back in December 15, i was with this one Nepalese chick who i've been trying to gut since i met about a month before. So we're in her apt. and making out heavy and shiit, but i didn't have a condom! She had to wake up early for work the next morning and i had a homie who wanted to go out for drinks - so i split.

Upon entering the venue, i'm amazed. Apparently there's this new club/lounge in town located at the lobby of a Hyatt located in the posh part of town (about 10 miles east of Seattle).

Turns out, my boy was with at secluded corner w/ a birthday group and immediately, i feel underdressed (had on a blazer, but ensembled w a hoody underneath, some dark denim and bred IV's). Any who, part of the bday group were some fine ladies in dresses just talking amongst eachother but the only one that really caught my eye was this Becky (she was thick as hell, i hate to incorporate the term pawg, but that's exactly what she was to a tee).

So i'm thinking about plotting and scheming but my ass was sober as a mothafukka! Went to the bar with my dude to get some drinks and it was on like flaming kick via Fee Long.

Go back to the bday group and see that the ladies (this point, just two, the rest dancing or hating on other girls, etc.) are still untapped by all the guys in the crowd and private den... i was like, "Fukk it! What do i have to lose!"

My goal was to just go up to them and compliment them and sit my ass back down (in the event that it got awkward, at least i would have broken the ice and perhaps, return after i killed it on the dance floor).

*takes deep breaf*

Actually, before i stepped up to them, my boy was supposed to wing me, but he's introverted as fukk and the more we sat and contemplated, the more we would have looked like herbs so said fukk it and pounced.

"Excuse me, y'all ladies look extremely secksy tonight... if i was hungry, i'd eat both of y'all up like campbells soup - no spoon." (First of all, wtf at that line! but... )

The shiit worked!

Of the two girls (the brunette), one said, "Yes! Doesn't my friend look hot! She's gorgeous..."

And you know what that means when the homegirl is advertising her friend like that.... :stylin: (odds are she was single, and this is the one i was jockin' anyway so i'm golden like grahams).

So we chatted for a bit but brunette apparently had a man cuz some dude came in and CAWK BLOCKED!! (Dude poked me in the stomach and said i looked like somebody from his gym... FUKK THAT! Good thing i was in positive spirits or i would spilled my drink on his face or his italian broad cloth button up).

To make a long story short...

The couple went to dance and left me and girl (Dana) and the rest is history.

Fast forward.

I texted her first a few days later and that was that. I had to go on vacation during xmas week so i didn't have time to see her without coming off desperate.

On xmas day, she actually texted "Merry X-mas". That's when i knew good things were to come from this. We went on our first date the sunday after xmas and... i killed it. Had a great time.

The next day was New Years Eve and she had plans.

Around 11 pm that night, i was with my boys and getting ready to go out to a NYE party and she hits me up, asks me about my shenanigans and whatnot... but the thing that got me was she said, "I missed you, hope to see you this week."

After one date?

Yeah... pretty crazy right?

We went on our 2nd date last friday and the whole shiits was like a dream. She looked so beautiful - a walking masterpiece (and i ain't even attracted to white women like that, i think its her aura/ambience, upward attitude, drive and disposition that i fell for).

To wrap things up... this is what gets me.

I have nothing to offer her. She's 27. A law degree under her belt and just went back to school for more shiit and has a full time job.

Me? I ain't got shiit breaghs; not handsome, 5 foot something and very modest income (and modest, i mean miniscule). I'm extremely normal and average in every sense of the word. I mean, i can dance a little bit. Love to tell stories and entertain but other than that... my scores are average across the social board.

Well, whatever it is... i'm glad she appreciates me for me and i ain't got to front about being somebody that i'm not.

We have date numero tres tomorrow and... i'm actually very excited. As a matter of fact, i'm kinda nervous (just took 2 shots of gin so i'm on a moderate buzz).

A crazy thing was, i was playing Wham's Careless Whisper and right when the beat kicked in, she snorted like a baby pig. Haha. She was so embarrassed - but i thought it was so adorable for a girl of her caliber to be so dorky. haha.

I think i found wifey breaghs.

That's all i wanted to say.

Pardon the extensive vent. You can tell that this was dear to my heart cuz i had no puns, create analogies or funny punchlines. She means that much to me.


One thing i wanted to add... the reason why i added the Nepalese chick in the story in the beginning (and not trying to come off braggadocio). Is that she actually left four repulsive yet noticeable hickies on my neck. So the nite i met Dana, i had these Twilight sized suck marks and i figured that would have killed my odds at getting girl but - the gods must be crazy).

But not as crazy as i am for this new girl.

: )


Doin2Much Williams

Grace Under Fiyah
May 18, 2012
Insignificant posting from an insignificant poster

You been on 2 dates and haven't kissed this chick yet?

:beli: I mean go at your own pace but damn....if you don't kiss her this date you might as well cut her off. She probably already filed you under "simp" and will have you on a jihad for the box.

Trust me doggie, this is very uncharacteristic of me.

Such a coincidence, even my homegirl called me out on it:




Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Am I the only one who suspects that the current trend in music is not by mistake and is designed to eliminate any trace of the alpha male in society?

Not saying songs should be "bang bang shoot em up" records but I just feel like there is a lack of alpha men in mainstream music these days.

Their either gay have gay like tendencies (extremely emotional) or express extreme examples of vunerability whether to drugs women or their own emotions.

Take urban music for example as a whole, I feel like its geared towards women completely which overtime has manipulated the content on what's appropriate for a mainstream album.

The point I'm making is that there's a lack in music that encourages manly like behavior or integrity. Not saying that artist have to be role models or play daddy but its obvious that media as a whole can and has in the past shaped and guided society for better or for worse.

It vaguely reminds me of that interview Dave Chappele did with Oprah on how black men are treated in Hollywood, trying to get them to dress in drag or play gay roles.

Just a thought.

How many alpha males under 35 these days that is famous in the media? How many alpha males born past 1988 you know? The alpha male outside of sports is being faded out and aged out to the point where no one can emulate effectively. Soon enough, even the likes of the Wu Tang are gonna be senior citizens.